Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

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Yes. But what and will any of it be true? BH is now admitting there is no ZG after that entire FIASCO of a woman's life being interrupted and LE's time chasing another one of her lies.

IMO if BH is saying that there is no ZG than Baez mush be admitting that as well. How could she possibly backtrack on such an HUGE lie now? I mean, this is the person she said she dropped Caylee off with. After all of the those phone calls to Lee regarding Zanny etc. She certainly can't come up with yet another fake person and send everyone on yet another wild goose chase without looking totally insane in everyones eyes. I just don't see how she could get out of any of it at this point.

They had no option but to backtrack off that lie. It had already been blown out of the water. Take the hit now and move on to the next lie that a team has researched and won't be so easily disputed.
If he isn't already, I'll bet Baez will soon be tearing his hair out trying to prepare this defense.

You know the prosecutor will be bringing up every lie, every deception, every denial. One by one by one. If Baez puts Casey on the stand, her credibility will be in shreds by the time she steps down.

Totally have the image of Baez running around the courtroom Aiyeee! ripping tufts of hair from his head.

If he puts her on the stand I agree she'll be torn to shreds. If he doesn't, I don't care who ya are that is gonna speak VOLUMES because we are all waiting for her to say something. They say it shouldn't be considered cause a person doesn't have to testify to defend themselves but man in this case--either way she is
He could NEVER put her on the stand. They'd have to carry her out on a stretcher after the prosecution got through with her.

Cindy and George as well. That should be VERY interesting. They are going to be torn apart on the witness stand. At this point they have lied just as much as Casey.
I agree. It would be disastrous to put any member of this family on the stand, with the possible exception of her brother.

So what kind of a defense could Baez mount, other than attempting to discredit the mile-long line of LE and forensic experts the state will call?
IrishSweetOne wrote: Cindy's brother Rick ????? I was going to post this the the Cindy's brother Rick thread but I see now it's been locked so I'll ask here. In regard to the posts that this Rick made on Topix : He posted pictures , one of him with G.Grampa and said it was taken on fathers day . Did he ever say which fathers day ??? Was it suppose to be the same day Cindy visited ??

There was a summary of most of Rick's posts on MSN. I think he said that he last saw Casey Jan 07 when his father was in the hospital. He claims to have gotten most of the news from his mother / not in the nursing home, but nearby.
Well, if she did come up with some other imaginary friend (let's call him Casper), I wonder if Baez would be able to move forward with some kind of insanity defense.

What was the word used to define her psych eval - 'indescribable'? Who was it that said that - LE, or a judge?

I believe it was The Judge. I don't believe she would ever get off on insanity. Susan Smith was insane; Casey Anthony is a narcissistic sociopath from Hades.

What other choice would he have though. That case is a NIGHTMARE for any defense attorney. There are just too many lies to wade through and they are all so easy to disprove.
I don't think baez is asking her anything about Caylee like where she is. I bet he is just strategizing the trial with her as in bringing up the Nanny and getting her story in that sense.

Since the FBI is doing the forensics I bet they're going through it bit by bit by bit to nail her. Just in case they don't find the body.

LEONARD!!!!!! 4 more days! till you said Caylee will be home.

They are strategically choosing the best choice of "friend" to be thrown under the bus. The who, what, where, when, and the why....
I was going to post this the the Cindy's brother Rick thread but I see now it's been locked so I'll ask here .

In regard to the posts that this Rick made on Topix :

He posted pictures , one of him with G.Grampa and said it was taken on fathers day . Did he ever say which fathers day ???

Was it suppose to be the same day Cindy visited ??

That thread was locked because the mods here said there was absolutely no reason to believe that this person is who he said he was, and they did not want any more of his misinformation to be quoted and assumed to be real. Just because he posted a picture does not mean that this person is "Rick". Many people on this board have posted pictures of Casey but that does not make them Casey! That poster most likely located a picture in the same way as others here have found them. If posting a picture suddenly turns one into the person in that picture, I'll be right back after I google Angelina Jolie and Catherine Zeta Jones!
the Geraldo link isnt working for me...well link is, vid is not.
That would not happen in my home, even if I had to physically remove everyone to be able to question her until I was satisfied. I cannot imagine her thinking she was not going to speak with me, based on the advice of a lawyer that I was paying for.

