Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #139

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Yes I totally agree! I just meant they weren't "covering" a murder. But yes they are covering and lying in defense of Casey. Cause like you said, they just can't bring themselves to think their own child could do such a thing. Can't really blame them for that.

Gotcha, this is so heartbreaking-we were prepared but we weren't prepared you know?

I want to make sure you all read this!

I also wanted to take a moment to say something to ALL THE POSTERS HERE: Every single one of you despite these horrible circumstances that brought us together, has given me so much faith in how truly giving, wonderful, caring and determined we all are despite our differences to see justice done for the victims that have no voice. We are their voice and we may argue, laugh, cry and despair but we are all united in this one thing. I have grown immensely, learned immeasurably and found things within myself that have been dormant far too long. I thank each and every one of you for that. Carry on the good work and thankyou for being here.
I posted that on the last thread right when the news broke--LOL--just thought a little love needed to go around right now.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to why jose is at the house and why he drove Cindy home in his car and left her's at the office?

My guess would be to find out the best way to go about keeping Casey out of the chair.
I love you too GiGi! It does seem that we think alike alot of the's the New York bond between us. We tend to say what we feel if you know what I mean.

you do the same!:blowkiss:

Share some of that love with this Mississippi girl...I've been right there with you, opinion-wise, through this whole thing.

Yes I totally agree! I just meant they weren't "covering" a murder. But yes they are covering and lying in defense of Casey. Cause like you said, they just can't bring themselves to think their own child could do such a thing. Can't really blame them for that.

ITA & just imagine the guilt the GPs must feel that they may have "forced" Casey into taking more responsibility for her daughter. Perhaps they feel responsible for what their daughter has done.
No clue. I guess he needed more time to talk to her. OR maybe her car was out of gas. :p
OMG -- I can't stand to climb out on another limb and think that. It's horrific enough to know her mother was involved. I AM a grandmother, and I cannot fathom a grandparent being involved in anything to do with injury, much less death, to their grandchild. If you're not a grandparent, you won't understand that until you are.

I am a grandmother of 5 wonderful children!

I believe that they would have given little Caylee as decent a burial as they could under the circumstances. They are sticking with Casey, they have lied, and they have tampered with evidence.

Ezryder, you cannot underestimate some people.
ITA & just imagine the guilt the GPs must feel that they may have "forced" Casey into taking more responsibility for her daughter. Perhaps they feel responsible for what their daughter has done.

Yes, your right. She didn't want a baby. Forcing someone to grow-up and be responsible before their time, very rarely works.
The police did not search the yard until the 18th, the GPs did not search those locations before they called the police, they did so in the three days that passed. I don't believe they moved Caylee's body. They are not likable, that I agree with.

Why did they have that car for 5 hours before calling LE when it smelled like a dead body?

Why did Cindy wash the pants?

Why did Cindy wash the knife?

Why did Cindy tell Amy that they had to find Casey or she would go to jail? Why would she say that other than the obvious?

Why did George at the tow yard that "we found our daughter ; but our grandaughter is still missing? They had not "found" Casey. Cindy didn't drag her out of Tony's until hours later.

I'm sorry. I used to think that all of the covering up started after the 911 calls. The above reasons are why I do not think that anymore. Something is not right; they started covering for her that day. jmho
MY opinion on the meeting that took place today

Casey and JB were discussing their case for child neglect when the Investigators came in. They in maybe a way, offered Casey to give them more information..
Casey stuck to her story and in their minds they knew this evidence was there..
bang, then the next report was the forensics on the air samples.
I do fully believe they gave her yet another chance today, that is why Jose didn't know what was going on..
They played her game of deceit in order to get her to give them nothing yet again, then the story came out..
What can Biaz say?
Does anyone have any thoughts as to why jose is at the house and why he drove Cindy home in his car and left her's at the office?

said to be providing the media with a press conference tonight
The family and the attorney have not been given any test results from officials. They have said a lot of stupid things and shouldn't be speaking at the moment, but I don't think them not taking the presses word for forensic results is odd.

Sooner or later they will have the reports in writing and they will continue to deny it. When the reports are confirmed they will just dispute the validity of the testing. And that is their right of course.
ITA & just imagine the guilt the GPs must feel that they may have "forced" Casey into taking more responsibility for her daughter. Perhaps they feel responsible for what their daughter has done.

And imagine the guilt for not allowing her to give up Caylee for adoption. I'm sure they are thinking "if only" about a lot of things!
The police did not search the yard until the 18th, the GPs did not search those locations before they called the police, they did so in the three days that passed. I don't believe they moved Caylee's body. They are not likable, that I agree with.
Can you tell me why they would search in their backyard for a body since they had no reason supposedly to believe she was dead?! They were supposed to be looking for a live Caylee all this time. Just curious...
Gotcha, this is so heartbreaking-we were prepared but we weren't prepared you know?

I want to make sure you all read this!

I also wanted to take a moment to say something to ALL THE POSTERS HERE: Every single one of you despite these horrible circumstances that brought us together, has given me so much faith in how truly giving, wonderful, caring and determined we all are despite our differences to see justice done for the victims that have no voice. We are their voice and we may argue, laugh, cry and despair but we are all united in this one thing. I have grown immensely, learned immeasurably and found things within myself that have been dormant far too long. I thank each and every one of you for that. Carry on the good work and thankyou for being here.
I posted that on the last thread right when the news broke--LOL--just thought a little love needed to go around right now.

Thanks GIGI! I am throughly involved heart and soul in finding the truth and in finding Caylee. With kids of my own, this case tears me apart. Justice for Caylee is what I pray for.. Now CASEY start talking, and LP and the Winnebago gets to walking!
Why did they have that car for 5 hours before calling LE when it smelled like a dead body?

Why did Cindy wash the pants?

Why did Cindy wash the knife?

Why did Cindy tell Amy that they had to find Casey or she would go to jail? Why would she say that other than the obvious?

Why did George at the tow yard that "we found our daughter ; but our grandaughter is still missing? They had not "found" Casey. Cindy didn't drag her out of Tony's until hours later.

I'm sorry. I used to think that all of the covering up started after the 911 calls. The above reasons are why I do not think that anymore. Something is not right; they started covering for her that day. jmho

Don't forget, George went on in to work as if nothing happened. Sure gives new light to that decision as well.
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