Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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George came to the lot with gas in the can. George put gas in the car. George THEN started the car and drove off.

This was before Cindy found Casey. So George just magically assumed the car would need gas in it...didn't even start it to make sure, just put gas in and drove off in the car of eternal stench??

Hm, if I weren't so darn "open minded" i might start thinking maybe he had a heads up?
Google Earth images range from 3 years on basically. Very little of what you see is current. When we were on the search for Steve in NV, Richard who owns Virgin Airlines paid for them to update the search area every few hours to keep it current in order to find his friend...which never happened.
I didn't know that - thanks for that tidbit. They never did find his body, did they?
I don't think the car ran out of gas. I think Casey told that to her family, as an excuse of why she ditched the car at Amscot, right by the dumpster.

If I recall correctly, Mr. Birch didn't say that the car wouldn't start because it was out of gas when George opened it. He just said that the gas gauge was on empty--as most cars are when the ignition is off. (I've got a Pontiac. Gauge reads empty until the car is started.) He didn't say that George tried to start the car, that the car wouldn't start, so he put gas in it.

George came to the lot with gas in the can. George put gas in the car. George THEN started the car and drove off.

(Can you imagine what George must have been thinking, driving home, having to inhale that death stench into his lungs, KNOWING THAT IT PROBABLY EMANATED FROM HIS GRANDDAUGHTER'S CORPSE???)

They hadn't talked to Casey until AFTER they got the car right?
I haven't read all the released pages yet......however, someone did say it (picked up by LE) & was listed as evidence in one of the pages.

hopefully it was sent on for analysis .......Anyone know for sure ???

The sack of trash was thrown over the fence at the impound lot. LE retrieved it and evidence sheet shows that it was sent to the lab.
Good grief, that girl's legs chirp more than a cricket's! Maybe we just need a list of who she has not slept with in the greater Orlando area.

OMG thats SOOO funny!!! cracked me up.
This was before Cindy found Casey. So George just magically assumed the car would need gas in it...didn't even start it to make sure, just put gas in and drove off in the car of eternal stench??

Hm, if I weren't so darn "open minded" i might start thinking maybe he had a heads up?

IIRc it was in the docs that the gauge was on empty, but that is strange that George would have GAS CANS in his car.
IIRc it was in the docs that the gauge was on empty, but that is strange that George would have GAS CANS in his car.

Apparently in the Anthony family one always carries gas cans with them. :bang:
Few things- Lake Underhill is the name of the Lake and it is off Lake Underhill Rd and the 408. Also across teh highway is the Orlando Executive Airport.

Jay Blanchard Park is on the other side of town- east Orlando and again, there was so much police activity after UCF Grad Student Nicole Ganguzza went missing and later found murdered on the Little Econ River trail which is right behind the park.

according to

The Econ Trail is located one mile north of State Road 50 on Dean Road and runs along the Little Econlockhatchee River. Nearly 5 miles long, the trail begins at Jay Blanchard Park and extends to Goldenrod Road. This unique trail offers riverside recreation such as fishing, canoeing and picnicking.

The Little Econ River and its freshwater swamps provide an ideal habitat for a wide array of reptiles, amphibians and birds. Catch sight of some amazing wildlife while hiking the trail or paddling the river in a canoe. Birds, like Osprey and Red-Shouldered Hawks, as well as turtles and alligators may be seen while using this trail. And smaller, 4-winged friends can be found in our butterfly garden, which is also located along the trail
ok..psychic visions of empty gas tanks and maggot teleportation devices have fried my brain for today...I'm off all!
This was before Cindy found Casey. So George just magically assumed the car would need gas in it...didn't even start it to make sure, just put gas in and drove off in the car of eternal stench??

Hm, if I weren't so darn "open minded" i might start thinking maybe he had a heads up?

According to the manager of the impound lot, George had to leave to get cash to pay for the return of the car. Could be he found out it needed gas when he first went to pick it up, left to get the cash, picked up his gas can, then returned to pick up the car.
According to the suspicious depression beside the pool, I think that's where the pool storage box thing was that she talked about on Greta. Anyone know where that went? I don't recall them ever showing it, just talked about it being there.

Maybe they should be looking for a small pool storage box sunken into a lake somewhere with a small child in it. Sorry to sound so ugly, but that's all I keep thinking about.

IIRC, I am fairly certain I saw it in one of the videos when she was int he back yard with Greta. At the time, it was still next to the pool, but they said they moved the Hibiscus away from the house so they could move the poolbox closer to the house.
I didn;t see where they retrieved trash from tow yard...can anyone quote from docs?

Can't give you a quote...just can tell you that I saw the handwritten evidence form for "Johnson's Wrecker Service" stating that one white garbage bag was taken on July 16. It's somewhere in those documents, amongst all the evidence forms.
You have to remember that the officer that showed up,was the officer dispatched from the second call,it was the third call that Cindy said the car smelled. If she didn't mention the smell to the arriving officer he would not have known.
Sorry Elley...but we're not connecting here. I was replying to your post that Cindy was there when the car was opened at the tow pound -- which I believe not to be true.

She smelled death sometime before the third 911 call (obviously) and cops arrived during that call. If she didn't mention the smell to the arriving officer he wouldn't have known --FOR ABOUT FIVE MINUTES-- until he was updated with the information from dispatch/other officers.
In Casey's statement, pdf1 pg 142, she says while refering to Caylee in the "past tense" that Caylee's favorite places were Jay Blanchard Park and Lake Underhill. SHE inserts Lake Underhill into the conversation, added 'behind' Jay Blanchard Park. She say's that Caylee liked to try to run around Underhill Lake. I don't understand why Casey would take Caylee to Underhill Lake. I see no "play areas." All I see is what appears to be a paved foot path, one for runners for example...and according to Casey, she jogs. It's situated between a major highway and an airport for crying out loud. Why would this barren wasteland be a 2 year old favorite place?

I drive past Lake Underhill every day on my way to and from work. It's currently under construction (some heavy duty construction) and has been for awhile. The area you're talking about is right next to a toll road which goes over the Lake. A small footpath goes around one side and cars drive past on the other side. I just figured people from the neighborhood right next to it would jog there in the mornings because it is not really a nice "park" just a footpath with exercise stands every 100 feet or so. So you have heavy traffic on one side and a lake with a toll road over it on the other. Not a kids park at all!!!! [And a few years ago it was a place where men liked to troll for other men and was cracked down on until it "petered" out.]

Because last night on NG he was standing firm that Casey gave the baby to a "friend or someone she knew well" and that they were going to have her soon! Is there a link to this at all? I am sorry I am recovering from major surgery and having a tough time of it keeping up.

I was wondering too, isn't his 7 day find of Caylee just about up or up now?

Darned pain killers! :eek:

He's completely changed his tune. Local 6 hasn't put up a video yet, but LP did an interview on Prime News (the Headline News Channel) at 5pm Eastern today and pretty much said the same thing. I think one of the WS posters (Patty G) taped it and was going to put it in the video links section of the Caylee forum..
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