Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #132

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I haven't had the chance to read everything yet but I'm really curious about the dumpster. What was found there? Can anyone tell me? Thanks in advance!
I have one problem with the way that this report is written- This looks to me like a preliminary report of some sort. But the word defendant rather than the word suspect. Will defense try to claim that LE didn't investigate thouroughly enough because they already "knew" who their suspect was?
Here in the courts words in police documents is very touchy and certain words can't be used until a certain time.
Idk, I'm just thinking outloud and probably way off base.
You rock. That's perfect for those whose have Adobe issues!!

It is! I have NEVER had Adobe issues but was with these...this is super!

Thanks everyone who's posting alternates for those of us who had problems with the news site source!! And for all those who are posting tidbits for others who I'm sure aren't able to sit and read everything yet! :clap:
I am just reading Tony's recorded iv now....seems I was right in saying he'd find it weird and ask questions...he himself says he perhaps you all were not right in writing me off so quickly by saying "of course he wouldn't be suspicious"!

It would have seemed very curious to me if he hadn't asked those questions, and glad to hear he did! Lengthy iv and still reading!
OK, you win

I am just reading Tony's recorded iv now....seems I was right in saying he'd find it weird and ask questions...he himself says he perhaps you all were not right in writing me off so quickly by saying "of course he wouldn't be suspicious"!

It would have seemed very curious to me if he hadn't asked those questions, and glad to hear he did! Lengthy iv and still reading!
What kills me is that she is actually dumb enough to feed these lies and think they won't be checked out. Like they are talking about a missing material object with no need to follow through on an lead like say a lawnmower that is missing. This is a CHILD you twit!
Also in part 1 Casey's handwritten statement claims she stole the money to search for Caylee!!!
You rock. That's perfect for those whose have Adobe issues!!

casey left the car parked next to the amscott dumpster.... and the maggot filled pizza bag was thrown in a dumpster at the tow lot

Thanks for getting these uploaded so fast! Can you believe these interviews. :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Thank you I couldn't get the downloads to work and open on the document thread. I clicked your link and it opened right up ready to read. Te He, you all rock! Thanks so much guys and dolls!!! Now off to do some reading.
In Doc 1 Jesse Grund's statement. He wrote the day he contaced LE about Caylee missing he went to Casey's MySpace and Facebook pages and estimates Casey had deleted upwards of 200+ photos of her with Caylee on Facebook, and the 10 pages of photos on MySpace had been reduced to 4.

Casey contacted him twice between 6/23 and 7/6/08. She called and asked to use his shower, since Tony was out of town and she wasn't staying with her parents. On 7/3 she texted him to ignore any calls from George or Cindy if they called him and she would "tell him about it later".
Interesting that Ryan (p 23 pt 3 thanks to Gigi and the doc link that other way!) said it's going to "take the fear of God" to get Casey to break and talk...this is someone who's known her since they were very young kids...yet now, Casey's out...clearly not getting the realities of jail and the situation since she's back in her cozy home...ugh.
So....she talked to Juliette and told her that her child was missing and Juliette just didn't follow up on that for 3WEEKS (of a friends MISSING CHILD)!!!! So she don't have her number. If it changed. But it may be the same number. If she hasn't changed it yet. But then she may not have that number either....
What kills me is that she is actually dumb enough to feed these lies and think they won't be checked out. Like they are talking about a missing material object with no need to follow through on an lead like say a lawnmower that is missing. This is a CHILD you twit!
I know...what is also disturbing is that all of her lies have so many details too.
THanks GIGI! Those link were easy to obtain! Ok So much lies!!!! Did anyone notice the copy of the birth certificate?? it does not state the name of the father....
I know...what is also disturbing is that all of her lies have so many details too.

It's like she's brilliant, she can lie on the spot, with details. She tells a lie, and then based on the reception of that lie, knows which directions to take her next lie in. Like she's the ball in a game of Pong!
Okay, I know that this is gonna sound stupid because I just thought of it, but i'm reading the part where Casey's statement says she went to malls, parks, anywhere the nanny would have taken Caylee-

wouldn't Casey have gone to the front office of Sawgrass freaking out, asking where ZG and the roommates had gone, where they moved, if they broke the lease, etc? Also, wouldn't you repeatedly go BACK to that apartment looking?

I mean, I know this is moot at this point, but it just occurred to me that she would have gone to the front office, first.
the shovel and the back in are on the same date, not one on the 17th and one the 18th... neighbors statment page 87 pdf 2
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