Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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I have been thinking about this. How could LP legally take back the bond if she doesn't break the terms? Does anyone know??
Neither Casey nor her family put up the 10% bail bondman's fee for it.
You have an alcoholic father. You hate the fact that your father is a drunk. You are embarrased by him Then you become an alcoholic yourself.
I get it - I was just reply to another poster who brought up Oepdius and Electra. I more think she had really mixed up thoughts about LE (poss.abuse - but I don't want to go there - is poss. tho - right Curiousity Cat? They are all signs)

But now that I think of it - NO - no Oedipous and Electra syndrome.
Cindy was there when George picked up the car. She was arguing with the people about the cost being high and wanting a discount. She was there when the trunk was opened up and they smelled it. She knew all along that the car smelled like death.

It really clears up the whole "smells like a dead body in the d*** car" on the 911 tape. That was the only true statement besides Caylee's missing that woman ever said.
Cindy was there when George picked up the car. She was arguing with the people about the cost being high and wanting a discount. She was there when the trunk was opened up and they smelled it. She knew all along that the car smelled like death.

Right.........but George was not there when she called the police. With George being in LE for 10 years, it makes you wonder WHY he did not call the police when they found the smell in the car.

From the tow company attendant's remarks about the smell to George, that should have been the FIRST call. It would have been for me.

I am guessing Cindy drove the other car home, and did not smell it until she went to get in it and get those things out. By that time, if Caylee was in it when picked up, could have been gone.
So Leonard has met his match and she's too busy with herself? How shocking. Tony said again last night that Friday was the deadline. I asked him if Leonard was coming to Florida to search the swamps on Friday. He needs to put his money and manpower to some useful purpose. Like looking for where Casey dumped Caylee.
All Leonard and his nephew have done is take Casey out of jail, made it eaiser for her and her family to get their stories straight and give her and Baez time to work on her defense. THIS WAS A HUGE MISTAKE.

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orange County sheriff's deputy was terminated for lying about a sexual relationship with the mother of a missing girl in the latest twist in a case continuing to grab the nation's attention.

The above was just snipped... and I totally apologize if this was already posted but my eyes completing popped out of my head when I read this? ANOTHER person in the puzzle--- another cop? WOW! I've been at work all day and just checking the news real quick- so again apologize if it was a duplicate.

I didn't see that. Thanks.
Cindy was there when George picked up the car. She was arguing with the people about the cost being high and wanting a discount. She was there when the trunk was opened up and they smelled it. She knew all along that the car smelled like death.

I don't think that's right. In the 400 pages -- we know that George went up to the car with tow facility guy. No mention of Cindy. Sounds to me Cindy was too busy arguing with the guys about payment and then paying the bill in the office area and then went out to drive the "other" car home. George puts the car in the garage. Were the pants washed before the 911 calls?
Her friend, Christine, said in her statement that she and Casey would take all the kids (her kids and Caylee) and go for long walks at Underhill Lake. They went as recently as June 12th or so as she could not recall the exact date.

What airport is near there?

I still think Jay Blanchard park is a place I would like to see TES search especially after seeing this document. Too many details in that particular story for me.

You are right about the walk. It was Underhill Lake.

TES should search both places based on this info. Tim Miller needs an email.
Well, we have not seen either parent speak since the 'hose incident.'
We do not know their frame of mind now.:rolleyes:

Yeah, we have.

Remember the vigil and Cindy's "dig down deep" comment?

Kinda reminds me of Bocephus's lyrics:

"God bless you all but most of all, send your money."
Geez, how many gas cans does George own? He specifically took one to the tow yard. How did he know the car would be out of gas? He doesn't drive a pick-up so that's not something he'd carry around any other time.

BTW: Samantha is the name Casey gives to LE as being ZG's sister. Samantha is also the name of the phone sex operator that I found the other day.

Also, did anyone else catch on that Casey's 2nd cell phone was for work? I still think that was 2 different numbers.

