Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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I have been following this case and just joined this group. Everyday, I am amazed at what Casey gets away with. I have a strange or bizarre thought about Caylee's father. Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd the baby's name is Cay Lee combination of Casey and Lee???

WOW. That shows the CONTROL these parents have over her. She's always trying to meet their expectations, never can be herself. IN dysfunctional families, no matter how abusive the parents are, the kids always try to please the parents: Please love me.
LOL, HARSH! My guess she was abused to a degree. Hell, maybe it was best to catch her now, she seems like the perfect "Black Widow" in training.

One thing on another note. I stated early on that I was not defending her but I needed more proof before I believed she harmed her baby. I also stated I would fess up and say I WAS WRONG.

Guess what??? I WAS WRONG!!!!

IMHO NO YOU WERE NOT. :blowkiss:
I think the documents mentioned that Amy had a red Toyota Corolla I think?Maybe that's what you saw...

Yes, I saw that Amy has a red car. Who else connected to the Anthony's have a red car....GOOGLE EARTH>>>MAP>>>if you search google earth there is a red car in the driveway. Just trying to figure out when it was taken and what make it is and who's is it????
Tx Dot said: (couldn't quote it)

You are SO RIGHT !! Great catch there............

I left not only a pizza, but a hamburger, and milk in my SUV for over 3 weeks in the hot sun in an airport parking lot and there were NO maggots, NO flies.

The WORST smell was the milk. LOL It was nothing like decomposition smell. I told TP on his question thread that there were TWO smells which were like none other and that was decomp and blood..........those are unmistakable for anything else. He did not disagree as he knows those smells.

(Resp. snipped)

Kudos to poster QuickAttack for posting the summary.....(I just reposted it)

But, I was very intrested in this sack of trash (early on)......& few posters wanted to talk about it........;0)
Yes, the last non family verification of Caylee's whereabouts is with Cindy and Caylee at the facility where ggranddad and Caylee had their pic taken.

Cindy said that she "heard them" thru the walls that Mon. morning.

George was asked "when was the last time you saw them" and his answer was when he was watching tv before leaving for work and he saw the girls. I don't recall George being asked if that was the only time he saw them that day.

and this is how casey is going to turn the tables and pin it on her mom, watch
Here's a video of the hate song being played at Casey Anthony's home!

ya know, this is just wrong, they should have been arrested for disorderly conduct or to much noise, thats just not right, there in no way would help bring Caylee home..... On another note, was that the bondsman at the end asking if the newscaster wanted an interview? Yeah, he's not out for fame!
LOL, HARSH! My guess she was abused to a degree. Hell, maybe it was best to catch her now, she seems like the perfect "Black Widow" in training.

One thing on another note. I stated early on that I was not defending her but I needed more proof before I believed she harmed her baby. I also stated I would fess up and say I WAS WRONG.

Guess what??? I WAS WRONG!!!!

Not that I want to be right, but just because you're so brave and all.. :clap::clap::clap:
I saw on TV that Cindy didn't even know Casey was pregnant until she was 7 months along. Boy, she must have been very skinny to not show very much and probably hardly ever around. Or Cindy was in real denial even back then. But look, Casey had her baby so at some level she must have wanted her. I think Caylee was getting older and smarter and, like we've all said, just didn't fit in with her lifestyle and she didn't want Cindy to have her either. I mean, there are alot of grandparents out there raising their kids' kids today and doing an awesome job.
In Casey's statement, pdf1 pg 142, she says while refering to Caylee in the "past tense" that Caylee's favorite places were Jay Blanchard Park and Lake Underhill. SHE inserts Lake Underhill into the conversation, added 'behind' Jay Blanchard Park. She say's that Caylee liked to try to run around Underhill Lake. I don't understand why Casey would take Caylee to Underhill Lake. I see no "play areas." All I see is what appears to be a paved foot path, one for runners for example...and according to Casey, she jogs. It's situated between a major highway and an airport for crying out loud. Why would this barren wasteland be a 2 year old favorite place? Children don't like loud noises...planes taking off and landing are pretty stinking loud?!?
When pressed for further details about these two "favorite places" she latches ahold of Jay Blanchard Park and goes with that, not mentioning Underhill Lake any further. I think she may have slipped, thinking that just MAYBE someone, at some point, may have seen her there.
Lake Underhill is just east of the airport. There are actually runways that dump out very near the lake. It looks very secluded to me in bird's eye map views.
I'm guessing that while Casey was supposed to be at work, she was hanging out in Jay Blanchard Park or at Underhill Lake WITH Caylee. That's why no one ever saw either of them. If she wanted a place to hide...this Underhill Lake looks like the place to me.
I would screen shot the birds eye map for you guys, but either my puter is a dinosaur or I'm stoopid cuz I can't seem to figure out HOW to do a screen shot with this thing.
I'm getting the bird's eye map off of Microsoft Virtual Earth so it does me no good to post the link. Unless you've got V.E. in your puter you can't open it.
I'm going to disagree AGAIN about there being no possibility of maggots in the trunk except for a body.

