Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #135

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Can you imagine the fight that would insue if they did try to take her back??????? Oh my...Cindy would go nuts.ier.
Yeah....and they lock the doors and don't let LE in and then we have a Branch Davidians/Andrew Cunanan end to all this. That would make for great TV.
I found it strange that ricardos version of the breakup was different than Amy's version.
Can Leonard get his 50,000 back if they turn her back in?

Nope. He's gonna have to eat it. Along with all the money his "security team" is costing him, travel expenses, etc. etc. The cost of his 15 minutes.

Of course, to be in the news for three weeks as one of the biggest clowns in this three-ring-circus...he got a lot of publicity for a small investment...

And I think that that was his only goal from the get-go.
I taped the Headline News interview at 6:00 PM. I will upload and post the link here and in the Media Forum. About an hour it should be ready!

Thank you so much for all these things. We would not get them without you.
Seems as though Casey has a weakness for policemen. I wonder how that relates to her Father??
While pouring over and going thru and reading and reading and reading and now talking to hubby and daughter after I have read it all - ONE THING just keeps sticking out at me and it really hurts and is really scary.

WHAT IF CINDY HAD NEVER EVER CALLED 911!!! C'mon ask yourselkf - what if noone had ever called LE? Would we have never known this sweet little angel and her crazy mother and grandparents? Would all of them gotten away with it? Now that is scary!!!!

So, if Cindy did not call 911 no one would know Caylee was missing. That is my reason for thinking that Cindy and George are not involved in whatever happened. How hard would it have been to just tell people that Casey had given the child up for adoption because she just could not handle it anymore. No one would be aware of any of this or Casey turned her over to the father.
Pot calling the kettle black? According to Dr. Brian Russell on HLN (if I got his name correct).

"When Cindy calls Casey a sociopath, it might be the pot calling the kettle black." wouldn't that also mean that Cindy was just as capable of being involved as Casey would be?!
More Leonard:

We're not communicating at all. One of the folks doing security drives her to the atty's office and brings her home. I don't communicate with her...would only do it if she came to me.

We're still going over our leads and getting a lot of phone calls, but the smoke is getting thicker here.

It's not more difficult than I thought. But the LE report yesterday does cast a lot of doubt on what we're doing as far as looking for her alive.

I wouldn't have gotten involved if I had read that report prior to coming here.

And they couldn't have done this investigating while keeping her in jail. I'm still not buying it.
where is the rant thread?
Leonard Padilla finally woke up. DUH? How long did it take him? He really thought springing this one would bring him answers? Maybe he will be the next newbie here. After watching local news about 5:19EST this evening before the latest stuff there was a video showing Cindy at the vigil a few days ago. She was calm and said, she put her faith in the Lord.
Then the reporter mentioned the release of the documents showing CA's the bizarre behavior and laughing.
Next a clip of LP who said "he has received hundreds of leads and he believes the child is still alive. (That was shown at about 5:20 EST)
Then the reporter "still her family remains positive." Video of Cindy again..."still in spite of all of this she held her head up high. There is nothing to hide."
I feel any minute now there will be an announcement by Tony Padilla.
I mentioned this a long, long time ago (Don't cha evah read my posts? LOL).

I think the only reason that Cindy called was because she was in a rage. If she had not called they could have gone along for YEARS with excuses for where Caylee was to keep it away from everyone...including Lee. My guess is that eventually it would have been told that the "father" came back and his family won custody then moved out of the country. No one would EVER have known the difference.

Of course SS I always read your posts. :eek: Plus I think we all have prob said this somewhere along the way. Now - we you reminded me about them passing it off down the road as the father came and got her - yea I remember that post of yours.

I really think (and I think I said this earlier) that on the third 911 call - where Cindy seems genuine - that was when she actually smelled the car for herself! And she had already set off this chain by calling them twice before - George had not gotten back home (from WHERE - IS WHAT I'D LIKE TO KNOW). And by then it was way too late. Funny they (GP's) had lawyers around their table within hours.

I really don't know exactly what happened but I really want to see all 3 of them behind bars when this is over. I think LE has been watching this - that's why they went ahead and let her out - put them all back together again - see what happens. I think they have a whole lot more on George.

As for LP - what a shame. He had a feeling about her like a lot of us here do - that she really is alive and thought he could help and make a difference. I really hope he just doesn't shut it down and go home - I really hope he assists in any searches so we can finally find Caylee.
It reminds me SOOO much of Jackie Peterson.
I don't expect them to out and out hate their daughter, because I don't think any loving parent could ever hate their own child. I don't expect them to hang death threat posters about Casey on their door. But, enabling, condoning, and sheltering a child, let alone a grown woman, who has quite possibly killed your own grandchild? That's despicable, and something I will never understand or agree with. IMO.

Yes, they do remind me of the Petersons and more recently of the Entwistles. They came out after his conviction and accused the murdered Rachel of murdering "our granddaugter" when it was clear he murdered them both and fled to England. I hated them!
Indubitably. I wrote this same post last night - mine was shorter, not as good, and there were no references to reading material...but it was similar in spirit.

Glad to see I'm not alone! :) Sorry, I missed it, my Son has been ill, and w/the docs to read, the convention to watch...whew! :)
That he says it was mutual, and that she says that Casey was wanting to get more serious than Ricardo was?

Yeh Ricardo says it all okay and Amy says they were arguing and not getting along.
Can you imagine the fight that would insue if they did try to take her back??????? Oh my...Cindy would go nuts.ier.


If that ever did happen.
That news footage would be priceless, mabey they could share a cell.:crazy:
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