Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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I wish Tony and Leonard would put her back in jail. That's where she needs to be. And she needs to believe she doesn't have a friend in the world because of her lies. She like Yuri told her at the beginning. Leonard, put Casey back in the slammer where she belongs. No one took her child.
Cadaver Dogs Don't Lie. Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 865

If you have a queasy stomach, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS.

I really hate to be morbid, but the documents that were released last night leave little wiggle room.

The towyard manager said that when he opened the trunk, flies flew out and there were maggots inside.

A trunk is a sealed environment. Flies will not attempt to enter something like a closed, sealed trunk to lay eggs on a pizza box. Even if that pizza box had pizza in it, it just isn't going to happen. Think about the times you've left a half-eaten hamburger on the floorboard of your car. (I'm guilty of this...commuting to work, high-stress job, forgot about the half Big Mac I left in the car for a week.) Think about the Taco Bell bag you left on the back seat...people with kids will admit that we've occasionally left food in the car and forgotten to remove it.

Sometime in their life cycle, those flies entered that trunk with Caylee's body.

I believe that Caylee's body was stored outside somewhere...somewhere that flies could have laid eggs on the corpse. It could have been stored there for as brief as several hours or as long as several days.

Casey worried that the body would be found wherever she left it. Or maybe she knew the dumpster-emptying schedule for the waste company in Orlando. At any rate, she went back to remove the body from the place she had left it, and she put it in her trunk.

Possibly, the corpse stayed in the trunk from the time she retrieved it until the second time she dumped it. The second dumping of the corpse could have been done on the evening of the 26th, early AM hours of the 27th (the time window when her car was left at Amscot, parked by the dumpster).

When she loaded the decomposing corpse into the trunk the second time, fluids leaked out. Clumps of hair fell out. Possibly decomposing flesh detached from the body. Decomposing flesh with maggots already hatching.

When she removed the body from her trunk (to possibly place in the Amscot dumpster), some of those pieces of flesh with maggots were left behind, possibly on the white garbage bag in the trunk.

This would explain why there were flies and maggots in the trunk when the towyard manager opened it.

Let's look at a generalized life cycle of the species of flies that assists in decomposition of a body (if we knew the exact species, we could be less generalized in the life cycle):

From egg to larva (maggot) is 2-5 days. Until day 5, the larvae are feeding on the body.

The larvae move away from the body to become pupae, and are adult flies on day 19 or 20. Adult flies feed on body fluids, mate immediately after emergence, and lay eggs within two days of emergence...and the cycle begins again.

So, to summarize this:

Day 1 - eggs laid.

Day 2 - eggs hatch.

Day 2 to 5 - larvae move into and around the body, feeding.

Day 6 to 19 - pupa stage, no feeding on corpse, mature flies will emerge from the hard case.

Day 20 - adult fly emerges, feeds.

Day 22 - adult fly lays eggs on corpse.

Therefore, the flies that were found in the trunk were second generation flies, as were the maggots, because the car sat sealed at the towyard for 16 days. The second generation had already emerged and begun laying eggs, which had hatched into maggot staged larvae.

I can't wait to see what a forensic entomologist will reveal about this case. I think that the transport of the corpse can be nailed down to within a couple of days using the life cycle of the flies that flew out of the trunk on July 16th.


From the last thread...

Good summary QT.......this sack of trash forced me out of 'lurk mode', so that I could post.......Sadly it looks like it will end up playing a key role as to what/when happened to Caylee........hopefully maybe even to the WHERE is Caylee..

Thanks for bringing this over. SS suggested we start a new thread on it, so I did that, and it's here:
i saw this also. He had repairs done and the repair place made a statement. Said his father called and paid the bill with his credi card. I would like to know if that payment matches the date the repair place said in the statement. What were the repairs. They never said. Tony l. Goes to ny over the holiday. He is the only one with the loan date of june 2. Does he actuly go to that college and why was he looking for another place and wanted out of his lease. Too many questions on this guy.

I have a comment and I hope I wont get attacked. I spend more time reading everyones posts that commenting. There must be thousands of sleuthers here on this site. All the anger, emotions and frustrations expressed is something I can truly identify with. What I find amazing is we feel so strongly about this case and yet a household of 5 - well 4 now doesnt see the writing on the wall. How can an entire family keep marching to their own beat when it is so obvious that something is truly wrong? Does this make sense?

none whatsoever.... and I couldn't even begin to 'splain it.
unh uh??!!!!