HUMAN WASTE (excrement, poop) breeds maggots. I cloth diaper and when one of those was left too long before washing guess what? In a SEALED DIAPER CAN, guess what? It bred maggots.

I have still not seen mention on if Caylee was potty trained. If she was NOT, and there was a "poopy diaper" or "pullup" in that trash bag, it most definitely COULD breed maggots, and they show up within 24-48 hours. Flies yes would take longer and I am in total agreement with that life cycle timeline referred to.

2 years ago I was in the process of moving 600 miles away. Well, it was a stressful time and I forgot to empty the freezer of ground beef before the power was shut off. OK, so I returned to get the final things, and my freezer had maggots and no real way to enter the shut fridge. TALK ABOUT GROSS! So, maybe it was rotting meat? But not cooked pepperoni by a long shot!
I'm going to disagree AGAIN about there being no possibility of maggots in the trunk except for a body.

HUMAN WASTE (excrement, poop) breeds maggots. I cloth diaper and when one of those was left too long before washing guess what? In a SEALED DIAPER CAN, guess what? It bred maggots.

I have still not seen mention on if Caylee was potty trained. If she was NOT, and there was a "poopy diaper" or "pullup" in that trash bag, it most definitely COULD breed maggots, and they show up within 24-48 hours. Flies yes would take longer and I am in total agreement with that life cycle timeline referred to.

IIRC Cindy only mentioned pizza when she talked about maggots. We tossed all our pizza in an open dumpster outside the store. There were NEVER anay maggots on it, and we have heat that rivals Florida any day
I've not looked at Ricardo's myspace. Is that Ricardo his #1 friend the same Ricardo?

I don't see a ricardo on his facebook-but Ru's myspace is set to private so I can't see his friends. Just his pic which I can't get to copy.
I saw that. He said that if he had read the 400 pages before, he would have never bailed her out. He said if you "read between the lines" it looks less and less that Caylee will be found alive. finally woke up!:clap:

:woohoo: FINALLY :woohoo:
Is it red? The car I'm talking about is on Google Earth... a snapshot of the Anthony's house/driveway.

I am honestly not sure- I never paid attention, I just remember that 1st phone call, and casey wondering if the girlfriend was there because she saw her car in the driveway on the news (along with mom's cameo). I would bet that it is tho- I think Lee confirmed by saying that the girlfriend wasn't there but he drove her car over (IIRC). Don't think it was amy's red car- my sluethy sense says it was Lee's girlfriend's car!:crazy:
I saw on TV that Cindy didn't even know Casey was pregnant until she was 7 months along. Boy, she must have been very skinny to not show very much and probably hardly ever around. Or Cindy was in real denial even back then. But look, Casey had her baby so at some level she must have wanted her. I think Caylee was getting older and smarter and, like we've all said, just didn't fit in with her lifestyle and she didn't want Cindy to have her either. I mean, there are alot of grandparents out there raising their kids' kids today and doing an awesome job.

as with lots of young mothers like her, when the child is born, it's all good because the baby is cute, everyone is giving the baby and mom attention- but after awhile it gets old, and more demanding to take care of a child, espically when they start talking and asking mommy what she is doing, and a kid that age can catch on to the lies-
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