And about the SIM card. I have several numbers programmed into my phone. There is NO WAY I'd know without looking as to which numbers were on the SIM card or phone.
In Casey's statement, pdf1 pg 142, she says while refering to Caylee in the "past tense" that Caylee's favorite places were Jay Blanchard Park and Lake Underhill. SHE inserts Lake Underhill into the conversation, added 'behind' Jay Blanchard Park. She say's that Caylee liked to try to run around Underhill Lake. I don't understand why Casey would take Caylee to Underhill Lake. I see no "play areas." All I see is what appears to be a paved foot path, one for runners for example...and according to Casey, she jogs. It's situated between a major highway and an airport for crying out loud. Why would this barren wasteland be a 2 year old favorite place? Children don't like loud noises...planes taking off and landing are pretty stinking loud?!?
When pressed for further details about these two "favorite places" she latches ahold of Jay Blanchard Park and goes with that, not mentioning Underhill Lake any further. I think she may have slipped, thinking that just MAYBE someone, at some point, may have seen her there.
Lake Underhill is just east of the airport. There are actually runways that dump out very near the lake. It looks very secluded to me in bird's eye map views.
I'm guessing that while Casey was supposed to be at work, she was hanging out in Jay Blanchard Park or at Underhill Lake WITH Caylee. That's why no one ever saw either of them. If she wanted a place to hide...this Underhill Lake looks like the place to me.
I would screen shot the birds eye map for you guys, but either my puter is a dinosaur or I'm stoopid cuz I can't seem to figure out HOW to do a screen shot with this thing.
I'm getting the bird's eye map off of Microsoft Virtual Earth so it does me no good to post the link. Unless you've got V.E. in your puter you can't open it.
You know how Casey has this habit of embedding bits of truth into her lies?

Lake Underhill is the place her friend (Kristina?) told LE she and Casey went for a walk with their kids just before Caylee went missing.
With things heating up LP
might not even get a chance to revoke bond , the Judge might think it's an issue of safety and revoke it himself.

Bwahahaha at the cowboy! :clap:

Can you imagine sleeping in the same house with Casey at night? I'd bet Cindy's hidden all the silverware and padlocked the bedroom door.
They never get the 50,000 back (or the 10%). That is money the bondman makes on the case.

if Casey makes her court appearance for the child neglect, etc. charges, wouldn't they then get their bond back. I thought the bond is to guarantee that the person will show up in court.
You are right about the walk. It was Underhill Lake.

TES should search both places based on this info. Tim Miller needs an email.

In the same area is Azelea park too. I don't know where that "secret place" her high school friend said they always went, but somehow I got the impression it was close to that Azelea park.
I really think (and I think I said this earlier) that on the third 911 call - where Cindy seems genuine - that was when she actually smelled the car for herself! And she had already set off this chain by calling them twice before - George had not gotten back home (from WHERE - IS WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW). And by then it was way too late. Funny they (GP's) had lawyers around their table within hours.

I really don't know exactly what happened but I really want to see all 3 of them behind bars when this is over. I think LE has been watching this - that's why they went ahead and let her out - put them all back together again - see what happens. I think they have a whole lot more on George.

I think that all 3 of them know more than they are saying. Theres just too many lies from all of them and not enough action (as in looking for Caylee).
Here's a link to the transcript of NG's show that aired last night.

Hope you feel better soon!

O/T AMOLSCH: I`m not necessarily worried about poisoning the jury pool. I mean, I think what Mickey said is pretty important on the fact that we`re now talking about what every 19-year-old who`s ever been pregnant probably says at one time in her life, maybe I shouldn`t have had a kid. How unusual is that? Let say when I heard that last night I was beyond pizzed. I had my daughter at 17 years old and not once have I even thought or said I shouldn't have had my child. After I heard him say that I tried to call in I so wanted to rip him a new *advertiser censored*:furious:
A knife? I missed that!
it is in the documents. It was in the car, Cindy said unused and she washed it.
Right.........but George was not there when she called the police. With George being in LE for 10 years, it makes you wonder WHY he did not call the police when they found the smell in the car.

From the tow company attendant's remarks about the smell to George, that should have been the FIRST call. It would have been for me.

I am guessing Cindy drove the other car home, and did not smell it until she went to get in it and get those things out. By that time, if Caylee was in it when picked up, could have been gone.
THey also looked in the backyard for "foul play" before the police did. Did they do that BEFORE the 911 call?????
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