Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #132

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her behavior may have worsened since she gave birth, but it seems the lying has gone on for a lot longer.

Is there a defense she could mount for being severely mentally abused by her parents? (not that she was, but jose is going to have a very tough row to hoe here.)

no way. No way. No way.
Quick Attack did you make those maps of the car at check cashing place???
Greta is on if anyone's interested. Right now they are discussing the DNC..
I think cindy is evil too...when I think of her contorted face, screaming and lying on tv every night...disgusting. So many children out there needing to be found, and they wasted all these resources on a wild goose chase.

All of the above is IMO of course.

And mine too. Casey is mentally ill. What is Cindy's excuse? When she called Amy after she and George retrieved the car and smelled it, she told Amy that Casey was in trouble and could go to jail. She knew that demon did something to that little girl. She knows now. Her behavior is not denial. It's an evil attempt to cover up her daughters crime. Shame on her, George and yes Lee too.
okay I am confused on page 45 or 46 the guy mentions that a jeff called to say he received a phone call from the police on casey cell?

am I reading this right that jeff had a cell phone of hers?

No, the police were at her house and already had possession of Casey's phone.

Jesse had received a call from his friend, Jeff at midnight on the night of the 15th, who told him the police had just called him from Casey's cell phone. When Jesse called Casey's cell immediately thereafter, a detective answered her phone.
Who puts pizza in the trunk when they pick it up ?? or who even puts it after done eating it in the trunk.. I am fairly older ( lol ) and seen alot, done alot have a son who lived out of his car,,, eating working partying coming home to pick up clean clothes snack and stop and eat every meal out and yep back seat was piled high with all this and the front was pretty loaded also. but open his trunk and clean as a whistle lol jmo
I think the papers might have been used for something of Caylee and had evidence on it and the maggots started to grow. oh my sooo very sad..
Thanks Winnts and Gizzy for the help editing my avatar! You guys rock.
Well that statement may apply if she actually had said anything of merit already. That chick is sick. She just won't back down from a lie and when she's caught in one she has no explanation.

Anyone in here a pyschology major? What is the textbook term for this type of illness? Pathological liar just seems too kind.

I'm a newbie here and haven't posted to a forum in nearly 8 yrs, so I hope I'm doing this right. I have worked for 17+ yrs counseling adolescents and am a clinical psychologist. I have been lurking for wks here and love reading all the posts and theories from everyone. As far as a diagnosis for Casey, that would be impossible to say for sure without some sessions with her and many tests; however, I can say one thing for sure and that is: whoever has sessions with her will spend approximately 3-5 yrs wading through all the lies and that is no lie. There is no way one or two sessions will break her and bring forth the truth. Wish I could say that a professional could "break her", but her entire life is one huge web of lies and she herself can't wade through them all.
Well, I still say, and especially after reading, that the Anthony's should have forced Casey to get psychological help after the birth or taken custody of Caylee if at all possible. Cindy admitted on myspace that things got worse then, she's told a friend that Casey's a sociopath, and they had to know something was wrong. I don't know that they didn't try, but according to Cindy, Casey isn't sick. Casey seemed so desperate and clingy, it's pathetic that she may not have ever gotten help until she did something to her child. IMO.
Thank you for making me laugh! I think they follow these boards, at least the theories and info here, and can't help but think they are going to see what everyone has said today, and realise they are probably chasing a ghost and helping a child abuser...again, I so hope I am wrong and they are right.
Tony actually posts here and has his own question thread. It has be verifed by the board admin that he is the real thing. Reading what he posts I think this man is total class. His answers always make me think outside the box.

Here's the new collection
Didn't the cadaver dog handler ask them about an "indentation" in the yard that George denied knowing anything about?
Have you ever looked at the huge section of yard, relative to the size of it, where they put in the pavers? I didn't realize it was that large until I saw an aerial picture of it. They would have had to move a lot of dirt to put those in.
The neighbors actually reported the paver yard remodeling project to a news channel, after the yard was searched. Apparently the Anthony's had not told LE about the yard work when they did the search.

I sure hope they get charged too....they have apparently gone to incredible lengths to assist with the cover-up.

It really makes me wonder if they knew well before July 15th? Apparently the pavers were July 4th weekend? The apparent depth of their involvement is crazy. I suspect they will start worrying more about their own going to jail shortly and forget all about dear casey.

All above is IMO of course.
Ok this has been bothering me all day and I finally found all the stuff I need.....So here is my question.....I read in the report today that the ZG was looking for an apartment at sawgrass for her two daughters Jasmine and Michelle.......that got my brain rolling and I recall looking at someones myspace with those two names on it. So........

This ZG is infact the one that went to sawgrass!! Look in her pics and see her two kids its the 7th pic!

Has anyone noticed this before? But this still doesnt tell me how Casey got her name! WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also im sry if someone allready pointed this out
IMO... her problems stem from the fact that her Mom is not "normal". There are psyciatric issues here and the genetics were against her from the start... with Cindy as her mother there was no chance as Normal

That's what I am thinking...I can't believe I feel borderline sorry for someone who is apparently so evil, but from what I've seen of Cindy, I think it was taught to her from the time she was born.

I sure hope if Caylee is found alive they don't let that family anywhere near her again.

I wonder how much Lee knew and whether or not he is in shock today.

Ok this has been bothering me all day and I finally found all the stuff I need.....So here is my question.....I read in the report today that the ZG was looking for an apartment at sawgrass for her two daughters Jasmine and Michelle.......that got my brain rolling and I recall looking at someones myspace with those two names on it. So........

This ZG is infact the one that went to sawgrass!! Look in her pics and see her two kids its the 7th pic!

Has anyone noticed this before? But this still doesnt tell me how Casey got her name! WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also im sry if someone allready pointed this out
yup i saw that the other day i thought hrrm
Did you notice the handwritten statement from George in #1?

"I immediately then called my son Lee told him I would appreciate him, checking on his mom, told him briefly about Casey again, & mom and I are upset."

Lee's handwritten statement is just above it. He doesn't mention any contact with either parent, he just says "I came to the house this evening to see my mother."

Not that he's been untruthful, but he's being selective in the truth he chooses to impart.

Of course, maybe George is lying.
IMO it could show that they didn't get together and rehearse their answers. Considering the pressure you would be under giving a statement I can see how these two statement are the same. Lee just didn't add that his father asked him to see his mother.
They searched the back yard before the police
They washed the flatware knife before handing over to the police
They washed the pants that were in the car,
They called their daugher mother of the year
...this was all after admitting she was a sociopath.

Stunning, isn't it?
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