Yea! That's why I wanted someone else to comment on this also.

It was a short segment... I think I typed most of what he said. His attitude was so different.

I expected he'll be fading from the stage soon.
This is great, it confirms my feelings that this girl was sexually abused by someone.

She feels her only worth to men is sexual. You see this all the time with sexual abuse victims.

To be honest you also see it in women that have had a traumatic occurence of some sort.

I just want you all to know I am open to different ways of "seeing" her psychosis. LOL
Not all Hos were sexually abused. :blowkiss: She uses sex as manipulation.
And good ole' Jesse introduced them.

You know, I've silently bristled every time I've seen Casey called a "*advertiser censored*" or "*advertiser censored*" on this board. I've thought, "There's really no evidence of that." I didn't see the problem with being a young woman and dating different guys through time...I did it...we all did it, I'm sure.

But THIS young woman obviously was sleeping with AT LEAST THREE GUYS AT THE SAME TIME. Professing her love for one of them....

WTF? I take back my silent protestations over the sexist term "*advertiser censored*" in regards to Casey.

If the shoe fits......
Yes,I would like to know why Tony's car was towed..anyone?

According to the documents it was for some type of repairs. The repairs were completed the same day and paid for my Tony's father with a CC over the telephone. The Shop owner does not remember what time Tony picked up the car.
I wish Tony and Leonard would put her back in jail. That's where she needs to be. And she needs to believe she doesn't have a friend in the world because of her lies. She like Yuri told her at the beginning. Leonard, put Casey back in the slammer where she belongs. No one took her child.

yeah, I mean, they DO have the power to do that, let's not forget!
Maybe we should petition Tony Padilla in his thread to revoke bail.
i have a comment and i hope i wont get attacked. I spend more time reading everyones posts that commenting. There must be thousands of sleuthers here on this site. All the anger, emotions and frustrations expressed is something i can truly identify with. What i find amazing is we feel so strongly about this case and yet a household of 5 - well 4 now doesnt see the writing on the wall. how can an entire family keep marching to their own beat when it is so obvious that something is truly wrong? Does this make sense?

kh, you are absolutely right. Keep on posting.

So what did Padilla say on headline news? I missed it
Tx Dot said: (couldn't quote it)
The towyard manager said that when he opened the trunk, flies flew out and there were maggots inside.

A trunk is a sealed environment. Flies will not attempt to enter something like a closed, sealed trunk to lay eggs on a pizza box. Even if that pizza box had pizza in it, it just isn't going to happen. Think about the times you've left a half-eaten hamburger on the floorboard of your car. (I'm guilty of this...commuting to work, high-stress job, forgot about the half Big Mac I left in the car for a week.) Think about the Taco Bell bag you left on the back seat...people with kids will admit that we've occasionally left food in the car and forgotten to remove it.

Sometime in their life cycle, those flies entered that trunk with Caylee's body.

I believe that Caylee's body was stored outside somewhere...somewhere that flies could have laid eggs on the corpse. It could have been stored there for as brief as several hours or as long as several days.

You are SO RIGHT !! Great catch there............

I left not only a pizza, but a hamburger, and milk in my SUV for over 3 weeks in the hot sun in an airport parking lot and there were NO maggots, NO flies.

The WORST smell was the milk. LOL It was nothing like decomposition smell. I told TP on his question thread that there were TWO smells which were like none other and that was decomp and blood..........those are unmistakable for anything else. He did not disagree as he knows those smells.

I do wonder if the police were able to recover any of those though, because George had the car a long time before they picked it up. Maybe some were "stuck" in the crevices.
Leonard Padillo is on Headline News... seems to be less optimistic about his purpose. Said that Casey has provided no help and that she is too involved with herself (something like that). It is an interesting shift from in his demeanor.

Thanks Beagle,
I posted about that earlier today. I first noticed it when he was on NG last night. I don't know what he knows, but something has definitely changed his mind about Casey.
Glad I am not the only person who noticed that.
He seems to be trying to protect Casey's family from getting dragged into this now. My guess is, he knows they have been covering for Casey, and have possibly obstructed justice and/or destroyed evidence.
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