Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #132

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I wonder if Casey put the pizza in the trunk and left it there on purpose as a cover for the decomp smell?
Shamefully..I've read the whole thing word-for-word today, my poor kids. The thing that bothers me the most about her story is, she basically assumed off the bat the baby was kidnapped and yet at the same time keeps saying how she never would expect it, she trusted zg, ect. If that was the case why wouldn't she assume that ZG got into a horrible accident of some sort? I mean call the hospitals at least and start checking for patients, call the police and file a missing persons report. She never says ZG said haha I have her for this reason. She supposedly went several days with no word from ZG and so the logical conclusion is her friend of 4 years has taken the baby?? SOrry I know it's not supposed to make since considering the source, but the fact that she is lying so frequently and yet doing it so poorly is really... UGH so many ways i wanna rant..but I'll just say disgusting and leave it at that. LoL sorry guys, thought I was calmed down enoug to post but maybe not.

Really really great point..!! That would have been a normal reaction IF there had really been a baby sitter.. Not just an immediate "kidnapped" theory..
EXCELLENT post/point SuddenlyObsessed! :clap:
Would love to see Caylee's DNA checked against Mark Hawkin's (Marky Mark) DNA.
I have a whole list I would like to see tested against Caylee's DNA. We probably should start with Casey! God knows she may have traded kids at the hospital the way she is!!
Excellent post!

The only part I perhaps differ on, is I'm not 100% sure they searched the backyard like they claim. Just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true, of course!

I think they may have just said that to explain why there had already been some digging/disturbances back, Casey, George and/or Cindy may have put Caylee's body back there on an earlier date (as per the cadaver dogs who coincidentally hit at the playhouse George claims he moved just for the search, and apparently was very heavy...according to Cindy & Greta in the backyard iv). And why would you dig back there yourself unless you saw a disturbance back there and given you smelt a body in a car...wouldn't you think the body had been in the car and disposed of elsewhere given Casey was apparently missing and not at home since the 24th...why would they think the backyard??). And why risk the neighbors seeing them doing the digging after it had become headline news....weren't the press around the house all the time too, and if so, seems kind of risky to me? just occurred to me that another possibility is Casey told them she buried Caylee back there and they moved Caylee to cover for Casey?? This is all so awful. It does seem to me poor little Caylee was in the yard at some time, assuming the dogs got it right. IMOO
Ok this has been bothering me all day and I finally found all the stuff I need.....So here is my question.....I read in the report today that the ZG was looking for an apartment at sawgrass for her two daughters Jasmine and Michelle.......that got my brain rolling and I recall looking at someones myspace with those two names on it. So........

This ZG is infact the one that went to sawgrass!! Look in her pics and see her two kids its the 7th pic!

Has anyone noticed this before? But this still doesnt tell me how Casey got her name! WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!

And also im sry if someone allready pointed this out

Also, if you continue to look in her pics she has pics of the Bronx. Didn't Casey say ZG was from NY?
Casey also describes ZG as having naturally curly hair but straightens it? The pics of ZG definitely look that way.

I by no means think that Caylee is alive, I never have- my gut has been speaking loud and clear but I do think that this ZG girl and the connection with Casey needs to be looked into further.
Was ZG given a polygraph?
Yes but I'm thinking before it came to this parking lot, when the smell was developing if you see what I'm saying -a car parked with a body in it somewhere

LOL Yeah sorry, re-read after the fact and noticed my mistake but figured no reason to clean it off. I got you now, very good point, it'd be interesting to find out.
I have a whole list I would like to see tested against Caylee's DNA. We probably should start with Casey! God knows she may have traded kids at the hospital the way she is!!

oh yes we all do ......... this is so funny its frightening.. about the males in her life. jmo
Shamefully..I've read the whole thing word-for-word today, my poor kids. The thing that bothers me the most about her story is, she basically assumed off the bat the baby was kidnapped and yet at the same time keeps saying how she never would expect it, she trusted zg, ect. If that was the case why wouldn't she assume that ZG got into a horrible accident of some sort? I mean call the hospitals at least and start checking for patients, call the police and file a missing persons report. She never says ZG said haha I have her for this reason. She supposedly went several days with no word from ZG and so the logical conclusion is her friend of 4 years has taken the baby?? SOrry I know it's not supposed to make since considering the source, but the fact that she is lying so frequently and yet doing it so poorly is really... UGH so many ways i wanna rant..but I'll just say disgusting and leave it at that. LoL sorry guys, thought I was calmed down enoug to post but maybe not.
Yes but I'm thinking before it came to this parking lot, when the smell was developing if you see what I'm saying -a car parked with a body in it somewhere
I agree. It must have been in Tony's parking lot tho. He would have been suspicious if it wasn't there and have mentioned it. just occurred to me that another possibility is Casey told them she buried Caylee back there and they moved Caylee to cover for Casey?? This is all so awful. It does seem to me poor little Caylee was in the yard at some time, assuming the dogs got it right. IMOO
I would say they covered this from the beginning and it wasn't after Casey admitted to anything. Casey has not nor will she admit to anything, imo.
I agree. It must have been in Tony's parking lot tho. He would have been suspicious if it wasn't there and have mentioned it.

