Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #144

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On NG Show, expert says homicide vs accidental death.

A person responsible for an accidental death will be depressed and barely able to get out of bed.

A person who commits homicide will feel such relieve they will go out and celebrate or party.

(above paraphrased and jmo)
Casey is very selfish without any doubt. Then again, so is her mother. The tug of war which was Caylee is over now and Caylee was the one who lost everything. Cindy and Casey still have each other even one is in jail. :furious:

You are so right SS!!!!
Poor, poor little Caylee!!!! She lost it all....
I think & feel the same as you on this case.

Tonight I wantched a NEWS clip of Lee & they all act like Caylee is just fine. Then on NG Cindy acts like Casey will not go to jail again. I'd like to just slap them all!!!!! :furious:
On NG Show, expert says homicide vs accidental death.

A person responsible for an accidental death will be depressed and barely able to get out of bed.

A person who commits homicide will feel such relieve they will go out and celebrate or party.

(above paraphrased and jmo)

She called it the relief phase where the killer would be happy the baby is gone.
not by talking to him, if she tries to get him to change his statement yes.... but she is not under any order to not talk to the other players in this mess.... she is acting like a loon though, someone needs to sedate her.

Haha, I am having a vision of a large tranquilizer dart sticking out of her butt.
What?? A baby would not be lying somewhere decaying in an unmarked grave, that is what it would change........

Publicly condemning her might not change the out come, but publicly stomping her prissy arese in the front yard in front of all the TV cameras certainly would raise her worth in my eyes........Both of her parents are hiding something and they need to be prosecuted with Casey.

There is a LOT more going to come out and when it does, I am going to be saying "I told you so."

Casey is the only one that can control whether Caylee is in an unmarked grave or not. And depending on what she did with her that may not be an option even for Casey. That was all I was trying to say. I would love to see Cindy unleash on Casey. I would like to see Cindy accept the truth for her own mental wellbeing. But them accepting it won't bring her back on any level, that is still up to Casey and I don't have much faith in her.
I'd like to just b!tch slap them all!!!!! :furious:[/QUOTE]

Line them all up and do a drive by slapping - get 'em all at the same time!!

The evidence will prevail in this - I firmly believe it is being collected and processed very carefully - IMO
I agree...

IMO, every time LE revealed something new to the Anthony's, Cindy would blab it to the media and twist the facts. i.e ...

The pants she said LE knew about on 7/15. The August 5 Search warrant states LE found out about the pants in a interview with Cindy on August 4.

Cindy said something about the car sat for a couple of days before LE took it away. In Set #1 page 41 is a statement from George Anthony dated 7/16 9:30 p.m giving LE permission to take the car.

In Lee's statement he said that Casey's car was in the garage. Then we heard her car is normally outside. So why did George take it into the garage? Was it to attempt to get rid of the smell? Or to clean it before LE was called?
On NG Show, expert says homicide vs accidental death.

A person responsible for an accidental death will be depressed and barely able to get out of bed.

A person who commits homicide will feel such relieve they will go out and celebrate or party.

(above paraphrased and jmo)

EXACTLY! I say it again - Amanda Reagan Smith - strangled her precious little 7 year old boy because she wanted to go out and party. Amanda also had grandparents who were more than willing to have watched the kid while she was out - even if they did give her grief about her lifestyle. I will never, ever, ever, cease to be amazed at how stupid these criminals are. Do they honestly think they can get away with murdering their child, and no one is going to notice, and that everyone is going the believe the BS they dish out??? Please!
Cindy will continue to be an enabler to her murdering daughter and KC will never take responsibility for Caylee's death, she doesn't know how to...she has never been taught that basic concept of human behavior.

Im sure in KC's head, she blames Cindy for Caylee's death, rationalizing that if her mom would have babysat, Caylee would still be alive. So therefore KC, in her own mind, isnt responsible.

All is JMHO
Ok don't know if my earlier post made much sense.
How hard would it be to drain the water from the pool and work something under it? Really desperate people can do desperate things. If the dog hit right there at the corner?

It doesn't take alot to drain a pool......but it would be messy.
Then to refill it would take some time. Plus LE woukld be able to check with the WATER Co on there usage.
Hello everyone: Forgive me for asking. I actually went and did something normal tonight and went to dinnner with my Mom and sisters. I didn't see the news conference. Can someone give me a quick recap. Everything here in NY is the convention again. THANKS:)
Yes, she is getting on my nerves. I used to like her, but "hoe". She obviously doesn't really have a clue as to what the Padillia's have been doing.

She is one of the worst on TV...........I have no idea why they even use her.
EXACTLY! I say it again - Amanda Reagan Smith - strangled her precious little 7 year old boy because she wanted to go out and party. Amanda also had grandparents who were more than willing to have watched the kid while she was out - even if they did give her grief about her lifestyle. I will never, ever, ever, cease to be amazed at how stupid these criminals are. Do they honestly think they can get away with murdering their child, and no one is going to notice, and that everyone is going the believe the BS they dish out??? Please!

Hi Reannan,
Honestly, I think so because their enablers around them have always allowed them to get away with this behavior. They have never been held accountable or responsible for their actions or the effects caused by those actions.
Funny...even Mickey Sherman, defense attorney for years, says that the amount of time Casey is spending with Baez is excessive. He just shook his head and said he didn't know what they would be discussing. Indicating Baez is giving her a place to hang out outside of her mothers house!
Now I have the answers. Tony spoke and explains it as such: Leonard is the guarantor of the bond, he put it up, and he can take it back.

Just as if I was to bond out someone with my own money and then I hear they may take off, I can't take the bond back.

So this saves face for Tony as well as Leonard.

Saturday she goes back to jail!
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