Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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I'm going to disagree AGAIN about there being no possibility of maggots in the trunk except for a body.

HUMAN WASTE (excrement, poop) breeds maggots. I cloth diaper and when one of those was left too long before washing guess what? In a SEALED DIAPER CAN, guess what? It bred maggots.

I have still not seen mention on if Caylee was potty trained. If she was NOT, and there was a "poopy diaper" or "pullup" in that trash bag, it most definitely COULD breed maggots, and they show up within 24-48 hours. Flies yes would take longer and I am in total agreement with that life cycle timeline referred to.

good point. it was a garbage bag. and most potty train around 3 years
although i do it at 2 years
imo Just another male suckered by a cute young thing.

I think his intentions were good, but from the start it was VERY apparent to many people that he and his team had NOT read up on a lot of what was out there (and perhaps nothing other than what they got from JB, etc.)

I would hope next time he wants to play savior that they would do some more research in advance.

TP has said that LP is so good at sniffing out liars, yet they didn't seem to be aware of much of what was out there about her lies from the beginning, if they really had, this would not all have been as huge of a surprise. This has largely just been more pieces and expansion on lies we already knew of in this 400 pages, with just some tidbits that were completely unknown.
Thiis is all pointing in the direction of her finally claiming it was an accident in my opinion . . . I believe Baez will tell her to do this so she won't do time for a murder charge.

Also, Cindy will be able to "save face" that her daughter isn't a "murderer" --

We'll see -- but I have a feeling the dam is about to break.
I think LE is holding out for a body. I DO believe, without a body, Cindy won't believe it.
WOW. That shows the CONTROL these parents have over her. She's always trying to meet their expectations, never can be herself. IN dysfunctional families, no matter how abusive the parents are, the kids always try to please the parents: Please love me.

So her "please love me" and wanting to meet their expectations got her pregnant, quit school, can't tell the truth to save her life ( or her daughters) steals,sleeps around the list goes on and on. Boy, if my daughter feels she has to meet my expectations, I sure do hope she chooses a different way. IMO
2 years ago I was in the process of moving 600 miles away. Well, it was a stressful time and I forgot to empty the freezer of ground beef before the power was shut off. OK, so I returned to get the final things, and my freezer had maggots and no real way to enter the shut fridge. TALK ABOUT GROSS! So, maybe it was rotting meat? But not cooked pepperoni by a long shot!

Freezers and refridgerators have ventilation systems. Flies can easily crawl in there and breed. They don't normally do so when the fridge is in use because of the temperature. But thanks for the visual! I have to go finish making my sloppy joes>.<
In Casey's statement, pdf1 pg 142, she says while refering to Caylee in the "past tense" that Caylee's favorite places were Jay Blanchard Park and Lake Underhill. SHE inserts Lake Underhill into the conversation, added 'behind' Jay Blanchard Park. She say's that Caylee liked to try to run around Underhill Lake. I don't understand why Casey would take Caylee to Underhill Lake. I see no "play areas." All I see is what appears to be a paved foot path, one for runners for example...and according to Casey, she jogs. It's situated between a major highway and an airport for crying out loud. Why would this barren wasteland be a 2 year old favorite place? Children don't like loud noises...planes taking off and landing are pretty stinking loud?!?
When pressed for further details about these two "favorite places" she latches ahold of Jay Blanchard Park and goes with that, not mentioning Underhill Lake any further. I think she may have slipped, thinking that just MAYBE someone, at some point, may have seen her there.
Lake Underhill is just east of the airport. There are actually runways that dump out very near the lake. It looks very secluded to me in bird's eye map views.
I'm guessing that while Casey was supposed to be at work, she was hanging out in Jay Blanchard Park or at Underhill Lake WITH Caylee. That's why no one ever saw either of them. If she wanted a place to hide...this Underhill Lake looks like the place to me.
Her friend, Christine, said in her statement that she and Casey would take all the kids (her kids and Caylee) and go for long walks at Underhill Lake. They went as recently as June 12th or so as she could not recall the exact date.

What airport is near there?

