Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #123

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ok no offense but your post is a little discombobulated and we can't tell who your talking to :)

RoseRed is quoting me from a thread back.

She is obviously still huffed because I disagreed with her about judging people's relationship with God over what they post at Websleuths.

I had let it go...she's digging through previous threads in an attempt to keep the debate alive.

My point, which I said quite succinctly, is that we shouldn't judge others' relationships with God by what they post at WS.
So stealing isn't against social norms? 22, with a child, and no means of supporting herself while lying about job...irresponsible?? Using an alias isn't a diagnostic is used as an example of deceit...same with rationalization as showing no remorse. Emotion in her voice....maybe, but NOT remorse or grief about her missing daughter...NONE. I"m not labeling her anything, I'm giving a theory on her behavior.
I'm in agreement with you and why I selected at least four of the criteria as fitting. MOO
I don't know where to put this so I will put it here.

We're not mad at you at all, but we just wanted to get that cleared
up. We've shared a lot of traffic on this case, and we don't want you
to think we're liars. Jerks, maybe. Snickering adolescents,
definitely. But we're not liars.

Guys, it was a very nice and very funny email. I appreciated the fact that "Imp Queen" wanted to set the record straight about her forum and she did it in a polite manner. That is rare these days.

Three cheers for snickering adolescents!

Maybe it should have had it's own thread... so they can see you posted it?
Heyyyyyyy...did she do something either TO or WITH Caylee so that she could use a missing Caylee and her "personal investigation" as a means by which to justify the money she stole from her mother...and God only knows who else? Maybe Casey's "problem" and the thing she was afraid of, was getting busted for stealing the money. Perhaps a missing Caylee was her "solution"...justification for stealing the money.

Did that make ANY sense at all???
I like fresh fruit in the summer. :)

How much longer is this sad charade going to be allowed?

Shouldn't Caylee come before any of the anthonys?:confused:

Caylee deserves the best, drip~drop. 'nuff said...:furious:
I don't know where to put this so I will put it here.

If this is against TOS I will discuss it with myself and time myself out if need be :crazy:

You all remember the pizza delivered to the Anthony family? It was a member of the forum that had the pizza sent to the family with the message; "With love and decomp from the Dreamin’ Demon.”

It seems that some posters on WS thought the posters at DreaminDemon were lying about the pizza. They were not.

The administrator of the forum sent me a very long and polite email explaining that they are not liars. Here is just a little bit of what she said;

We're not mad at you at all, but we just wanted to get that cleared
up. We've shared a lot of traffic on this case, and we don't want you
to think we're liars. Jerks, maybe. Snickering adolescents,
definitely. But we're not liars.

Guys, it was a very nice and very funny email. I appreciated the fact that "Imp Queen" wanted to set the record straight about her forum and she did it in a polite manner. That is rare these days.

If my memory serves me right, isnt the dreaming demon somehow connected with Jesse??
You all remember the pizza delivered to the Anthony family? It was a member of the forum that had the pizza sent to the family with the message; "With love and decomp from the Dreamin’ Demon.”

It seems that some posters on WS thought the posters at DreaminDemon were lying about the pizza. They were not.


Kudos to Dreamin' Demon for thinking of that idea and carrying it through.
HI BeanE!

very nice first post! I agree that Caylee's death was more than likely an accident; however, I still believe that her body was in the Anthony's back yard at some point. Two different cadaver dog hits is just too much for me to ignore.

Yup. Ive always believed that she accidently drowned and Casey was moving her around in the yard in a panic....trying to figure out what to do next.

The dogs hit by:

The corner of the pool
The Sandbox
The Playhouse

She then put her in the trunk and moved her wherever she left her. Maybe once again shortly before she abandoned the car. I don't think she hid her well enough the first time.

I just came across this site ----- this case is so maddening ----Cindy needs to smack the truth out o Casey!

Yep. I am afraid I would have been guilty of "child abuse" right from the start. I woulda' smacked her and kept on smacking until I got answers! As I told my own daughter, there is a point where blood runs to water, and that would be it for me!:furious:
I think that her parents want her to go to church for this reason:
Snippage of some good points.

I'm so jaded, I think the ONLY reason they're going to church is PR. The ONLY reason.

It's all about building a defense, creating just that sniggling of doubt in a possible juror's mind.

Wonder if Cindy will be packing a hose??
Just a thought.....when LE first started investigating this case just suppose that Casey never said anything. What if she immediately asked for an attorney and never spoke a word. Also, suppose Cindy, George & Lee also never spoke a word to the media.

What would we be left with?

A missing child that was "NEVER" reported missing by her mother
A 911 call from Cindy stating that "the car smells like a dead body"
Cadaver Dogs hitting on the trunk
A questionable stain in the trunk
A neighbor who states that Casey suspiciously backed her car into the driveway
A borrowed shovel
Stolen gas cans
A drivable car that was unexplainably abandoned by Casey
Friends of Casey claiming that she never told them her daughter was missing
Another friend claiming that Casey stole $700 from her

My point is that there has been a lot of speculation that Caylee may have been kidnapped by drug dealers,gamblers or a Nanny that nobody has ever seen but the fact of the matter is that if you take away statements made by the suspect & members of her family, people that have every reason in the world to lie, then all we are left with is a missing child & an extremely likely suspect.

I'm not buying into anthing that Casey or her family says

Snippage of some good points.

I'm so jaded, I think the ONLY reason they're going to church is PR. The ONLY reason.

It's all about building a defense, creating just that sniggling of doubt in a possible juror's mind.

Wonder if Cindy will be packing a hose??

11th Ammendment: Thou Shalt Not Threaten Innocent People With Hoses!
I have a quesion. I can't seem to find it now, but I got a link somewhere in these forums to a photobucket site where someone has pictures that have to do with this case: ANTHONY CASE/?start=all

And on it are two pictures of arial maps showing more than one cell phone ping. Where the heck did these come from? I love it!

The little icons of cameras on those pages...are they traffic cameras?
Do you mean she was left with the nanny? I mean Zanny? I sorta feel that also. By the way ~ she is borderline IMO

No, I don't think she was left with anyone. Nobody has identified anyone who babysat Caylee. Yet Casey frequently went out. She had no job, so no money other than what she stole, and I don't think she would spend that money on babysitters, even if she had any.

My conclusion is that when Cindy and George couldn't babysit, she left Caylee alone in a house somewhere. The Oviedo house might be a good candidate for this.

This is theory. I haven't seen anything to indicate it. Just trying to figure out what may have happened to Caylee, because I want the baby found and laid to rest properly.
In my opinion most of the bitter posters don't go to church or have a really close relationship with the Lord.

Rose, even though I know you prefer to think innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and some folks here do not agree on that point, it was a bit brave, and unwise to point out the obvious. I'd love to hear the facts, and solve the mystery, and many here prefer to bash and slash which gets pretty disgusting I agree, and have said so a few times. less name calling from sleuthers, and less fairy tales from the Anthonys. just more sleuthing. As for relationship with the Lord, He conforms those who love Him into His image. Let the blind lead the blind. Rom. 8:28,29.
Snippage of some good points.

I'm so jaded, I think the ONLY reason they're going to church is PR. The ONLY reason.

It's all about building a defense, creating just that sniggling of doubt in a possible juror's mind.

Wonder if Cindy will be packing a hose??

You are right....or its because its one of the only two things they will let her leave the house for. Opportunistic little wiT**
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