Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #118

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If I was Cindy as soon as Casey was released I would be put in her cell cause I'd beat the stuffing out of her till she either told me where the child was or someone pulled me off. Then Leonard could bail me out and I'd do it again.
Very intersting, that happened to a child here in MD not too long ago. He went swimming and came home complaining of a bellyache. He went to sleep and when his parents tried to wake him up, he was deceased. It was determined that he drowned because he had injested water in his lungs, even though it was a relatively small amount.

They refer to this as dry drowning if anyone wants to read the details of how it happens.
I just went and checked, Casey myspace last login was today, Jesse's was today and Lee's was yesterday.

Didn't someone here "friend" them before the pages went private?
I don't think baez is asking her anything about Caylee like where she is. I bet he is just strategizing the trial with her as in bringing up the Nanny and getting her story in that sense.

Since the FBI is doing the forensics I bet they're going through it bit by bit by bit to nail her. Just in case they don't find the body.

LEONARD!!!!!! 4 more days! till you said Caylee will be home.
If he isn't already, I'll bet Baez will soon be tearing his hair out trying to prepare this defense.

You know the prosecutor will be bringing up every lie, every deception, every denial. One by one by one. If Baez puts Casey on the stand, her credibility will be in shreds by the time she steps down.
I think she will feel the need to 'flesh it out' a little, since not one of her original statements has proven to be true.

Besides, I think she has little impulse control and can't stop herself from lying.

Now that there are people -on her side- ready to start looking based on the additional information she is now able to confidentially impart, she has to come up with something.
Yes. But what and will any of it be true? BH is now admitting there is no ZG after that entire FIASCO of a woman's life being interrupted and LE's time chasing another one of her lies.

IMO if BH is saying that there is no ZG than Baez mush be admitting that as well. How could she possibly backtrack on such an HUGE lie now? I mean, this is the person she said she dropped Caylee off with. After all of the those phone calls to Lee regarding Zanny etc. She certainly can't come up with yet another fake person and send everyone on yet another wild goose chase without looking totally insane in everyones eyes. I just don't see how she could get out of any of it at this point.
I was going to post this the the Cindy's brother Rick thread but I see now it's been locked so I'll ask here .

In regard to the posts that this Rick made on Topix :

He posted pictures , one of him with G.Grampa and said it was taken on fathers day . Did he ever say which fathers day ???

Was it suppose to be the same day Cindy visited ??
it's been establisehd that George and Cindy truly loved and cared for their only granddaughter.....I don't know how they can all look each other in the eye around a dinner table...How can they even EAT?

but Casey is probably sticking to her story even with them (on the advice of her atty)[/QUOTE

Agreed! There have to be some major trust issues in that home!
If he isn't already, I'll bet Baez will soon be tearing his hair out trying to prepare this defense.

You know the prosecutor will be bringing up every lie, every deception, every denial. One by one by one. If Baez puts Casey on the stand, her credibility will be in shreds by the time she steps down.

He could NEVER put her on the stand. They'd have to carry her out on a stretcher after the prosecution got through with her.

Cindy and George as well. That should be VERY interesting. They are going to be torn apart on the witness stand. At this point they have lied just as much as Casey.
Yes. But what and will any of it be true? BH is now admitting there is no ZG after that entire FIASCO of a woman's life being interrupted and LE's time chasing another one of her lies.

IMO if BH is saying that there is no ZG than Baez mush be admitting that as well. How could she possibly backtrack on such an HUGE lie now? I mean, this is the person she said she dropped Caylee off with. After all of the those phone calls to Lee regarding Zanny etc. She certainly can't come up with yet another fake person and send everyone on yet another wild goose chase without looking totally insane in everyones eyes. I just don't see how she could get out of any of it at this point.

BH is admitting that he doesn't believe there is a ZG but that doesn't mean that the rest of the 'team' believes that. We have no idea how much LP has even really spoken to the team. We only know the facts we are told.
I just went and checked, Casey myspace last login was today, Jesse's was today and Lee's was yesterday.

Didn't someone here "friend" them before the pages went private?

