Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #144

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I did exactly what you said and I got into chat. Once I was connected, I had to go to "channels" and find "webslueths" on the list. Good luck.

All I kept getting was the same old orange java lol.
Originally Posted by Sliver
I think Beth and Tim will be a great influence for good for this family. It does not seem like they have had any help (emotional) from others in the same situation. I am sure they haven't reached out so it is no one's fault.

Beth knows what it feels like to search effortlessly for a loved one, while also not avoiding the evidence of her murder. She knows the frustration of lies. Though she amazingly handled the whole situation with such grace and the Anthony's have not really displayed that...she can so empathize with the loss the the GP's are going through.

I hope that she can help them see that they can't be doing Caylee any honor by enabling the perpetrator even though it is their own daughter. Denial is one thing but obstruction of justice is another.

Under the stress of the situation, there are no better people to be there to assist in my opinion.

Yes, and thank you.
Blink, I left you a message a page or two ago. But if you feel as I do, one dare not go back for fear of losing their place in this line.

LOL, I NEVER ignore a post directed at me so I must, if I dont come back in 5, pull on the rope!!
You folks have probably been on Websleuths so much longer than I. I just found this site because of this case.

Can this be any more bizarre? I am not sure if I want to change my signature back to "Caylee is alive". I just can't understand how after all this time, no-one has anything concrete to go on. It's crazy. :mad::furious:

I think LE has something concrete to go on.
In honor of Caylee.. (so many of you have spent alot of time, 6 weeks of gut-wrenching time sleuthing away.) I would like for us to spend some much needed time with our families over this holiday weekend. Refresh, Renew and Relax and pray hard that the evidence is released and we have some kind of closure on Tuesday. We are going to need it to keep going till the trial. My baby, told me last night "Mommy do not be sad." ( I was crying over Caylee) This has been especially hard as my little girl is the same age and they are JUST SO DARN PRECIOUS at this age. However, in honor of Caylee... I am planning some fun things to do with my daughter and I will hope Caylee can see all the love here on earth from her cloud in heaven.
I think we all pretty much know what happened to Caylee and is really all up to the State Attorney, DA and LE to do their jobs. We will be watching the trial soon enough.
Reporter on MyFox Orlando said she spoke to Cindy and Cindy calls the latest test results, "Hocus Pokus" and she believes her daughter and is standing behind her.
You know I truly believe this woman should be seeing someone professionally...she needs a support system in place. I fear for her well being.
I've been wondering this for a while...... little Caylee is of an age where she can talk. Maybe Casey thought that one day she would bring Caylee "home from the babysitter" and Cindy asks Caylee "how was your day with Zanaida," and Caylee says "Zanaida WHO ??"
Casey surely knows the game is over by now and she can't win. Yet she's chosen to let her beautiful daughter further waste away all by herself in some lonely place. She not only killed her daughter, but she's also denying her any sort of proper burial and, FOR NO REASON AT ALL AT THIS POINT, would prefer this child to be slowly taken by insects and the elements. Time for Cindy and George to open the door and insist Casey leave the house pronto. Considering the mob that would be waiting to kill her, maybe that would persuade her to fess up to where the child's body is.
Feel like posting this again. Just don't quote me as it will take up a lot of space. Need to share again; means so much to me. For those of you who didn't see it. Keep it close and print and frame for your home. It's a wonderful reminder. Hope Casey Reads It!

To My Child

Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying.

Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is.

Just for this morning, I am going to step over the laundry, and pick you up and take you to the park to play.

Just for this morning, I will leave the dishes in the sink, and let you teach me how to put that puzzle of yours together.

Just for this afternoon, I will unplug the telephone and keep the computer off, and sit with you in the backyard and blow bubbles..

Just for this afternoon, I will not yell once, not even a tiny grumble when you scream and whine for the ice cream truck, and I will buy you one if he comes by.
Just for this afternoon, I won't worry about what you are going to be when you grow up, or second guess every decision I have made where you are concerned.

Just for this afternoon, I will let you help me bake cookies, and I won't stand over you trying to fix them.
Just for this afternoon, I will take us to McDonald's and buy us both a Happy Meal so you can have both toys.

Just for this evening, I will hold you in my arms and tell you a story about how you were born and how much I love you.

Just for this evening, I will let you splash in the tub and not get angry.

Just for this evening, I will let you stay up late while we sit on the porch and count all the stars.

Just for this evening, I will snuggle beside you for hours, and miss my favorite TV shows.

Just for this evening when I run my finger through your hair as you pray, I will simply be grateful that God has given me the greatest gift ever given.
I will think about the mothers and fathers who are searching for their missing children, the mothers and fathers who are visiting their children's graves instead of their bedrooms, and mothers and fathers who are in hospital rooms watching their children suffer senselessly, and screaming inside that they can't handle it anymore.

And when I kiss you good night I will hold you a little tighter, a little longer. It is then, that I will thank God for you, and ask him for nothing, except one more day..............
Reporter on MyFox Orlando said she spoke to Cindy and Cindy calls the latest test results, "Hocus Pokus" and she believes her daughter and is standing behind her.

