Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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I'd put Lee's situation as this . . . the ship is about 3/4 of the way sunk . . there's a life boat right next to him. He can either jump ship, and try to lead a normal life -- or he can go down with the rest of them.

I honestly think he tried. He gave Casey some questions that came right from LE.
I thought that was just the detective questioning him trying to sound "hip" and in the know... JMHO
yea but jackets and haze don't have ANYTHING to do with weed.
Years ago purple haze was acid and I kinda remember something about jackets - wait - I'll go ask old hippy hubby lol.
Dating isn't what Casey is doing. Dating implies going to movies, maybe dinner and conversation.
I think what Casey is into could be referred to as "hooking up".

or worse.....:rolleyes:
Step 5: Dry decay

This stage occurs from 50 to 365 days after death. The body is now dry
and decays very slowly. Tineid moths and bacteria eventually eat the
person's hair, leaving nothing but bones. As long as there are no large
animals around to carry them away, the bones can remain almost

For the hair decomposition question a ways back, I am too lazy to go find it for a quote. With this article keep in mind things happen much faster in high heat and high humidity areas. I have posted Dr. Vass's degree day formula a couple of times which explains how the timeline would be sped up and what to expect when based on heat (outdoor heat versus in a trunk heat etc...).
He probably had them before. Discovery would be released to the defendant's attorney as soon as it is available. Public Records requests are not handled with the same urgency. The prosecutors office could get in trouble if they did not promptly give discovery to the defense.

You're right. My mistake. Forgot that these were released first as the result of the defenses demand for discovery.
Perhaps that is what they were talking about for 7 hours on Friday?

That's what I was thinking, too. I'll bet Baez wasn't very happy with what he read in the documents! I think he and the Padilla's hadn't run into anyone quite like Casey before and she completely took them in...until they got a hold of those 400 pages.
OT: Does anyone know if there is a clip here of Yuri and the other detective coming out of the Anthony house right before Casey came home?! (Sure want to grab a photo of Yuri from that one! hehehe)

Like I would tell you. ;)

Make me a copy!
I am also curious as to why there is no interview with Mr. Chatt. I asked my husband and he said anyone could refuse to answer questions if they wanted to. LE would probably have to subpoena him at court time.


IMO, this is only a fraction of the statements LE has accumulated.

I did not read about the hairdresser reporting bruising on Caylee or any mention of a picture given to LE showing Caylee with bruises; any statements from "friends" saying they met Casey at the club or knew her from the club and her demeanor at the club 7/20; a list of cell phone pings from Casey's phone; the results from Amscot's financial on Casey; only one neighbor interview.....
I think when he saw them he thought, "OH, CHEEIT!!" :40__s:

One of the articles said Baez got them 3 days earlier, and then tried to have the release stopped and my favorite judge gave him his same one word response. Denied.
yea but jackets and haze don't have ANYTHING to do with weed.
Years ago purple haze was acid and I kinda remember something about jackets - wait - I'll go ask old hippy hubby lol.
OK - hubby just said "yellow jackets" were seccenols (sp?) there were a downer.
yea but jackets and haze don't have ANYTHING to do with weed.
Years ago purple haze was acid and I kinda remember something about jackets - wait - I'll go ask old hippy hubby lol.

Trust me HAZE is very good weed and jackets are yellow jackets -- in today's parlance. Purple Haze is acide from Jimi Hendrix days!!!
IIRC it was Kiomarie Casey's friend from school and a neighbor, she was not allowed in the house if Cindy was home,but George was ok.

That is very true. but not what was being said. The statement was that Kio said Cindy was some sort of rasist in so many words. I was stating that it was Casey that told her friend her mother did not like hispanics.

I read it. Casey said it the friend repeated it.
Just curious :
Who did she say uses Zany the Nanny too? Was this person bogus too ? Was he interviewed ... Can someone fill me in ?
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