Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #144

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How long has that pool been up? everyone keeps saying the dog hit by the pool?
It is an above the ground pool?
Yep! Which was REALLY weird, because the pool box was STILL by the pool!
Exactly. And the pool ladder that Cindy claimed was ALWAYS taken out due to Caylee's safety was in when the helicopters were overhead taking photos of the LE search. Oops. You would think if it was a "habit" to remove it then even if Caylee were not at the house they would do it anyway. If they expected her to return at any time...that is.

They supposedly had put so much effort into Caylee's safety with digging the bamboo, locking up the lawn tools, removing the pool ladder, and moving the box...then why on earth did they allow Casey to be alone with her while dragging her to adult drunks and sleepovers with strange men in their beds? It is just absurd!
That is a good thought.
Was it Casey?
Was it Cindy?
Was it George?

My mind is so tired.:confused::confused:

I think you will find that in one way or another it was all of them. With Casey obviously committing the crime and Cindy and George covering/cleaning it up.
What would accepting it do for Caylee?

It would give her JUSTICE and would solidify indelibly that her innocent life mattered!

It would show Casey that she must take responsibility for what she has done and seek forgiveness from her family and herself.

That is what accepting it would do for Caylee.

I think her innocent life mattered regardless of their actions. The whole situation is just horrifying.
Will chlorine or pool acids degrade DNA? What about the scent the dogs pick up?
We have had to drain our pool before to resurface, it only takes a couple days. .... and then refill it. It is built in though. Im just wondering how long the pool takes to drain re assemble
Oh, and I wanna slap George and Lee too...

Wish I could remember which interview it was with GA talking to the CNN reporter where he looked really odd. (Think it was close to the time when he started pulling around the billboard.) He kept moving his around and his eyes were doing some funky kinda dance. I just thought to myself while watching that ...'Boy, this guy is lying'. Does anyone remember this???
If you rewatch Gretas interview and walkthrough of the backyard, there is a point that Greta is going over all of the places where the dogs hit. Cindy says "and an inconsistent hit by the pool" "yeah over there, near the corner of the pool" its the way she says it coupled with her body language that doesn't seem right to me.
Does anyone remember what I am talking about? Or if you go back and watch it will you give me feedback about what you think about Cindy's demeanor during that 3 seconds of film on Greta.

My gut is still bothering me about it.
Respectfully snipped for space

I'm not sure off the top of my head if we are referring to the same moment, but I was very disturbed at the point in the backyard interview with Greta when Cindy motioned to an area and said "yeah - we need to do some work over there" or something to that effect. It gave me the impression that something had been disturbed either during the investigation or worse - BEFORE the investigation which had left an indention or empty space that previously had plants or something there. It was very odd to me and disturbed me to the point that I pulled up the pictures on Greta's site that night and noticed the pool area, but I am not sure if it was the same area that had bothered me in the video. In any case, it definitely set off my "hinky meter".

ETA: Shannon, you and I seem to be on the same wavelength here; you usually post exactly what I'm thinking! :)
That is a good thought.
Was it Casey?
Was it Cindy?
Was it George?

My mind is so tired.:confused::confused:
I can't believe any of those 3 can sleep at night.
They are truly sick.

I am not related to and never met caylee yet watching her video on fathers day grasps at my heart strings and I believe it grasps at mine more than all 3 of theirs put together.
Yup, I do. Everything that LE reported Cindy turned it in the other direction.

I agree...

IMO, every time LE revealed something new to the Anthony's, Cindy would blab it to the media and twist the facts. i.e ...

The pants she said LE knew about on 7/15. The August 5 Search warrant states LE found out about the pants in a interview with Cindy on August 4.

Cindy said something about the car sat for a couple of days before LE took it away. In Set #1 page 41 is a statement from George Anthony dated 7/16 9:30 p.m giving LE permission to take the car.

They supposedly had put so much effort into Caylee's safety with digging the bamboo, locking up the lawn tools, removing the pool ladder, and moving the box...then why on earth did they allow Casey to be alone with her while dragging her to adult drunks and sleepovers with strange men in their beds? It is just absurd!
It definately doesn't add up, just like the accident theory. If it was an accident then just admit it. Twists and turns.
I was very disturbed at the point in the backyard interview with Greta when Cindy motioned to an area and said "yeah - we need to do some work over there" or something to that effect

that was the mostly empty/scraggly area over in the "side yard" by the shed that was "broken into" IIRC
If you rewatch Gretas interview and walkthrough of the backyard, there is a point that Greta is going over all of the places where the dogs hit. Cindy says "and an inconsistent hit by the pool" "yeah over there, near the corner of the pool" its the way she says it coupled with her body language that doesn't seem right to me.

I felt it right away and thought "she knows something" Something is not right about that area.

Much later when the documents were released the detective found a suspicious indentation by the corner of the pool. George admitted to the detective that it was suspicious.

Does anyone remember what I am talking about? Or if you go back and watch it will you give me feedback about what you think about Cindy's demeanor during that 3 seconds of film on Greta.

My gut is still bothering me about it.

I thought the same thing! Cindy seemed as nervous as a you know what in church! She did not want to spend much time in the area of the playhouse, and definately not the area of the sandbox or the pool! Also, Cindy wanted to be sure to use the word INCONSISTANT HITS quite a lot! Then, of course, Greta went to the interview with LE where they stated that they stand behind the dogs! Not one word on their part about INCONSISTANT HITS!!! I believe in the dogs also!

I would definately like to hear that the big hibiscus bush in the back has been dug up and the dirt under it and surrounding it dug up from DEEP underneath.
I have the greatest faith in TES and deeply respect them, but I think it will take George telling where Caylee's body is. That family knows they MUST stick to their story or they probably will all wind up in jail! I am wondering id anyone can ever locate the body unless the family talks. IMO, the Anthony's loved little Caylee and I do believe that George would try to do as decent a burial as he could under the circumstances. It is certainly possible that, IMO, Casey really does not know where the body is. Any polygraph given to Casey would have to contain several very specific questions because she may very well could pass the part of not knowing where Caylee's body is.
There was a script alright, but written by the Anthony's!

This is just my speculation, of course!
I don't know, but chlorine would show up in their testing. If there was enough of it, it could support the theory Caylee drowned in the pool.
If only Cindy and George elaborated more on June 16th like they did on the interview with Greta with the steps to the pool, taking Caylee in and out and moving the ladder etc.

But on June 16th, Cindy says: I hear them in the bedroom AND George says: 12:50 PM etc., etc. BUT no details of little Caylee waking up on the 16th, having breakfast, playing, getting dressed, going potty, having lunch with Grandpa ... just mysteriously appears at 12:50 PM heading out the door! :waitasec:

I've wondered about this also. It makes me depressed to think there weren't these types of "warm" family activities going on and that what must have been Caylee's last day in her home was so friggin cold.
Ok don't know if my earlier post made much sense.
How hard would it be to drain the water from the pool and work something under it? Really desperate people can do desperate things. If the dog hit right there at the corner?
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