Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #124

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Lee can log on anytime he why is this a big deal that someone is logging onto her page?!

It's not that it's a big deal. But no one logged in since the 12th, IIRC.

Then Casey gets out of jail, and there's activity on her myspace.

I don't think it's a big deal...but I really doubt that anyone's going to be able to keep her away from the computer, since it's pretty obvious that, prior to her arrest, she lived online.
i don't think so. Or if it is supposed to be a scare tactic, it's not a very good one. Le would've already went through their phone records, so if they're supposed to be scared, they're already scared. I'm not concerned about the substance or merits of whatever padilla claims he's going to do, because he's not going to do anything. Caylee's dead. It's all a show, as far as padilla is concerned. But i'm curious about this pinging thing. Not for what padilla claims it will show, but because his statements suggests that he obtained phone records inappropriately. Unless i missed something.

bingo !
But I'm curious about this pinging thing. Not for what Padilla claims it will show, but because his statements suggests that he obtained phone records inappropriately. Unless I missed something.
Where are you getting that? No one has said anything except speculation as to where he is acquiring the ping records. He said he paid for them so I am guessing it is a legitimate thing or he wouldn't be announcing it all over national television.
Where are her bond conditions located? I have not seen them at all and I asked Tony Padilla about this. He didn't know her restrictions either.

I read them somewhere and have no idea where but one I thought was strange was no revealing clothing, no alcohol, and something else.
Where are you getting that? No one has said anything except speculation as to where he is acquiring the ping records. He said he paid for them so I am guessing it is a legitimate thing or he wouldn't be announcing it all over national television.

Do you really have that much faith in him? Sorry but I think by the time this is over he is going to be in jail..JMO. Some would say he has diarreah of the mouth..not me BUT some.
Lee can log on anytime he why is this a big deal that someone is logging onto her page?!

Process of Elimination -

-GM & GP in West Palm (if they don't have a pc with them, they are not on it)
- No need for Lee to be on it, he has his own Myspace page, plus since Casey's is set to private, what's the point of him getting on it -
- That leaves Casey, and I think it was a part of her bond restriction not to be on the net.. IMO only though...
It's not that it's a big deal. But no one logged in since the 12th, IIRC.

Then Casey gets out of jail, and there's activity on her myspace.

I don't think it's a big deal...but I really doubt that anyone's going to be able to keep her away from the computer, since it's pretty obvious that, prior to her arrest, she lived online.
Hopefully, she will get a membership here!! That would be a good idea...yeah...great idea. hehehe We will help her find Caylee! (salivating at the thought)
But looky here. Someone logged on today.


Like I said in a previous thread, Casey's fingertips may not be making contact with the keyboard, but you can bet that she's letting Lee or whoever do the typing while she's peering over their shoulder, telling them where to go.

This screen shot has the mood as worried. Now it is scared.
Process of Elimination -

-GM & GP in West Palm (if they don't have a pc with them, they are not on it)
- No need for Lee to be on it, he has his own Myspace page, plus since Casey's is set to private, what's the point of him getting on it -
- That leaves Casey, and I think it was a part of her bond restriction not to be on the net.. IMO only though...
Lee took over ALL the family sites including Casey's. He goes through to receive "tips" and "leads" probably frequently. So I think you are off on that process of elimination theory there.
Someone mentioned also questioning how LP could get the pings. He's not getting phone records, just pings. Remember, he does this for a living. He finds people for a living. I am wondering if there is some kind of third party company out there that has this technology available for LE and such. I know, I know, LP is not part of LE BUT he helps catch criminals and so I am interested to find out if there is truly a company like this.

I understand that LP might be getting pings and not the records of telephone numbers either dialed or received. But ping records, as far as I know, are just as private as the underlying phone call records. If he wants to triangulate Amy, for example, he would need Amy's pings and Amy's pings, I believe, are as private as her phone call records. I don't see how he could get those ping records without the permission of the person. I don't say that LP can't get those ping records, but I wonder if he can get them legally. On the other hand, he wouldn't be stupid to reveal he has unauthorized records on National TV.

I never knew that my ping records, or yours for that matter, are for sale to the general public.
I understand that LP might be getting pings and not the records of telephone numbers either dialed or received. But ping records, as far as I know, are just as private as the underlying phone call records. If he wants to triangulate Amy, for example, he would need Amy's pings and Amy's pings, I believe, are as private as her phone call records. I don't see how he could get those ping records without the permission of the person. I don't say that LP can't get those ping records, but I wonder if he can get them legally.

I never knew that my ping records, or yours for that matter, are for sale to the general public.
He NEVER said he was going to get anyone's pings except for Casey's!!

"It will give us the 5 people's activities that met with her. Amy, Ricardo, JP, her boyfriend, and we will track the..the..the cell phone probably even to the pizza shop where she ordered the pizza on the night of the 19th. But we are interested in who was holding the child...where she dropped off the child off until they got her up to where we believe is in New York." said Leonard Padilla.
And so can Casey unless someone shows me something in writing that says she cannot that is signed by the Judge.
bold and big is mine..
something else to keep in mind is that this judge was absolutely flabbergasted by Casey Anthony..and his reasons of that thought process were, obviously, what was presented at the bondhearing, and, not so obviously, via evidence that has not been released to John Q Public.

I have NEVER seen a judge so stunned and willing to waive on erring to the side of doubt when setting bail so high as to keep the poi in as long as possible.

Other appeals to higher courts were also denied.

In steps Padilla, but he don't count.. it is like a circus train with seals, flying chics, and popcorn to boot.. He has no weight...unless you call in the weight of doubt.

In the end, when I look back at the Judge's ruling I have much more belief that there is much more that we do not know...
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