Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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Could these people have been involved in something wrong and their lives had been threatened and casey tought it was best to hid caylee with some of Tonys family in New York..

That's what the defense team wants everyone to believe. And I believe they probably got that theory from here. I know everyone would like to believe that Caylee is alive. But seriously, by continuing to spin these kidnapping/handoff theories is only writing a defense script for Casey's trial. IMO,JMO, etc.etc.
a 22 year old does not dump an operating car, that has insurance, tags all paid for by someone else. The tags were still on it, the car started and drove home. This left her with option of driving nothing. What would be sooooo compelling to do that?

Amy did not leave and let Casey use her car for another week almost.
They do have a point about that question. However, if she gave Caylee to nobody and Caylee is dead...what is the answer then?
Could these people have been involved in something wrong and their lives had been threatened and casey tought it was best to hid caylee with some of Tonys family in New York..
That's not how she's playing it (sorry). She could say that she deliberately hid Caylee, out of fear of bad people. What she is saying is that someone took off with her, presumably without her permission.
Is it possible that Casey was so naive that she didn't know what she was in the middle of, if there were some type of illegal activity involving her friends?


That's what the defense wants everyone to believe.
That's what the defense team wants everyone to believe. And I believe they probably got that theory from here. I know everyone would like to believe that Caylee is alive. But seriously, by continuing to spin these kidnapping/handoff theories is only writing a defense script for Casey's trial. IMO,JMO, etc.etc.
LOL YES! I agree with all of the above. Sad to think WS could be part of writing her a ticket for freedom or a lesser sentence, huh?!
anyone know what time/day amy posted the myspace comment about the stolen money?
They do have a point about that question. However, if she gave Caylee to nobody and Caylee is dead...what is the answer then?

If every name she spills goes nowhere it only points back to her. Jose would never ask her that question, and LP may have tonight on Geraldo.
Hey, gang! Can't believe it took me 'til now to log in and catch up (sorta). Had to watch Geraldo that we tivo'ed and read up on the thoughts. I may have missed a few comments but hope not. Have to save what really keeps ticking me off is JB saying they have given an open invitation to LE to meet with CA, and whining that they don't have "all the resources" that LE has. Well, duh, he WOULD have those resources if CA would just give them the leads.

And I have to go back to something I keep posting, and hope you don't yell at me... Apparently, yes, there is something in the trunk and the yard that's associated with decomposition. IF it's not Caylee's, then CA must have been involved in something horrific with this crowd she hung with, and someone took Caylee to keep CA's mouth shut about what happened.

DBC and all the rap signs; a myspace page entitled "For the love of Caylee..let's bring her home" that shows all kinds of weird people as friends, ad nauseum, ad nauseum.

I soooooo want that little girl to be alive. I've resolved to hang my hat on this theory.

Sorry to ramble. Guess that happens when you long on late!

I'm liking your theory. I am giving more credence to the possibility that the decomp hit may have been on someone other than Caylee. The cadaver dogs are the ONLY THING we have that suggest that Caylee may have been killed. And I am also at a loss of how Casey may have pulled this off without leaving a trail of evidence. Also...who knows who had possession of that car and used it for what purposes?
Could these people have been involved in something wrong and their lives had been threatened and casey tought it was best to hid caylee with some of Tonys family in New York..

Not in a million years would Crasey do anything so selfless. No, no, no.

Who did Casey give Caylee to? All this other mumbo jumbo needs to be canned. There is no reason, NOT give a sketch of Zah nanny.
Oh, and tell us whose body was in the trunk and back yard.
I think that Casey is talking with LE and the Bounty Hunters and they are putting it all together,(I think they are all playing dumb). I got a feeling them Bounty Hunters have showed up for a reason. It not just to protect Casey.
That's what the defense team wants everyone to believe. And I believe they probably got that theory from here. I know everyone would like to believe that Caylee is alive. But seriously, by continuing to spin these kidnapping/handoff theories is only writing a defense script for Casey's trial. IMO,JMO, etc.etc.

Amen to that.....So tired of playing into a cast of clowns. Not one of them is credible NOT ONE. Least of all The Anthony's and the nightmare that is Padilla....the man that is "tracking" down Caylee by camping out in the middle of a media sleepover five feet from the person of interest. If he is such a bada** as everyone claims he should get out of the spotlight and threaten to revoke her bail unless she gives up some information to find that little girl. They all make me want to vomit.

The only people I take seriously in any of this is LE; when they finally show their cards it will be all over and Caylee will get the justice she deserves.
a 22 year old does not dump an operating car, that has insurance, tags all paid for by someone else. The tags were still on it, the car started and drove home. This left her with option of driving nothing. What would be sooooo compelling to do that?

Amy did not leave and let Casey use her car for another week almost.

And add to that...leave her purse in the front seat!
There was cash involved and that theft happened at a residence so yes Amy could prosecute. I don't know the usual turn around time to file such charges against someone as far as the bank goes, but this high profile case I would think those charges would have been filed - it has been almost 2 months now. And I think Amy could have pressed charges on the cash theft with or without the bank.

And if she hasn't pressed charges yet, I wonder why???

Amen to that.....So tired of playing into a cast of clowns. Not one of them is credible NOT ONE. Least of all The Anthony's and the nightmare that is Padilla....the man that is "tracking" down Caylee by camping out in the middle of a media sleepover five feet from the person of interest. If he is such a bada** as everyone claims he should get out of the spotlight and threaten to revoke her bail unless she gives up some information to find that little girl. They all make me want to vomit.

The only people I take seriously in any of this is LE; when they finally show their cards it will be all over and Caylee will get the justice she deserves.

I like that idea.
a 22 year old does not dump an operating car, that has insurance, tags all paid for by someone else. The tags were still on it, the car started and drove home. This left her with option left of driving nothing. What would be sooooo compelling to do that?

If you had a mother trying to force your hand, get a grand child home, that you couldn't produce.

If that mother/grandmother told "said 22 yr old" over the phone she's sick of the theft of money etc, and she's reporting stolen gas, cc theft, theft of checks from a grandparent/great grand parent and wants baby Caylee home NOW, and will report the car stolen, if Casey doesn't bring Caylee back home NOW!

If I couldn't produce my daughter and that was a condition to not have my paid for car/insurance etc reported stolen, yeppers bet your sweet bippy I would unload that car. jmo of course
FWIW I think there is a whole lot more to Miss Amy than anybody realizes. JMO

I can't tell you how many time I have posted, "There is something about Amy"

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