I still think Jay Blanchard park is a place I would like to see TES search especially after seeing this document. Too many details in that particular story for me.
You know what I think is weird? That Jose Baez pulls casey out of her house 3 days a week for the whole day to meet with him. Why???? How many lawyers do you know that meet with clients that many days a week for the whole day??? This is really irritating me. I hope Jose's wife is keeping her eye on him. Casey ruins people's lives right and left. Watch out Jose!
I am honestly not sure- I never paid attention, I just remember that 1st phone call, and casey wondering if the girlfriend was there because she saw her car in the driveway on the news (along with mom's cameo). I would bet that it is tho- I think Lee confirmed by saying that the girlfriend wasn't there but he drove her car over (IIRC). Don't think it was amy's red car- my sluethy sense says it was Lee's girlfriend's car!:crazy:

This wasn't on the news. She couldn't have seen it while in jail.
And I do respect your thoughts. It is just that I am crazy. LOL :crazy: :blowkiss:
Actually I was answering Heavenly Daze who told me what a sociopath was.
I hate to bring up what I do and usually don't. But when someone gives me a link to an online definition of sociopath I just can't resist.

You are not crazy! :blowkiss:
:woohoo: FINALLY :woohoo:

Ha. Some WSers tried to no avail to tell/ask Tony P. about this last night, but he wasn't listening. He said that he already knew what was in the docs. (Yet there's no way he could have read all of it before he said this.)


I think there's going to be some wounded egos and egg on the faces of some of the participants in this bail idiocy when all is said and done.
Then there was something seriously wrong. Maggots are fly larvae. If there were no fly eggs, or flies inside the SEALED DIAPER CAN, there would be no way for maggots to suddenly appear, unless there is some sort of maggot teleportation device in the can...

All it takes is one fly getting into the can before it is sealed. A trunk has a much bigger opening and probably stays open for a longer time (such as unloading groceries or bags, loading things into it, etc.)

I'm not saying this is the most PROBABLE explanation - I just cannot go with the assumption that only a corpse could have caused the maggots and flies, when I know differently from personal experience with a child who is only 1 month younger than Caylee.
You don't think it has anything to do with her mother, who clearly has mental issues, and forced her to keep a baby she did not want to keep? Any blame on Cindy for the way Casey turned out?

Casey is an adult, she chose her behavior. She has a brother who appears not to have issues . While mommy might have contributed
to the problem Casey exercised her free will.

Sorry but Casey is responsible for what Casey has said and done.

Many normal loving people grow up in dyfunctional homes. It is not
uncommon for only some family members to be sick along with
the parent.

Narcissists frequently point to their poor ole childhood - but I grew up
under terrible circumstances and I dont lie cheat manlipulate
distort. One of my siblings is a full blown narcissist ( NPD ) .
My other sibling and I are normal .................
To add to my maggot theories....

it is entirely possible that when the trunk was closed, a fly or two were inside, and bred. But in my experience, pizza, when old, dries up. It doesn't create a moist environment that flies are attracted to. So if the maggots were IN THE BAG, there was something in there besides the pizza that contained organic material. And it had moisture.
*gets off the entomologist soapbox*
I think LE is holding out for a body. I DO believe, without a body, Cindy won't believe it.
Interesting that you still believe that Cindy doesn't know. But I do agree...they are holding out for a body as long as possible until all the tests come back and they know what they actually have as far as forensic evidence there.
I don't see a ricardo on his facebook-but Ru's myspace is set to private so I can't see his friends. Just his pic which I can't get to copy.

:bang: Duh to me! Thank you...I forgot those were not the friend list down there. Ignore my question! LOL! (I went back and edited it...that was my brain messed up after all those hours of reading and not sleeping!)
Her friend, Christine, said in her statement that she and Casey would take all the kids (her kids and Caylee) and go for long walks at Underhill Lake. They went as recently as June 12th or so as she could not recall the exact date.

What airport is near there?

Orlando Executive Airport. Will upload an image in a sec.
You know what I think is weird? That Jose Baez pulls casey out of her house 3 days a week for the whole day to meet with him. Why???? How many lawyers do you know that meet with clients that many days a week for the whole day??? This is really irritating me. I hope Jose's wife is keeping her eye on him. Casey ruins people's lives right and left. Watch out Jose!
See I felt the same and said so on another thread. Some agreed, most didn't.
I can't find any verification of the fact that he does have a wife.

It's nothing against him. It's just that even before today I had noticed that the only way Casey can relate to men is sexually. Why would JB be any different.
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