Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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Yea but in the document it is stated that the TOW GUY opened the trunk and threw the bag of garbage over the fence. If Caylee was still in the trunk the Tow Guy would have seen her.

According to the documents, George opened the trunk.

Mr. Birch is who opened the garbage bag and tossed it out.

I was just reading that part (doc 2, page 56).:)
Question: One thing I would be interested in is how many phone calls there were between George and Cindy after she picked up Casey. There would be one when she found her, and I am sure there were probably others. Also how many of those calls happened after she called LE?

Question: Cindy called LE, how long was it before LE went to the house? With a possible missing kid, they should have been there quickly and G and C shouldn't have had time to do a lot of clean up.

Didn't they get the car around 3, Cindy got with Amy/Casey about 5,...
The clean-up started as soon as the car got to the house.
It was shown as taken into evidence in the documents... but no details about what it contained... etc.

Thankyou-I'm thinking that they ran some serious tests on those ugh maggots. You can tell so much from that. That will be a key point of evidence IMO if they don't find Caylee. I know that when George smelled that car he went into panic mode for sure. You just don't explain away a smell like that. I'm not sure if he actually took the leap that Caylee was in fact gone but I think he definately thought this would look very, very bad for Casey and did in fact try to clean the car and make excuses. The way he has been acting through this whole thing makes me think he's completely brainwashed himself into believing someone has her. I think we will see him break down before we see Casey or Cindy break down. He's the guy I think to put the pressure on.
After reading all the doc's, is it clearer to anyone why Mama Case made the comment to Mama Cin from jail in that 1st call - something like "you don't know what happened?"

JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..
I agree and remeber this too. The car was in their possesion for good bit of time before LE had involment with it.

It was like 4 or 5 hours. Way too much time for them to be waiting to call LE. Oh I forgot; they had pants and knives to wash; and pavers and playhouses to move.

Does anyone think the decomp smell from the playhouse and the corner of the pool was transferred by George when he was in the backyard that day in anyway?

SS What do you think?
I think that her "friends" Amy, Ricardo (and JP?) taking the trip to PR and the conjectured blow-up with her mother converging around the same time is significant. Casey was probably feeling very "left out" and deserted, with no one to mooch off of.
JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..

That's my take too. I've actually experienced a similar situation with one of these user types.
This is why I believe that Cindy called out of rage and then realized they would find out that Caylee was added it later. I have been saying...Caylee missing was put in as an afterthought on those calls! The clean up had begun weeks before and they had PLENTY of time for it since Cindy, Casey, and Lee were on their myspace pages deleting things until LE arrived that night.

You are so right SS! I didn't know until the documents came out that Casey had deleted over 400 pics of Caylee. But I did notice from the get go that someone had deleted the last 2 months of comments on Caseys and Lee's MySpace pages..JMHO
It bothers you because everything about this case is bothersome...but LE did state the the leather bag and belt found in the car SMELLED like the car. So I don't know how the garbage bag didn't.


I thought the same thing. Can't help but wonder if it did smell a bit and Yuri didn't want people to think he thought the smell emanated from that bag, so didn't admit that it smelt at all. IMOO
JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..

That's exactly how I took the comment too.
JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..

Mine too MvD.. always has been.
JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..
i dont know but to me it sounded like mom what are you talking about ? almost like she was shocked almost like it wasnt her fault ect ..
ok,.. I am really behind. But I went back to look at the documents and I have some stuff that popped out at me and want to know what you guys thought of it. If this has been discussed, I am sorry!

* Doc #1 pg 33
Casey wrote "I have not had any contact with Zenaida since Thursday June 12, 2008. I received a quick call from Zenaida." She said this when the missing date was June 9th. Then she had a "quick call" from Caylee on July 15th.
Why haven't we heard about this June 12th call before? That would have been 3 days after Caylee was taken. If this call did take place, why didn't she write in her testimony WHAT was said? IMO I think its just another lie though.

* Doc #1 pg 36
Cindy's myspace blog. The sign up date for myspace is on that. It is July 3, the same day that they blogs date was. I know you can't change the date of your sign up date but you can change the date of your blog. Could she have posted that to "get the word out" that Caylee was gone and she wanted either Casey or her friends to contact her?
Casey's myspace blog was July 7th. I think she might have been posting that in hopes of Cindy seeing it. Remember Casey's myspace page was public (like many others until this went on the news)

* Doc #1 pg 39
George testimony said that he got a hold of Cindy at 8:35 pm (? not sure if this is correct because I am not good with converting time: it said 20:35) Cindy asked him when he would be home. When he came home at 9:50 Cindy said " Caylee is missing, she was taken a month ago by a person named Zany" My question is this: They have been saying all along that they have been hearing Zany's name for years. You wouldn't refer to a person that you heard their names for years like that.

all of these are my opinions only and can change at anytime!
It was like 4 or 5 hours. Way too much time for them to be waiting to call LE. Oh I forgot; they had pants and knives to wash; and pavers and playhouses to move.

Does anyone think the decomp smell from the playhouse and the corner of the pool was transferred by George when he was in the backyard that day in anyway?

SS What do you think?
I don't know know when they transfered Caylee from the backyard, but they used the car to do it so it was before the 27th. I believe the decomp smell was from Caylee being initially put in the backyard and did not come from George. If you recall, George was MIA that evening and did not return home until after Lee arrived.
This is why I believe that Cindy called out of rage and then realized they would find out that Caylee was added it later. I have been saying...Caylee missing was put in as an afterthought on those calls! The clean up had begun weeks before and they had PLENTY of time for it since Cindy, Casey, and Lee were on their myspace pages deleting things until LE arrived that night.

Didn't Cindy say in the 911 call that the car smelled like something had died in there? I would think that would get LE attention esp. when coupled with the fact that a child was missing.
EW did I read this right - George DROVE HOME in the car that smelled like decomp? Where are his clothes - they probably smell like death too after that
JMO, but I took Casey's comment "You dont know my involvement?" as a snippy remark towards her mother after seeing Cindy mention something to that effect on one of the shows she had been interviewed on.. and to mean.. "How DARE you even suggest to media I had any involvement?! " I think Casey expected Cindy,, to be 100% behind her. regardless of what fears or suspicions they had.. and was FURIOUS that Cindy would even relay anything less than "My daughter is completely innocent" to the media.

Just my take.. on that particular statement..

Yes, that is how I took it too!
I'm cross posting this from the NG thread because I wasn't sure exactly where it should be posted.

If Cindy has read the docs and if Cindy heard all that was said on the NG show, when will Cindy finally come to terms with all that has happened?

Any pro-psychs here or armchair psychs have any idea how it will all play out with Cindy?

My Mom is a 'Cindy'. I can see my Mom defending me to the death but I can't picure what my Mom would do when she finally came to terms with the fact that I did something to her grandchild.

The host on NG really hit on some good points and if it were anyone else but Cindy and her mindframe, they would have to come to terms with "my daughter did something to my granddaughter". But it being Cindy, anyone have any thoughts as to how it will play out with her? How she will finally 'admit' to Caylee never coming home-will Cindy admit to a talking head or media that she was wrong or will she stay in denial throughout the trial?
With the things that were in the car. Food,clothes, knife..I've wondered if CA and her daughter even slept in the car a couple of nights. Maybe that accounts for not being able to pinpoint some of the time/dates down as to where they were.
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