Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Good grief, that girl's legs chirp more than a cricket's! Maybe we just need a list of who she has not slept with in the greater Orlando area.

Did Casey spend much time at Disney World? So far, she's taken us to Fantasy Land :I had a ZannyNanny and a Job. Tomorrow Land:I'll start looking for Caylee as soon as I get out! FrontierLand: I'm hiding out in Fort Anthony. Main Street: everybody has gone down the middle of main street Casey. New Orleans Square:Like the Pirates of the Caribbean, I have no trouble stealing!
That is too funny! You are so bad. I still can't stop laughing. :floorlaugh:
[ I'm guessing that while Casey was supposed to be at work, she was hanging out in Jay Blanchard Park or at Underhill Lake WITH Caylee. That's why no one ever saw either of them. If she wanted a place to hide...this Underhill Lake looks like the place to me.
I would screen shot the birds eye map for you guys, but either my puter is a dinosaur or I'm stoopid cuz I can't seem to figure out HOW to do a screen shot with this thing.
I'm getting the bird's eye map off of Microsoft Virtual Earth so it does me no good to post the link. Unless you've got V.E. in your puter you can't open it.[/QUOTE]

Sorry for the double post! Unless Casey went to the boat ramp area near the entrance and exit toll roads at Lake Under hill, almost the entire (if not the entire) area can be seen from the road (and maybe even from above). This is an extremely heavily trafficked area. The part where men used to troll is now under construction (it was a small parking lot with like 4 spaces). Cars drive by here 24/7. Times when I came home in the wee hours there are always cars driving past. This would be one of the worst places (nowadays) to try and dispose of a body.
This is kind of a sick question but my boyfriend brought it up and I thought maybe one of you would know. If Caylee was buried. What happens to the hair? Does it just fall off the decomposing head and lay where it falls? Or does it decompose also? What I am saying is, if Caylee is buried and they find her, will her hair still be there intact or would she possible just be bones? (my heart hurts for me to type that! :( )

Hair does not decompose at the same rate that flesh does but probably would not fair well in "open" conditions. It breaks down at a rate similar to that of fingernails iirc but b/c it is hair is so small and delicate, the chances of finding a hair sample w/ DNA evidence will be very slim. So I guess the answer to your question is YES and NO.
IIRc it was in the docs that the gauge was on empty, but that is strange that George would have GAS CANS in his car.

At first when I read that George had gas in his car I didn't give it a second thought. Years ago, many people carried an extra can of gas in their cars for whatever reason- today it isn't so common. The more I thought about it, the more peculiar.
Pay it in American funds so you get your money's worth !:crazy:

Don't even say American funds to Tater!! I work for a US firm and get paid in USD. Which was a lot more fun a few years ago. I lost about 40% income once your dollar fell.

Nope - you're getting it in good old Canadian loonies! (Our version of a dollar)
I didn;t see where they retrieved trash from tow yard...can anyone quote from docs?

Can't tell you where it is in the pages.....but the recaps said it was picked up by LE on the 16th........& only George & the 'tow guy' were present when the trunk was opened @ the tow yard....

I think Cindy took Geo. there, argued about the price & then left before the trunk was opened.
I have asked that from the beginning............She said she got his number at the WHO is paying?
someone has too - is anyone in the family working?

I don't think they should revoke her bail. The BH rolled the dice and lost. He should cut his loses and walk away. Pack up the RV, all the security that they are paying for and just leave. She has an ankle bracelet, she is being watched by LE, she isn't going anywhere.

TP said he bails guilty people out all the time. She is guilty. Let her sit in that house with her parents confined till they arrest her again or she goes to court for the charges in front of her.

Being confined in that house with just her parents 24/7, the media watching their every move and no shoulder to sink into when the bulbs flash, will be way worse than any jail.

I am in the same camp - let her boil there with her parents - something has to blow!
incase anyone is interested - Inside edition has something coming on about the case in a few minutes.../

I just heard the promo & a reporter stuck a microphone in either Casey's or Cindy's face & said "when are you going to start telling LE the truth"
Is it possible all of her mess ups were to get them to continue to assure her she was loved? I know I am not saying this right.
The first slip--mom forgives or ignores....that just continued. So, part of it could have been for continued affirmation no matter what she did. That Sword daddy said she was never loved unconditionally...I thought long and hard about that. She sure seemed to love him....but is she able to love or just manipulate for the power it gives her.....just rambling..thinking out loud about what makes this chick tick.

