Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #133

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The car wasn't parked near the dumpster...still searching for photo of red arrow pointing to parking space where car was towed from...maybe after lunch...ttfn

It was parked near the dumpster. It is in the statement regarding the amscott employee noticing it "next to the dumpster' for three days. Those were her words and observations.
I agree 100%, if the purse was left in the car- she left it to help notice someone to steal the car- so she could then report it had been stolen, and possible the child was in the car or something like that-

Is there any evidence, statement, something that indicates a purse was left in the car? And the keys? I skimmed over a lot of fine print:waitasec:
No worries, I wasn't posting that to be a jerk, just to give reference. I love the kitty in your avatar BTW!

Thanks, I was just clarifying. I believe that Casey intended to make it look as if foul play had occured. The car being abandoned, purse left on the seat, decomp smell. Still not sure if what happened Caylee was deliberate or an accident. However, that really matters here because either all of this was premeditated, including possibly the passport, or there was an accident and thats when her plan took effect, which would make the passport theory false. This is what I'm trying to sort through in my own brain. Casey was MIA for 5 weeks, I think it's fortunate that Cindy was able to contact Amy to locate Casey. If that didn't happen the way it did, I really have to wonder where Casey would be today.
There's a lot of pavers out there in back. I've forgotten, almost. Did those go in the 4th of July week-end, anybody?

I'm not sure about your question, but do you have room to add "kitchen knife" to your t-shirt? :crazy:
Can you imagine that moment when, after they notice the smell coming from the car, they walk to the back of the car and open the trunk..... and flies start flying out... seeing maggots... OMG. I would have freaked right then and there!

That is something that bothers me. I sometimes get flies in my car from having the window rolled down. Why would you have flies in your trunk? The reasons I can think of are:
You put something in your trunk that had fly eggs on it, which means it had to have been in there long enough for them to hatch, and then the maggots would have needed something to feed on to turn into mature flies.
You have something in your trunk that attracts flies, leaving the trunk open long enough for flies to accumulate, which still leaves the time frame of eggs laid, hatched, etc.
You put something in your trunk that already has maggots on it.

None of these things inspires much hope in me of a good outcome to this case.
Can you imagine that moment when, after they notice the smell coming from the car, they walk to the back of the car and open the trunk..... and flies start flying out... seeing maggots... OMG. I would have freaked right then and there!
YEA BABY!!! That right then and there would have been "My come to JESUS moment". Would have been shaking so bad calling that 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing how it seems it was all a nonchalant moment.

"Ok - dude thankx for your help. Just wish it hadn't been $425. !!!!!!!!!!! Oh and sorry 'bout the other half - you know how women get when they get upset?"

"No problem man. Gonna coast you about that much to get this thing cleaned out!"

I would have been running back to that Secretary with the cig and lighting up one myself - with very shaky hands waiting for LE to get there!!!!
i read according to the person who called the towing company it was.
That is something that bothers me. I sometimes get flies in my car from having the window rolled down. Why would you have flies in your trunk? The reasons I can think of are:
You put something in your trunk that had fly eggs on it, which means it had to have been in there long enough for them to hatch, and then the maggots would have needed something to feed on to turn into mature flies.
You have something in your trunk that attracts flies, leaving the trunk open long enough for flies to accumulate, which still leaves the time frame of eggs laid, hatched, etc.
You put something in your trunk that already has maggots on it.

None of these things inspires much hope in me of a good outcome to this case.

Extremely disturbing all by itself.
I just finished reading all 3 docs and am just now catching up on all of the discussion surrounding them.

One of the most astonishing things to me, was when GA went to pick up the car, and the man at the impound lot made a comment about the horrific stench coming from the car/trunk after they looked in it (and what he compared it to). He then said GA had no comment whatsoever and proceeded to get in the car and drive it home? How could he stand it? Driving that car, knowing what that smell probably meant, and then go home and not do anything about it until CA called 911. He had to know, he just had to....and didn't do a thing about it. :eek:

And when he got home, GA pulled the Sunfire directly into the garage.
a thought that came to mind. when casey left the car at ascot backed up to the dumpster and her purse in the car. she could have been planning on as others said to make it look like the car was highjacked. if caylee was in the dumpster and found it could have been blamed on that. i believe she was planning on having already been gone from the area but couldn't get enough money to follow thru with that plan. with her gone she was hoping everyone else would just think something happened to her as well.