wonder then if his parking lot is shaded, it wasn't very warm that week in the area and raining
imagine being a local walking past a car having now idea an innocent child most likely died in it, it's all so awful
Reading the police account of the intial testimony given by all of the Anthony family (around page 290 in the hadnwritten; or about page 30 of part 2) has made me really curious about what transpired between the time they left the car lot and the time the time that Cindy called George.

I mean, they go pick up the car, they know the car smells, and the tow guy even mentions it to George, George has said his granddaughter's missing but his daughter is found, although as pointed out, how did they know that at that point...

With all this going on George STILL leaves and goes elsewhere?

With all this going on Cindy calls him and he doesn't answer the phone?

You would think given the above (and the fact that it'd seem likely Cindy said she was going to call the # in the car, etc.) that he'd have either A) been home and with her (especially after she surely told him she'd found someone who would take her to Casey and she'd be home soon) and B) dropped ANYTHING to answer a phone call...yet Cindy apparently doesn't reach him right away.

What was George doing that was so critical that it had him away from the crucial location of events AND so preoccupied that he didn't get the phone initially AND so busy he told LEE to go check on Cindy and HE didn't go.
Really really great point..!! That would have been a normal reaction IF there had really been a baby sitter.. Not just an immediate "kidnapped" theory..
EXCELLENT post/point SuddenlyObsessed! :clap:
Ditto! :clap: I bet Yuri was like, "WTH?" and wanted to smack her!
Reading the police account of the intial testimony given by all of the Anthony family (around page 290 in the hadnwritten; or about page 30 of part 2) has made me really curious about what transpired between the time they left the car lot and the time the time that Cindy called George.


What was George doing that was so critical that it had him away from the crucial location of events AND so preoccupied that he didn't get the phone initially AND so busy he told LEE to go check on Cindy and HE didn't go.

yes indeed I was thinking this too
Also, if you continue to look in her pics she has pics of the Bronx. Didn't Casey say ZG was from NY?
Casey also describes ZG as having naturally curly hair but straightens it? The pics of ZG definitely look that way.

I by no means think that Caylee is alive, I never have- my gut has been speaking loud and clear but I do think that this ZG girl and the connection with Casey needs to be looked into further.
Was ZG given a polygraph?

I too, would like to keep that hope alive but it just isnt there. For 2 years no one not even the GPs saw this nanny. How was KC paying a nanny? None of her friends saw the nanny. No phone calls to or from the nanny. For 2 years?
Also, if you continue to look in her pics she has pics of the Bronx. Didn't Casey say ZG was from NY?
Casey also describes ZG as having naturally curly hair but straightens it? The pics of ZG definitely look that way.

I by no means think that Caylee is alive, I never have- my gut has been speaking loud and clear but I do think that this ZG girl and the connection with Casey needs to be looked into further.
Was ZG given a polygraph?

But Caseys' ZG is half black..I don't see that in this zg at all. JMO
Imo, George and Cindy are in up to their eyeballs. I don't think they did anything to hurt Caylee but I think they are so wrapped up in protecting the family and Casey that they have gone above and beyond the call of duty in helping to cover up what Casey has done.
Now that all these transcipts have come out, there were too many inconsistancies with their stories. I started taking notes but they seemed to have walked off now. I will post them later.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Did it mention when George supposedly "searched" the backyard?

I haven't come across it yet if it does mention it.

And, also, assuming the dogs got it right and caylee was under the playhouse at some time, could Casey move that thing by herself...not according to, did she need help to move it or did she somehow manage on her own, assuming again, that the dogs got it right. Assuming she did move it and had help, who was the help? Or did she move it? And if she did, and with help, who helped, George, Cindy and/or someone else? I do hope they have discussions between G & C recorded in the house from after Casey's arrest til her bond.

Still lots unanswered. IMOO
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