Wondering if you are trying to say negative attention is better than no attention at all.
This was before Cindy found Casey. So George just magically assumed the car would need gas in it...didn't even start it to make sure, just put gas in and drove off in the car of eternal stench??

Hm, if I weren't so darn "open minded" i might start thinking maybe he had a heads up?

I thought is had already been stated that the gauge was a work sometimes and not sometimes. They got the notice the car was towed and maybe George assumed that she had run out of gas and so he took gas with him. You have a car that has a bad battery or alternator and you find out it's been towed somewhere you take jumpers with to pick it up. I would think that he was just trying to save some time. It's interesting that he was there in the afternoon. This could have been so he would have enough time to get to work. Which may account for where he was. He drove the car home, went to work, could not answer his phone when Cindy called. Heard her voice mail, called Lee and told him his Mom was upset please go to the house. Came home after work. Don't know becasue his movements after picking up the car don't seem to be in any of those papers and he was not questioned about anything much at that bond hearing except for how much the family all got along.
If they had only read here first.

I'm going to step out on a limb and say that I think Websleuthers are smarter about this case than either of the Padillas.

I'm going to step out on the teeny branch at the end of the limb and say that some of the arrogance that's been demonstrated by them, when people at WS tried to tell them stuff or question them about their justifications for springing this obvious murderess, is what's got to be the most embarrassing part of this whole thing for them.

We tried to tell them. Another word I like, besides Electra, is schadenfreude.
I think it was Casey that told the friend that...

IIRC it was Kiomarie Casey's friend from school and a neighbor, she was not allowed in the house if Cindy was home,but George was ok.
This is in the Documents Forum for help finding things.

Index of Sorts

Arrest Affidavit
Witness List
Caylee' Birth Certificate
MySpace Snips
Casey's Handwritten Statements - Pgs 29 -34
Lee's Statement - Pg. 35
Cindy's MySpace - comment July 3rd, Pg. 36
Cindy's Statement Pgs. 37 - 38
George's Statement - Pgs. 39 -42
Jesse Grund's Statement - Pgs. 43 - 45
Roy House Statement (Sawgrass) Pg. 46
Kristina Marie Chester Statement - Pg 47
Sawgrass Guest Card - Pg. 48
Zenaida Gonzalez Statement - Pg. 49
Casey's Driver License - Pg. 50
Sawgrass Apartment #210 - Pgs. 53 -57
Harry Garcia - (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 58 - 59
Amanda Mackli- (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 60 -61
First 911 Call Transcript (actually 2nd 911 call) Pgs. 62 - 65
Second 911 Call Transcript (actually 3rd 911 call) Pgs. 66 - 71
Casey Anthony Transcriped Taped Interview - Pgs. 71 - 153

Transcribed Taped Inteview
Anthony Lazzarro - Pgs. 1 - 25
Case Info - Pg. 26
Incident Report (Kidnapping) Pg. 27
Incident Report - Dispatch car on July 15, 2008 Pg. 28 - 31
Incident Report for Caylee Marie Anthony - Pg. 32
Incident Report and Narrative for Evidence - Pgs. 33 - 34
Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop - Pgs 37 -38
Danny Colamarino
Maria Kissh
Johnathon Daly
Sean Daly

Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop ( Cast Iron Tattoo) Pgs. 40 -42
Bobby Lee Willimas
Lance Charles White
Matthew Allen Crisp
Dannielle Lucey-Austin

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 45
Amanda, Nursing home and Tony's place

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 47 - 48
Tip for Orlando International Airport

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 50
K-9 "Gerus"

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 52 - 58
Tony Lazzarro
Jeffrey Hopkins
Melissa Hopkins
Amy Huizenda
Ricardo Morales
Jeffrey Dale Hopkins II
Simon A Birch (Johnson Wrecker East)
Gary Calvin Rideway (Tow Truck Driver)
Catherine Sanchez - Amscott
Nicole Lorraine Lett - works for (Johnson Wrecker East)
George Anthony picking up car and has gas cans - Pgs. 57 -58

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs 60 - 65
and repeated same information on Pgs. 66 - 72
Amanda Macklin
Dave Turner
Leonard Turtora
Zenaida Gonzalez
Rosanna Bonilla
Anthony Lazzarro
Amy Huizenga
Ricardo Morales
Jesse Grund
Christine Chester
Thomas Frank
Lee Anthony

