Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #116

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Okay I asked this earlier and then left and lost the post...Anyway so say Caylee drowned in the pool as some believe..would the air test show chlorine in the air of the trunk or car?

I remember when you asked that. Someone responded that chlorine dissipates too fast.
I don't think they can arrest someone for a smell

If only that were true, I can point them to that fartin' guy in my elevator at work today --- should have had a SWAT team come get him.
Even if she is never charged for this . . . she will never be able to live a normal life in the Orlando area -- or possibly ANYWHERE in the United States for that matter.

She is possibly the most hated woman in the US right now.

She will never be able to go out in public again without fear of someone attacking her physically or verbally.

Her life for all practical purposes is over -- no matter what the outcome of this tragic case is.
Katie -- I actually agree with you somewhat. I do believe the smell in the car was related to Caylee -- the stain -- possibly not. I believe that if they had something on her they would have kept in jail on something.

I think the DNA tests on the car came back negative (it normally doesn't take 30+ days to get DNA results back) -- so they grabbed a bunch of her clothes to test.

My worries hinge on the fact that even if they had the results back -- and they were positive -- it doesn't prove "murder".

I've also been under the impression that Casey probably wasn't watching Caylee like she should, and something happened to her. (Drowning, etc..)

Casey obviously thought it was her fault and she would get blamed for it -- thus not calling 911 and trying to cover it up.

I cannot put my finger on Casey's actions. We all know if you are a parent, what we think we would do. I really think Casey would have called 911 if something happened. It's normal, it's what you do. I will not say Casey didn't lie, but I can't say as a mother that she wouldn't do this for her child. I just don't feel that from her. She partied, she dated, but she is 22 years old. She was raising that child with her mother and father for 2 years. I just believe that she gave the child to someone and trusted them. Not 100% sure though.
How about

and put up the ladder while you're at it.
okay....pass the panties and the made me pee my pants (and please no blue and white polkadot ones...the dot pattern will be way streched out over my booty lol)
I have a question before I go to bed. Jose said that he will reveal why Casey didn't call police when Caylee went missing in his opening statement in court. Does that mean for child neglect? Or if OTHER charges come down?
I still want to know how Casey is going to get emails from Tom Manley at Universal if she is denied access to a computer?

How is she going to know what events she is supposed to work in the coming weeks?

Not only that but she has missed like 22 days of imaginary work she has to catch up on. Prolly lots of calls and emails to explain where she has been etc. She obviously no call no showed, her imaginary boss may have even pretend fired her.
I cannot put my finger on Casey's actions. We all know if you are a parent, what we think we would do. I really think Casey would have called 911 if something happened. It's normal, it's what you do. I will not say Casey didn't lie, but I can't say as a mother that she wouldn't do this for her child. I just don't feel that from her. She partied, she dated, but she is 22 years old. She was raising that child with her mother and father for 2 years. I just believe that she gave the child to someone and trusted them. Not 100% sure though.

Katie, from all the accounts I've read -- Her mom was actually raising Caylee. Casey used Caylee as a pawn when she felt Cindy was "out of line"
Even if she is never charged for this . . . she will never be able to live a normal life in the Orlando area -- or possibly ANYWHERE in the United States for that matter.

She is possibly the most hated woman in the US right now.

She will never be able to go out in public again without fear of someone attacking her physically or verbally.

Her life for all practical purposes is over -- no matter what the outcome of this tragic case is.

Yes and you have to wonder at that quiet relaxing evening she just spend at know, with her family, Jose, the dogs, the cats, a 24 hr body guard. Like, was she watching the tube and getting a clue?
Sorry in advance, stupid ? from a newbie.

If LE found Caylee's remains, would they have to let anyone know? (media, family, etc)
Not only that but she has missed like 22 days of imaginary work she has to catch up on. Prolly lots of calls and emails to explain where she has been etc. She obviously no call no showed, her imaginary boss may have even pretend fired her.

I've never heard of someone emailing themselves to pretend they had a job . . . absolutely hillarious.
Not only that but she has missed like 22 days of imaginary work she has to catch up on. Prolly lots of calls and emails to explain where she has been etc. She obviously no call no showed, her imaginary boss may have even pretend fired her.

OMG.....I cant stop laughing.

She is probably going to call the pretend kidnappers tomorrow and have them pretend to drop Caylee off at Walgreens.
Have hard time keeping up with things :( but few my thoughts... I think it is hilarous that a blog site sent the pizza, that was great idea! Also, think poor Casey is going to be in for a BIG surprise as her "so called" prior friends will probably stay as far away from her as they can. Most of her prior friends have things like "disgust" on their myspace today seems very telling one would think... Anyway, she probably thinks she is just going to pick up with the friends where she left off, doubt that will ever happen... Hope she reads internet opinions in all the free time she will have.

I feel sure that Tony is disgusted.
I was just wondering whether LE could talk Tony into being the "Amber Frey" in this case. Hey, don't flame me. He could get a lot of new info.
Katie, from all the accounts I've read -- Her mom was actually raising Caylee. Casey used Caylee as a pawn when she felt Cindy was "out of line"

AGREE TOTALLY! She is a typical 22 year old that wants to be around her friends and such. I feel she had too much support to not help her child. She wasn't alone in an apartment wtih no support. Don't get it yet.
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