Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #138

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Let's see if this works....crossing fingers...


RhondaIL Rocks!!!
Thanks guys for making me feel welcome. I was a little embarrassed after I hit the post button because it was so long.

You all made me feel welcome.

You did fine! :blowkiss:
BTW, a couple of other things I forgot to mention.

I wonder why there have been no surveillance videos have ever been released. It seems lately when something first comes in the news, that is the first thing they do is get videos, and surely with them having to receipts to trace her and be able to find something.

I also find it odd that she gave such a time gap (9:00am - 1:00pm) for when she last saw Caylee. I can see 15-20 minutes, but 4 hours?

One last thing (well, maybe two :) and then I'll shut up...

I can't get past her boyfriend's statement about Caylee being "very, very friendly" He seemed to stress that statement. Children of sexual abuse tend to act out. How else would they learn these things???

Just more thoughts and you guys ROCK! This is my favorite site. Been lurking a lot, but not posting. Great reading the other posts and you all are really good at sleuthing!!!

I'm going to print off the rest of the docs and continue reading tonight. You all have really got me curious about this girl "K" wanting to adopt Caylee. Gotta catch up to keep up with you guys!
I have got to say a HUGE Thank you to Olive and the anonymous source who did the cliff notes version of the 400 page documents. It was a HUGE help!
Wait! The rescue call was to retrieve the wounded squirrel that fell from a tree whilst eating pizza, fatally injured itself, and it later expired in the trunk of a car which was missing, creating an odiferous byproduct which could or could not be a stale pizza.

I feel so much better now.

You forgot to mention how his decaying body bounced and hit three spots in the yard before finally landing in the trunk.... or was that his sweaty body in the yard and his dead body in the trunk... can't keep these things straight.
Is it deliberate if you knowingly leave your child in a hot car alone with no food or drink so that you can sleep over at your boyfriend's house - or is it an accident?

I think that would be considered an accident. I don't have a clue what Casey actually did to Caylee, IMO, though, it is just too much of a coincidence for me that Caylee disappeared when she did.
if she drown (which the pool shows no signs off, filters have been checked, water checked) or overheated in a car in 20 minutes there wouldn't likely be a prosecution for that.... happens all the time. A nurse left her 3 year old in the truck and went to work, he was asleep and she forgot him, he tried to get out of the truck as it got hotter and hotter (they estimate 130 degrees), no charges. Drownings happen in Fl all the time. Those two scenarios just don't ring true to me.

can cadavier dogs smell through chlorine? My sister said that she didn't think they could, but if they drained the pool that maybe they would hit on it then. dont' know,.. thats why I ask.
So there were 2 verbal disturbances in August, while Casey was sitting in jail? Wouldn't the media outside the house have witnessed them and reported on them?
I don't remember that either (the leaving alone in the car statement). Can you remember where (or at least who might've said it)?

I'm looking... I think I remember someone else referencing it earlier too...
I respectfully disagree. She is not the type to take her own life. She still believes she will be able to convince people of her innocence.
We have this worry on every case. Will they kill themselves? I can only think of one yet and that was MD.
She seemed much more fragile then Casey. Casey has gotten out of each and every mess she was ever in and she thinks she will get out of this one too.
This is just my opinion for what it's worth.:clap:

I have no problem agreeing to disagree with you :blowkiss:

There are THREE domestic calls from the anthony home in the same week! From 4/21/05
to 4/30/05. What the eff was going on. Two of the three calls were on the SAME day.

2 on 4/21/05
I am more interested in "no longer in Orlando"!

If the rest of it's a lie and Caylee wasn't even missing then, and therefore the conversation likely didn't happen, I'd suspect there's just as much truth in the "no longer in Orlando"

Besides, if anything, I think that was said to get LE focused AWAY from Orlando not ON Orlando.
So there were 2 verbal disturbances in August, while Casey was sitting in jail? Wouldn't the media outside the house have witnessed them and reported on them?

They probably were the media. Remember Cindy started to break out the hose.
BTW, a couple of other things I forgot to mention.

I wonder why there have been no surveillance videos have ever been released. It seems lately when something first comes in the news, that is the first thing they do is get videos, and surely with them having to receipts to trace her and be able to find something.

(snipped for length)
Just more thoughts are you guys rock! This is my favorite site. Been lurking a lot, but not posting. Great reading the other posts and you all are really good at sleuthing!!!

Yes! good point re videos, there must be some info out there-where was she parking her car before abandoning it-were there surveillance videos near tony's apartment etc
so they were called there on 6/24 for burgurlary. (Is that the credit cards? Or greatgrandpa's checks?)

6/26 for stolen vehicle. Didn't the amscott people testify that they checked to see if it was stolen and said it wasn't so they called the tow company?

what is :

any ideas?

6/24/2008 was break-in of shed.
6/26/2006 was 2 years ago, and don't know what that was.
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