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 75
Chuck-e-Cheese Tip

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 77 -78
Tom's Auto Repair for Tony's Car

Incident Report and Narrative Pg 80
Clarification of date and misstatement

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 82 - 84
Amanada Macklin
Harry Garcia

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 85 - 90
Amanda Mackin and Harry Garcia - Sawgrass
Brian Bunrer - Shovel
Kiomariie Torres - Friend
Search of Anthony Residence after getting shovel
Curtis Lampp - TIP from Bank of America

Incident Report and narrative - Pgs. 91 - 92
Zenaida Rosado
Zenaida Gonzalez
Barbara CareyCarmelo Rosado
Brittany Schieber
Kio Torres

Evidence and Property Reports - Pgs. 93 -100

Search Warrant - Pgs 101 - 107

Court Order and related douments for cell phone records - Pgs 108 -113

Johnson's Wrecker East - Pgs. 114 - 119
All documents related to towing car, pick up, tags, etc.

Universal Screen Prints - Pgs. 120 -127

Lee Anthony Email - Pg. 128
Re: Kodak/Color Vision

Emails verifying Casey's employment
as well as other names given
includes emails Casey sent as employee
and Valencia Community College verification

Transcribed Taped Interview of
Brain Burner (shovel) Pgs. 158 - 171

Transcribed Taped Interviews
Ryan Pasley - Pgs. 1 - 32
Ricardo Morales - Pgs. 33 - 49
Kiomarie Cruz - Pgs. 50 -75
Amy Huizinger - Pgs. 76 - 113
I've had to skip a few pages to catch up, so apologise if I'm re-posting...but, has anyone else read Restucia's myspace quote...I find it quite disturbing...even though I think he's by far the hottest guy that's come into the pic re Casey (lol)...

"I call it .."celebration"...its sexual and violent"

In the circumstances, very creepy.
incase anyone is interested - Inside edition has something coming on about the case in a few minutes.../

I just heard the promo & a reporter stuck a microphone in either Casey's or Cindy's face & said "when are you going to start telling LE the truth"

is that the insider with pat obrien?
Her friend, Christine, said in her statement that she and Casey would take all the kids (her kids and Caylee) and go for long walks at Underhill Lake. They went as recently as June 12th or so as she could not recall the exact date.

What airport is near there?


The airport very nearby is Orlando Executive Airport (not to be confused with Orlando International Airport).

Knowing this area for my whole life I'd rule out Lake Underhill. Blanchard Park is more of an ideal location. Mud Lake and all that swamp near Orlando International Airport (where the pings occurred) is the most ideal setting--isolated, more rural, off the beaten path, no noisy neighbors or foottraffic, no street lamps off the road, etc.
[ I'm guessing that while Casey was supposed to be at work, she was hanging out in Jay Blanchard Park or at Underhill Lake WITH Caylee. That's why no one ever saw either of them. If she wanted a place to hide...this Underhill Lake looks like the place to me.
I would screen shot the birds eye map for you guys, but either my puter is a dinosaur or I'm stoopid cuz I can't seem to figure out HOW to do a screen shot with this thing.
I'm getting the bird's eye map off of Microsoft Virtual Earth so it does me no good to post the link. Unless you've got V.E. in your puter you can't open it.

Sorry for the double post! Unless Casey went to the boat ramp area near the entrance and exit toll roads at Lake Under hill, almost the entire (if not the entire) area can be seen from the road (and maybe even from above). This is an extremely heavily trafficked area. The part where men used to troll is now under construction (it was a small parking lot with like 4 spaces). Cars drive by here 24/7. Times when I came home in the wee hours there are always cars driving past. This would be one of the worst places (nowadays) to try and dispose of a body.[/QUOTE]

"boat ramp area"??are there boats there that require the use of gas??
Good grief, that girl's legs chirp more than a cricket's! Maybe we just need a list of who she has not slept with in the greater Orlando area.

Did Casey spend much time at Disney World? So far, she's taken us to Fantasy Land :I had a ZannyNanny and a Job. Tomorrow Land:I'll start looking for Caylee as soon as I get out! FrontierLand: I'm hiding out in Fort Anthony. Main Street: everybody has gone down the middle of main street Casey. New Orleans Square:Like the Pirates of the Caribbean, I have no trouble stealing!

LOL-- Can I add The TOONTOWN Fair-Leonard and friends

You on Main STreet in Disney there's a Casey's Corner-I chit you not.
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