Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #123

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Nope, gambling debt, IMO. Caylee was either ransom for or payment for. Does anybody here know how much can be made off a three year old as beatiful as Caylee?

I as an infant was sold for 15,000.00 in 1959 by my 'loving mother'. With Cost of inflation? Hey a brand new high end car sold for what 1000.00 back then. Do the math.
And I thought the only thing I had to worry about was Killer Tomatoes....

I think you BEANS are planning on taking over the world! lol
BeanLI_Mom or LI_Mombean LIbean_Mom

I like it!

back on topic for me :truce:
Gambling Debt? Where was Casey gambling? There is absolutely ZERO evidence that she gambled.

Ah, (just to muddy the waters even more!) but George has/had a semi-documented gambling problem...
Are these homes with a yard area, or townhomes/condos?

I don't know. I googled and saw lots of listing. Didn't check out any realestate sites. If they are condo's they probable have mostly shared ground but some of these type of places back up to wooded areas and such.
I am not from the area.
Oh yeah. Plenty of creeps do.

Dennis Rader, anyone?

Unless Casey was a regular church goer BEFORE all this, I think it's very fair to question her motivation for attending Sunday services.

It's also interesting to know how the REGULAR church goers there will feel about the Casey Circus rolling into town.... it's got to be very disruptive.

Regular church goers should welcome her with forgiveness and without judgment; unless of course they are of the hypocritical variety. God gave us his only Son so that we may be forgiven of our sins. Although I may never understand the motivations behind any of this family's actions, I believe that in God's house all is forgiven.
Actually, now I've asked myself if Casey would be brazen enough to leave a drugged Caylee at Cindy/George's house. I'm still laughing.

I wonder if there's a cubby in Cindy/George's house she availed herself of as a 'babysitter' at the times when Cindy/George said they couldn't babysit.

Would love to ask Cindy/George if they ever unexpectedly came across Caylee in the house without Casey there.

I've just got this leaving a drugged Caylee in an empty house idea stuck in my head.

Do you mean she was left with the nanny? I mean Zanny? I sorta feel that also. By the way ~ she is borderline IMO
This almost sounds like a theory that Cindy and George would come up with. Can you find a recent case where drug dealers heist a child? Do you know how much trouble taking care of a child is? Do you believe drug dealers would want to do this?

Ok -- she's home now -- if someone has her child -- they could get the money to "pay the kidnappers" -- why hasn't it happened yet?

So she'd rather save her own skin and not tell the police she was involved with drugs and possibly let someone harm her child? If someone has kidnapped
her child, the more time that passes -- the more danger she is in.

Just tell the police who it is -- the only problem is of course -- there are no kidnappers.

I didnt want to make this sound crazy. But your right how many times to they heist kids. I think Drugs play apart in this story somehow:waitasec:
No I am being real here. She does not show disregard for social norms, she does not show aggresiveness, she does not show any documented or convicted disregard for others and definitely no disregard for herself, she lies, but does not use aliases that we know of, irresponsiblility she does show, but was it to preserve her way of life or not? and she does not rationalize, rather she avoids the question. There is also a lot of emotion in her voice in the jail calls. You just have to listen for it. Let's not label her the PC version of psycho without a reason.

So stealing isn't against social norms? 22, with a child, and no means of supporting herself while lying about job...irresponsible?? Using an alias isn't a diagnostic is used as an example of deceit...same with rationalization as showing no remorse. Emotion in her voice....maybe, but NOT remorse or grief about her missing daughter...NONE. I"m not labeling her anything, I'm giving a theory on her behavior.

Also, to the earlier poster... Antisocial used to be known as Sociopathic doesn't mean introverted.
what is a semi documented gambling problem exactly?

Using info from "Rick" counts, in my book, as in I don't have primary docs to base it on. Hearsay, if you will.
Just look at what else the owner of Fusian is in to. There is no evidence for a lot of the theories floated here.

and . . . her daddy was into gambling - so much so that it is the reason they filed for divorce, IIRC . . . the 'the nut does not fall far from the tree', as my old latina boss used to say!
How many times are people let out of jail and have their how surrounded my police and bounty hunters..........I think drugs play a part in the web of lies.
I read the posts, too. I read them three times before I finally responded, and even then, I was hesitant to hit the post button. I don't like disagreements over religion on non-religious boards--especially when it has nada to do with this case.

And Geraldo starts at 9 Central. :)


Cadaver Dogs Don't Lie.
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Originally Posted by GreenTeam
I'm so sorry you had this experience! That church was not truely Christian or biblical.

Up here in the midwest, Baptist churches are not fire and brimstone at all. They are normal, contemporary, welcoming churches with very nice people.

I'm ok with it. I found my circle of friends...some of them are members in that church...and they were upset with the way I was treated. And my father was my defender against the pastor who circulated my name on the "Those Lost" list. The pastor is no longer with the church, and my father is still a deacon, so it all works out.
So stealing isn't against social norms? 22, with a child, and no means of supporting herself while lying about job...irresponsible?? Using an alias isn't a diagnostic is used as an example of deceit...same with rationalization as showing no remorse. Emotion in her voice....maybe, but NOT remorse or grief about her missing daughter...NONE. I"m not labeling her anything, I'm giving a theory on her behavior.

Also, to the earlier poster... Antisocial used to be known as Sociopathic doesn't mean introverted.

You have two (kinda). It takes 3 for a very weak diagnosis.
I'm bringing up Casey going to the Baptist Church tomorrow. I'm Baptist, and I would not attend if she were there until this is straightened out. This is all for show in case of a future murder trial. The preacher can go to her home and counsel her, the deacons of the church can go pray with family, and the women of the church can help Cindy if she needs it. I would not want to sit in church with this going on and especially all the press that will be there. It's not right for little elderly people trying to attend church and children going to Sunday School. Why doesn't she go on Wednesday night to Prayer Meeting. That's what she needs most and she had access to God where ever she is.

Still LMOA.

Oh my.

And I love invisible care-givers.

Let's form a cult - shall we?

Sure! We can move into tents, across from the Anthonys, and flag down Zaneida when she drives by. I'm sure the Padillas would let us use their facilities, when needed. I'll ask Tony next time he pops in. :)
I don't know where to put this so I will put it here.

If this is against TOS I will discuss it with myself and time myself out if need be :crazy:

You all remember the pizza delivered to the Anthony family? It was a member of the forum that had the pizza sent to the family with the message; "With love and decomp from the Dreamin’ Demon.”

It seems that some posters on WS thought the posters at DreaminDemon were lying about the pizza. They were not.

The administrator of the forum sent me a very long and polite email explaining that they are not liars. Here is just a little bit of what she said;

We're not mad at you at all, but we just wanted to get that cleared
up. We've shared a lot of traffic on this case, and we don't want you
to think we're liars. Jerks, maybe. Snickering adolescents,
definitely. But we're not liars.

Guys, it was a very nice and very funny email. I appreciated the fact that "Imp Queen" wanted to set the record straight about her forum and she did it in a polite manner. That is rare these days.
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