I hope she stays on the comp. I'm sure LE is montoring her if not myspce admins probaby are. She can't help but talk and her code, if she's using one, has to be a joke for the FBI.
one question,.... Casey isn't going to get "permission" to go to this fundraisers for Caylee is she????? I certainly hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furious:
I am betting that George is going to blow a gasket by Sunday! Maybe Grandma too! I just do not think George is going to put up with Baez telling him or anyone else in that house what to do! Maybe Baez should realize that Casey CAN FIRE him at any time if she wants to. I can see George pushing for that.

If Geraldo is the famous journalist that contacted Padilla, then he is even trashier than I thought he was. I had not thought of that until someone else mentioned it on the board this morning. Now it makes sense because when he was live on Fox this morning, he wanted to point out that this was the 21st century's 'John Benet'. He is all about sensationalism!

O/T somewhat - Did anyone else see the story about a horse stuck in an 8 ft. ditch in Miami/Dade? Thank goodness he has been rescued! Did he belong to LP????? LOL

It is my opinion that Casey murdered little Caylee, and before it is over, I think George will be arrested for cleaning the trunk and helping Casey with the disposal of Caylee. IMO, the whole family is covering up.

BTW, does anyone know yet who was with Casey when she went to the lawyers office this morning?

I trust LE and the FBI. When all of the forensics are back, Casey can kiss her azz goodbye because it will belong to the State of Florida!!
Speaking of TonE....I wonder if LE has considered asking him (or any of her friends ---if she still has any!) to wear a wire to see what she might say to them. That would be admissable in court and IMO would be worth a shot. Although Jose has probably warned her to watch what she says to everyone, she may be THAT stupid! lol

I think he is the last person in the world she would confide in. It is not like their relationship was built on some foundation of soul baring honesty.
I saw a snippet today on Fox that Geraldo has interviewed JB on his boat? does anyone have this link? or is it an upcoming show? TIA
BH is admitting that he doesn't believe there is a ZG but that doesn't mean that the rest of the 'team' believes that. We have no idea how much LP has even really spoken to the team. We only know the facts we are told.

Agreed but he went on National television and said there was no Zenaida more than once. Zenaida is Casey's main defense. Baez would never let BH put that out there if he didn't want it put out there....they are starting to shift the blame game on "friends" or The Grund Family. Its so transparent. BH is working with Baez imho.
Also I can't believe that Casey is on myspace already! I know that they did get some "hate" messages and thats why they stopped logging in. I wonder if they saved them and now Casey is reading them to see what they say about her. I mean even if they only watched a little tv,.. she has to know how much America hates her right now, right?

What about the other Anthony's? Are any of them still going to work or even coming out of the house at all? Just curious....

They should be going to get Caylee now that Casey is home and they know who has her and where she is at..... :rolleyes:
She certainly can't come up with yet another fake person and send everyone on yet another wild goose chase without looking totally insane in everyones eyes. I just don't see how she could get out of any of it at this point.
Well, if she did come up with some other imaginary friend (let's call him Casper), I wonder if Baez would be able to move forward with some kind of insanity defense.

What was the word used to define her psych eval - 'indescribable'? Who was it that said that - LE, or a judge?
If he isn't already, I'll bet Baez will soon be tearing his hair out trying to prepare this defense.

You know the prosecutor will be bringing up every lie, every deception, every denial. One by one by one. If Baez puts Casey on the stand, her credibility will be in shreds by the time she steps down.

Casey takes the stand... Not in this lifetime.
it's been establisehd that George and Cindy truly loved and cared for their only granddaughter.....I don't know how they can all look each other in the eye around a dinner table...How can they even EAT?

but Casey is probably sticking to her story even with them (on the advice of her atty)[/QUOTE

Agreed! There have to be some major trust issues in that home!

I think the communication and trust in that home is a thing of the past, if it ever existed at all. I mean the first thing from CA's mouth when she arrived home and her mom gives her a hug was "I need a shower". Come on is there any concern or symphaty left in CA at all. I sure haven't seen anything that makes me believe she cares for anyone but CA.
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