Thats exactly what my Mom said last night and I agree. There is no way any lawyer would stop her from questioning me if we were in this sitch. She would send me back to jail asap if I denied her answers to any of her questions!
I agree. It would be disastrous to put any member of this family on the stand, with the possible exception of her brother.

So what kind of a defense could Baez mount, other than attempting to discredit the mile-long line of LE and forensic experts the state will call?

Exactly. I think that is why he tried to push their hand this week for discovery by getting Casey out on bail. I applaud them for not taking the bait even a little.

They are being very careful that Baez will not be able to poke one hole in any of the DNA/Forensic evidence because that is what is going to put Casey in jail and keep her there.

Charges will be filed as soon as LE has dotted every I and Crossed every T.

Maybe he will try for insanity. Sad thing is; he won't get it.
That thread was locked because the mods here said there was absolutely no reason to believe that this person is who he said he was, and they did not want any more of his misinformation to be quoted and assumed to be real. Just because he posted a picture does not mean that this person is "Rick". Many people on this board have posted pictures of Casey but that does not make them Casey! That poster most likely located a picture in the same way as others here have found them. If posting a picture suddenly turns one into the person in that picture, I'll be right back after I google Angelina Jolie and Catherine Zeta Jones!

Ha ha! Me first!

That is what I was saying all along. This is the internet people. Until you can prove to me you are who you say you are (DNA is the preferred method I accept) I will lead with doubt.
That thread was locked because the mods here said there was absolutely no reason to believe that this person is who he said he was, and they did not want any more of his misinformation to be quoted and assumed to be real.

I missed that! When did this happen?

I thought it was still open yesterday and I hadn't seen a mod ruling on it..:confused:
Has this been posted? If so, sorry for the repeat.
Casey Anthony is talking freely with her parents and helping with new leads into whereabouts of missing 3-year-old Caylee Marie, the family's spokesman said today.

"She is being cooperative and is sincerely worried about the well-being of her child. There is no doubt that this child has been kidnapped," said Los Angeles-based spokesman Larry Garrison. He said she is providing more details she couldn't give in jail.",0,853263.story
That thread was locked because the mods here said there was absolutely no reason to believe that this person is who he said he was, and they did not want any more of his misinformation to be quoted and assumed to be real. Just because he posted a picture does not mean that this person is "Rick". Many people on this board have posted pictures of Casey but that does not make them Casey! That poster most likely located a picture in the same way as others here have found them. If posting a picture suddenly turns one into the person in that picture, I'll be right back after I google Angelina Jolie and Catherine Zeta Jones!

I could careless who the guy says he is , that's not what I asked .

Was that picture suppose to have been taken on the same fathers day that Cindy visited ?????
If Geraldo is the famous journalist that contacted Padilla, then he is even trashier than I thought he was. I had not thought of that until someone else mentioned it on the board this morning. Now it makes sense because when he was live on Fox this morning, he wanted to point out that this was the 21st century's 'John Benet'. He is all about sensationalism!

It is my opinion that Casey murdered little Caylee, and before it is over, I think George will be arrested for cleaning the trunk and helping Casey with the disposal of Caylee. IMO, the whole family is covering up.

I agree completely with all of the above. I do believe that Geraldo is the journalist. He has been put on the back burner when he's used to be in the limelight and so he's scraping to get back on top and will use anything he can to do so. I grew up with him and Sally Jesse with their talk shows and from that point on, he just grew sleazier and sleazier, IMO.

As far as your theory regarding what happened to Caylee, I believe that is the most plausible for me to believe, if she is indeed dead. I do believe that at least George has a hand in it. I am not convinced about Cindy at least in the beginning but George, yeah.
There is no doubt that this child has been kidnapped," said Los Angeles-based spokesman Larry Garrison. He said she is providing more details she couldn't give in jail."

Translation: "she's had some time to think, so she's got a whole new batch of lies for you." :mad:
I could careless who the guy says he is , that's not what I asked .

Was that picture suppose to have been taken on the same fathers day that Cindy visited ?????

Rick did say that that picture was from father's day. There dad is sick and hence you see the breathing tube. Rick had a lot of information and one person over on topix spoke to him on the phone and verified that he is real.
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