Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #132

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g'night rest well gigi say your prayers for caylee
One question. Do you think she sleeps at night?

Sad to say it - before the release of these documents I am sure she slept. Now once the world sees her in a different light I couldnt imagine anyone in their right "mind" sleeping.
Ok this has been bothering me all day and I finally found all the stuff I need.....So here is my question.....I read in the report today that the ZG was looking for an apartment at sawgrass for her two daughters Jasmine and Michelle.......that got my brain rolling and I recall looking at someones myspace with those two names on it. So........

This ZG is infact the one that went to sawgrass!! Look in her pics and see her two kids its the 7th pic!

Has anyone noticed this before? But this still doesnt tell me how Casey got her name! WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also im sry if someone allready pointed this out

Excellent sleuthing!

I haven't seen it pointed out yet. I wonder if the police have connected her with that myspace? Maybe you or someone should make sure LE know about this?
Sad to say it - before the release of these documents I am sure she slept. Now once the world sees her in a different light I couldnt imagine anyone in their right "mind" sleeping.

Maybe not tho if she's a true Narcissist.

Definition: Narcissism is a pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition
I JUST finished reading those documents and my head is spinning like crazy. Girlfriend is a total and complete psycho.

Did I miss anything news worthy (besides the documents) as I've been reading for 6 hours straight.
They've been posted on almost every page and are in the documents thread and the no discussion documents thread.

Here's a repeat of Gigi's post from just a few posts before your question.

Here are all the Docs in order.

You do not need any pdf software to view them. You can flip through the docs in full screen. You can also download the docs to your own computer. These files can be viewed from any computer.

Respectfully disagree?

Depending on your IE browser settings, these instructions are not valid across the board for all users. It really depends on your IE installation & your settings.

If you are having difficulties viewing or saving the released document .pdf files, please PM and I will walk you through the process as there are multiple steps involved that are entirely dependent upon which version of windows-&/or- IE you use.
Sad to say it - before the release of these documents I am sure she slept. Now once the world sees her in a different light I couldnt imagine anyone in their right "mind" sleeping.

But she's not in her right mind,IMO sociopaths sleep like babies.
Been reading non stop since the docs were released and i'm afraid i've got more questions than answers... anyone catch the differing accounts of the first meeting of tony and ricardo by amy and ricardo? odd imo.
here's some important points on the car

1 according to the tow company account it was noted that the trunk trash bag was full of maggots and flies-decomp or not that certainly had to stink.
2 the tow truck company did liken the smell to a suicide car he'd had before...
3 the tow company noted that george had a can of gas and did put gas in the car before he drove it away.
All what do you make of lines 21-22 of Ricardo statement(doc 3) where he says in respnse to where was Caylee when he and Casey went on dates -

"I would assume she was with the mother or with Zani, who is the nanny of Caylee. Which is what Casey had told me the whole time I knew her."

Do you think she was using the name Zani prior to say June 15-16? This passage from Ricardo makes it seem so. When did she start using the name with Amy? Not till after the time in question I think.

Maybe not tho if she's a true Narcissist.

Definition: Narcissism is a pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition

sounds exactly like Casey to me and then some. She is a thief, a liar, and a total manipulator. She can't be alone either. She jumps from guy guy like a flea. She is reckless; shows how she does NOT care about consequences and when she is faced with them she just deals in bald faced lies.

Poor Amy. Casey really screwed that poor girl over.

I had the chills when I was reading the detectives absolutely GRILLING her. She just lies like a rug. Zero fear.
I had the chills when I was reading the detectives absolutely GRILLING her. She just lies like a rug. Zero fear.

Exactly. I just can't imagine lying like that with a straight face for that amount of time. She really does not back down from a lie.
Originally Posted by Sweetchelle
Ok this has been bothering me all day and I finally found all the stuff I need.....So here is my question.....I read in the report today that the ZG was looking for an apartment at sawgrass for her two daughters Jasmine and Michelle.......that got my brain rolling and I recall looking at someones myspace with those two names on it. So........

This ZG is infact the one that went to sawgrass!! Look in her pics and see her two kids its the 7th pic!

Has anyone noticed this before? But this still doesnt tell me how Casey got her name! WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also im sry if someone allready pointed this out

Yes - no doubt now this is the ZG who went to sawgrass.
Docs said Casey did have a friend at sawgrass - I don't think they contacted her tho.
IMO to believe Casey did it, or Casey covered it up, you have to believe that there is 1 habitual liar. To believe anything else you would have to believe there are 5 or 6 habitual liars.

I think the number is greater than 1, but less than 5! IMO So, where does that put me?
All what do you make of lines 21-22 of Ricardo statement(doc 3) where he says in respnse to where was Caylee when he and Casey went on dates -

"I would assume she was with the mother or with Zani, who is the nanny of Caylee. Which is what Casey had told me the whole time I knew her."

Do you think she was using the name Zani prior to say June 15-16? This passage from Ricardo makes it seem so. When did she start using the name with Amy? Not till after the time in question I think.


Yes Zani........just not Zaneida.

Did anyone else pick up on the IDA GONZALES THAT LIVED ON CASEY'S STREET?


Amy also mentioned that up until the past month The Nanny wasn't mentioned much. 9 time out of the GP's until the last month.

She had this story brewing in her mind for quite some time.
I'm almost leaning toward premeditation now.....when before I leaned more toward accidental death/cover up.
I hate to see more innocent bystanders dragged into this, but if more info about this Marine comes about and there's a photo it will be interesting to see if there's physical resemblance with Caylee. (Not that it will prove it, she looks like she could be related to JP, too.)

Once upon a time Casey had a pic of a military guy in either her Facebook or Photobucket space. The uniform he had on looks like the same new BDU style that my husband has, but my husband is Army. That said, I think all branches are wearing the same new camoflage BDU's. It's the Class A Uniforms that are different (the dressy uniforms).

Does anyone know if those pics are posted on WS anywhere ?
Exactly. I just can't imagine lying like that with a straight face for that amount of time. She really does not back down from a lie.

That is because she is pathological in all of her behaviors. All of them. Why lie to Amy and tell her your father cheated on our mother and you are taking over the mortgage....with your check from your fake job. Why lead Amy on and lie?

She is just : :liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar:
Casey is not mentally ill.............Casey is evil..........never underestimate her.

I think she may be both. I'm still hoping we hear that at the least, it was an accident. Better yet, LP get out there and bring Caylee home like you promised!
Excellent sleuthing!

I haven't seen it pointed out yet. I wonder if the police have connected her with that myspace? Maybe you or someone should make sure LE know about this?

But the real question is how did Casey get her name? Very eerie coincidence.
Once upon a time Casey had a pic of a military guy in either her Facebook or Photobucket space. The uniform he had on looks like the same new BDU style that my husband has, but my husband is Army. That said, I think all branches are wearing the same new camoflage BDU's. It's the Class A Uniforms that are different (the dressy uniforms).

Does anyone know if those pics are posted on WS anywhere ?

It's Hawkins....the one that she called and wanted to go to California and "tell him something" wasn't sure how he would react.
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