I will give her HOKUS POKUS right upside her head.



Oh my Dear Lord. Its unbelievable.
I disagree with you and stand by original post.
Nobody's saying that LE won't be able to convict Casey with what they already have. In fact, I think they could get a homicide conviction without any forensics at all. But the prosecution's case won't be as airtight as it could be -- and that was my point. And that's why the fat lady ain't singing, because the final nail isn't driven in the coffin. Without proof of cause of death there's no evidence that Caylee didn't die, for example, from a sudden and tragic heart attack, and that maybe the only thing Casey is guilty is panicking and hiding the body and lying to LE. Without a cause of death, LE can't say for sure other than to speculate, that Casey had any responsibility for Caylee's death. And the defense will exploit this loophole fully.

Today's evidence,if it pans out, proves that Caylee is dead. It does nothing to determine how she died.
Yes, young lawyerling, you accurately predict an exciting trial with the parrying back and forth between prosecution and defense. However, speaking with several decades of experience, when all is said and done and the evidence is given to 12 reasonable jurors, they would convict on at least a manslaughter charge -- without knowing the specific blow-by-blow cause of death -- because the concept that Caylee died suddenly of a tragic heart attack and Casey's only involvement was to panick and hide the body -- is a pie in the sky defense theory only trying to raise reasonable doubt where it does not exist. Coming up with any implausible alternative theory is not what "beyond a reasonable doubt" is all about. The good judge will give the jury its instructions and all the pantomimes by defense will not "create" a reasonable doubt out of whole cloth -- and neither will Casey and the imaginary Zanny the Nanny.
Reporter on MyFox Orlando said she spoke to Cindy and Cindy calls the latest test results, "Hocus Pocus" and she believes her daughter and is standing behind her.

Cindy was on the O.J. jury, I'm SURE!
In honor of Caylee.. (so many of you have spent alot of time, 6 weeks of gut-wrenching time sleuthing away.) I would like for us to spend some much needed time with our families over this holiday weekend. Refresh, Renew and Relax and pray hard that the evidence is released and we have some kind of closure on Tuesday. We are going to need it to keep going till the trial. My baby, told me last night "Mommy do not be sad." ( I was crying over Caylee)
You are so right. Moments ago my 6 year old daughter asked me, "Mom, can I hold you for a minute?" I am going back to sleuthing only at night when she's in bed. Thanks for the reminder about what's important in life.
Someone on one of the news shows called in and wondered how Cindy could be living in the same house with her daughter knowing she very well may have done harm to her granddaughter. Perhaps her mind is shutting out the obvious so that she can stay rational at home. I could not do what she is doing....daughter or no daughter.
Reporter on MyFox Orlando said she spoke to Cindy and Cindy calls the latest test results, "Hocus Pokus" and she believes her daughter and is standing behind her.

Hmmm, I want some of what she's smoking.
You folks have probably been on Websleuths so much longer than I. I just found this site because of this case.

Can this be any more bizarre? I am not sure if I want to change my signature back to "Caylee is alive". I just can't understand how after all this time, no-one has anything concrete to go on. It's crazy. :mad::furious:

Did you ever haer anything more from your source on the last thread ??
Reporter on MyFox Orlando said she spoke to Cindy and Cindy calls the latest test results, "Hocus Pokus" and she believes her daughter and is standing behind her.
I don't expect her to ever say anything differently. She needs some serious help. Had she gotten some serious help for her daughter she would probably still have her granddaughter.
The most important advise my dad, God rest his soul, ever gave me was this "Your problem is you expect everyone to think like you do, and guess what, they don't
We all want Cindy to act normal. She's never going to.:)
Thread: Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #143
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Today, 05:44 PM

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Originally Posted by Blink34
Tim MUST remain neutral, his job is to find Caylee. Regardless of how it got that way, she knows she has lost her grandaughter to unnatural causes. There is no-one better than him to understand that and offer support. He cannot focus on the "how" and do his job effectively, and my money and faith are on every move he makes. Regardless of the result, I know this case will benefit from his involvement.

Thanks, Blink. I agree with all you say. How does that Cindy continue to go on? At what point really do you think she allowed her mind to accept that Caylee is dead?

Blink response:

Karen- unfortunately I do not think she has allowed herself to believe Caylee is dead thus far, I think she believed that she had to do everything she could to search for her, and Tim has had success in finding missing person's alive, as well as recovery.
I cant help but think of the Laci Peterson case. When Laci and Conner washed up on shore they were NEVER able to determine a cause of death whatsoever, even with a body. They also had zero forensic evidence to convict Scott with and they did it. In fact, that lunatic got the Death Penalty just based on his behavior, lies and otherwise.

All that I am saying is that in my opinion The Fat Lady has sung already and she will sing another sad tune if and when the find Caylee.

But they don't really need too. Casey's done.

Well, yes. Again, I never said that they won't be able to convict Casey with the existing evidence. But the fat lady sings when it's over and there's nothing more to do. And that's not an accurate description of the present case status/. LE wants Caylee's body in the worst way imaginable. They're not done.
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