Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #133

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Ok I KNOW I read it last night in the first set of paperwork. The one with the handwritten statements. Someone said somewhere that CA had help pushing the car into the parking lot. If that's the case was it a coincidence or another lie? Did CA coast into the parking...surely I don't think CA pushed the car herself.

She said two guys helped her push it.
I just can't see her doing a body dump right where she left the car though. It seems too obvious for someone who watched CSI. I mean you know that if they ever go looking for Caylee, they are going to look near where she left the car.

Sometimes the answer IS the most obvious..........
Interesting, no doubt Cindy would be surprised considering I haven't heard anything about Casey travelling outside the US. I wonder when the passport was applied for/obtained? I'd really like to know the answer to that.

Casey was (in one of her stories to one of the tattoo folk) supposedly going to be going to PR with Amy/Ricardo/JP (though I highly doubt the story) but then couldn't be cause of "financial" things, although none of A/R's accounts hinted at all that Casey was originally also going. I wonder if Casey got it to keep up a charade of going or something?
"That's the God's honest truth"

That is the statement that stands out to me the most. She says that she doesn't know where Caylee is and that's the God's honest truth. I almost believe that one line. If she put her in the dumpster then she really does not know where she is now.
I liked it when Tony said "I love... I mean I like little kids".

He was probably thinking "oh crap, I don't want to say I love little kids... that sounds too weird".
Ok I KNOW I read it last night in the first set of paperwork. The one with the handwritten statements. Someone said somewhere that CA had help pushing the car into the parking lot. If that's the case was it a coincidence or another lie? Did CA coast into the parking...surely I don't think CA pushed the car herself.

I believe Casey stated that 2 men stopped and helped her push the car. I'll doublecheck.
I just finished reading all 3 docs and am just now catching up on all of the discussion surrounding them.

One of the most astonishing things to me, was when GA went to pick up the car, and the man at the impound lot made a comment about the horrific stench coming from the car/trunk after they looked in it (and what he compared it to). He then said GA had no comment whatsoever and proceeded to get in the car and drive it home? How could he stand it? Driving that car, knowing what that smell probably meant, and then go home and not do anything about it until CA called 911. He had to know, he just had to....and didn't do a thing about it. :eek:
It looked as if she had cut her ties after the big theft. I am wondering what happened to make her try to cover so hard now?

human nature :( nobody wants to see there child go to jail. I feel for the grandparents, RIGHT up until they started this bull crap of lies and inpeading the investigation into there own grandaughter
Ok I KNOW I read it last night in the first set of paperwork. The one with the handwritten statements. Someone said somewhere that CA had help pushing the car into the parking lot. If that's the case was it a coincidence or another lie? Did CA coast into the parking...surely I don't think CA pushed the car herself.

I think it was stated that she had the assistance of "two guys" (random guys I took it.)
I just can't see her doing a body dump right where she left the car though. It seems too obvious for someone who watched CSI. I mean you know that if they ever go looking for Caylee, they are going to look near where she left the car.

Not a body dump but an evidence dump. Caylee had been in that trunk very shortly before she abandoned that car. She did leave the pizza in the trunk though, she could have done it on purpose HOPING that it would mask any decomp smell. A ready made excuse.

Interesting how the tow guy stated that the car smelled like the suicide car and said "thats rotten" and got know response from George.

His silence is DEAFENING at that point. George knew. He knew right then and there.
I just finished reading all 3 docs and am just now catching up on all of the discussion surrounding them.

One of the most astonishing things to me, was when GA went to pick up the car, and the man at the impound lot made a comment about the horrific stench coming from the car/trunk after they looked in it (and what he compared it to). He then said GA had no comment whatsoever and proceeded to get in the car and drive it home? How could he stand it? Driving that car, knowing what that smell probably meant, and then go home and not do anything about it until CA called 911. He had to know, he just had to....and didn't do a thing about it. :eek:

He did do something. He opened the trunk and there was a garbage bad with maggots and flies and the car impound guy threw it over the fence. IIRC.
Oh I think the one thing that Casey is is BOLD. BOLD BOLD BOLD.

Read her interview. That girl has zero fear. Bald faced lies to LE over and over and over again; even as they were disproving them to her face.

Very valid point. I wonder if she wouold be that stupid then.
Another - 180 degree turn - that sticks is that I think Casey just "snapped". Something happened (maybe around that seizure time) and her brain started to "misfire". The lies (and some were so blatantly LIES). The stealing all of it. She could very well be a 'VERY SICK PUPPY" and that might have been what the pysch eval revealed. But if that's so - why in the world did LP and TP jump into this? They (and the well know NY journalist) knew this story. Were they that reckless to NOT check certain things out beforehand?

Oh man


I don't have a link to give you, but I've read so much about sociopath's because they intrigue me. I remember reading that sociopath's are prone to seizures.
"That's the God's honest truth"

That is the statement that stands out to me the most. She says that she doesn't know where Caylee is and that's the God's honest truth. I almost believe that one line. If she put her in the dumpster then she really does not know where she is now.

I thought the same thing.
This whole "show" seems to be turning into a point - counter point type of deal. I think LP times his revelations last Saturday night to "beat the bushes" - "find his Judas" - while the GP's were out of town and Casey was alone - either she herself (with female BH) or RD ACTING AS CASEY ONLINE wanted to watch the internet traffic after LP's BIG reveal.

So - now LE's turn. They decide to release this 400 pages of interviews (WITH LP'S NAMED PEOPLE) and all the rest (up to the when where and how).

One thing that sticks with me - if Casey wanted to give up Caylee for adoption (before she was born) WHY or HOW could she then being herself to kill her? Why not just give her away or up or to someone?

Another - 180 degree turn - that sticks is that I think Casey just "snapped". Something happened (maybe around that seizure time) and her brain started to "misfire". The lies (and some were so blatantly LIES). The stealing all of it. She could very well be a 'VERY SICK PUPPY" and that might have been what the pysch eval revealed. But if that's so - why in the world did LP and TP jump into this? They (and the well know NY journalist) knew this story. Were they that reckless to NOT check certain things out beforehand?

Oh man

I wonder about that also, Reverand G stated that this is not the Casey that his family knew and that his son fell in love with and early on Lee said to Casey that he knew she was having a rough year - could be that is what he meant that after the seizure she has had a tough time.
If Kiomarie is telling the truth that Casey called from a # different from the one she gave her and the call came on July 9 it would make sense if Casey's phone was turned off on July 8 due to non-payment. Amy has left for PR, Casey has stolen the balance of Amy's acct - some $700.00 (just about enough to pay the past due amount), but maybe the phone company wanted a deposit also, thus, she needs more money to get phone back on. I'm sure someone like Casey would be frantic to get her phone back on - how is she to know where the next party will be?
Good catch!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hinky meter on this Kio is up as well. I mean she wanted to "buy" Caylee before birth and offered to. And then tells this to LE? Oh and now wait - it WASN"T Casey Anthony - it was Casey Williams and no - you can't have my phone records. HOLD UP HERE!!!!!

And where is the interview with this KYLE??????????? He was one of the last people to talk with her before the arrest. One of the calls on one of the most crucial days in the timeline.
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