I did skim, but I never saw anything in the documents showing they retrieved her purse out of the car.
Yea - from the get go - there have been so many holes in Goergie's story its like a sieve!!! I found that also in the new docs - GA says he didn't "get home until 10 - 10:30" but he WAS HOME earlier - he had to have been - I mean when did he go get the car? And - he cleaned it out. I really wonder if Caylee WAS STILL in that car and George took care of the disposal - with him being ex-LE good chance she will never be found.

Good points. But somehow if they had found Caylees remains in the car, I don't see Cindy calling LE if George is trying to hide her body. And I really can't see Cindy telling LE that the car smelled like something had died in it.
I am not so sure the cleaning of the car was an attempt to hide evidence- remember the videos of the home? Man, that house is clean, and I mean spotless! Could be Cindy is a control freak with cleaning- I am. She was so pissed over the car situation, I could see her taking that anger out on cleaning the car.
it's not that she is stupid, its just how she lives her life. Its so hard to explain someone like this. When someone lies so much, they just beleive everyting that they say, they convince themselves that it is the actual truth-
It would be like a very rich person losing all there money, and having to live like normal people- they just can't do it.

I continue to get confused with this girl, and I have one exactly like her but in truth, this is why they get away with everyting that they do.

You've described by cousin. High school dropout but she tells us that she is an accountant for a large Hollywood firm. Her clients are stars and major athletes.
Now I'd have trouble believing that McDonald's would give her a key to the register but we're supposed to believe that she is an accountant.
Any day now, I expect her to lie her way up to an MBA.
Wow! If all of them cleaned that car and began cover up mode for maybe even a crime they weren't even sure exactly what happened.. Amazing.

I have seen many parents defend their child who is a convicted murder and claim they would NEVER do such things.. And I've always thought omg yeah right! They were proven guilty...
I swear if my children ever were so cold and sick, I would NOT stand by them. I dont even understand why any parent would.

A murderer is a murderer.

Anyone else agree? I am just so baffled at this thought that they would help or protect someone so sick.
I agree.
I would always love them.
I would also turn them in to the police.
YEA BABY!!! That right then and there would have been "My come to JESUS moment". Would have been shaking so bad calling that 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing how it seems it was all a nonchalant moment.

"Ok - dude thankx for your help. Just wish it hadn't been $425. !!!!!!!!!!! Oh and sorry 'bout the other half - you know how women get when they get upset?"

"No problem man. Gonna coast you about that much to get this thing cleaned out!"

I would have been running back to that Secretary with the cig and lighting up one myself - with very shaky hands waiting for LE to get there!!!!

I know, right? I thought this was so bizarre that more wasn't made of this by G & C. Just carry on... life as usual with Casey I guess.
Is there any evidence, statement, something that indicates a purse was left in the car? And the keys? I skimmed over a lot of fine print:waitasec:

The tow release states NO KEYS. George opened the door with his key.
He noticed the foul odor before it was picked up as he walked by it. He was surprised it was still in the lot for 2 weeks and no one picked it up. The smell was worsening over time.

He also stated that it wasn't bizarre for towed cars to be smelly sometimes due to perishable food left in them.

It wasn't until George opened the car door that he recognized the smell of death. "The suicide Car".

It was stated that there was no smell noticed at Amscot. Which tells me Caylee had been in that trunk A VERY SHORT TIME before it was abandoned. The smell got worse in the enclosed space / heat.


And he wrote it off at the time (the tow guy) as it being from the garbage because it wasn't like there was a body in the trunk. I think that if he had known that a child was actually "missing" he would have called the cops.
I've wondered this as well... also because Cindy's Myspace post ( if it was written by her) is july 3rd right?

Si,si, senorita :behindbar I really had no idea how extensive the paver project was until I saw an aerial view of the house. Wow.
YEA BABY!!! That right then and there would have been "My come to JESUS moment". Would have been shaking so bad calling that 911!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing how it seems it was all a nonchalant moment.

ITA. George's apparent non reaction is a big reaction, IMO.
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