Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

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Well for pity sake...tell us what you really think Cindy! I guess she is just hitting out at whoever is most convenient. We aren't the ones who murdered her granddaughter though. Casey is lucky that she isn't my daughter. You can love your kids but not like them at times and this would be a time when I would not like my daughter at all. I've always been really straight forward and I would have the truth out of that girl for she would be finding a new place to stay. My granddaughter would come first in a situation like this.

Same here Caylee has no voice shame on Casey and I remain disgusted. :mad:
There was a FL attorney on CNN yesterday. She explained the "limited immunity" means any statements Casey makes could not be used to prosecute her, but any evidence generated from her statements could be used against her.

OS reports basically the same thing in an article this morning....,0,1944517.story

As I felt from the first of this announcement....this is for Casey a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.
So Baez just cannot advise his client to respond.
Are you kidding?

The womans grandaughter is dead!!! Reporters are camped outside her home 24/7. I am surprised she hasn't come out screaming worse before now. I know I would've.

Gee who invited um??????????????? :rolleyes:
First let me say what a wonderful place you have here - I originally found this site by following the Nancy Cooper case - and have gotten NO work done over the last several days keeping up on this case.

I also held out hope that Caylee would be found alive - although after reading the documents that were released it was truly difficult to keep hoping. I do believe that Casey is severely mentally ill (but that does not mean that she was unaware of her actions or incapable of knowing right from wrong) and I am beginning to think that Cindy may have something going on as well. I don't mean that as an insult at all - bipolar runs in my family - my mother and daughter are both diagnosed. Some of the actions of Cindy and her comments have lead me to believe she is truly on the verge of a breakdown.

It would be very difficult to accept that YOUR child - could have even possibily hurt your grandchild - but Casey is now an ADULT - and while my heart would break for my daughter and how she could possible be so detached - my anger would more than likely take over - I could not continue to support my daughter without her providing information - IMO.

There are so many people praying and searching for Caylee - I truly believe both George and Cindy deep down have known the whole time - which would explain their lack of involvement - but understand that knowing and accepting are totally different things. So my prayers go to them to provide them with the strength to step up and take action so that hopefully poor little Caylee can be properly put to rest. My heart simply breaks for this poor baby.
I don't know how I would react in Cindy's postition. But I would hope that I would listen intelligently to what the findings were and that I would keep my child's welfare in mind when trying to guide her on decisions. And the way things are going right now, with all of the denial, non cooperation and refusing the plea, Casey could very possibly get the maximum either full life or the death penalty. The plea is really the best option for her right now.

Maybe the clean up of the clothing in the car was part of Cindy's denial. But that would be easier to believe if she wasn't saying things like she is. If it was part of the denial, she has a lot more willpower than I do. I mean after a certain point, you finally have to accept.

If I could be sure that the cleanup of the car wasn't a deliberate attempt to coverup, then yes I would feel very sorry for Cindy and George. To lose your granddaughter that you helped to raise would be as bad as losing a child. Plus you would know that despite your grief it was your job to help your child accept their child's loss. To add to that, knowing that the loss of your grandchild was at your daughter's hands.... well that could easily make you crazy. I mean how would you accept that the child you love is capable of that?

But despite all that, I don't think I could help coverup. And she didn't do Casey any service if she did.
Gee who invited um??????????????? :rolleyes:

So what?

The woman is going through the most dreadful time right now. Show some compassion is all I say! Try and understand what is going on in her life right now. George lost it the other week when things got too much for him.
Are you kidding?

The womans grandaughter is dead!!! Reporters are camped outside her home 24/7. I am surprised she hasn't come out screaming worse before now. I know I would've.

No I'm not kidding. There have been many families that have had children/grandchildren missing. NONE have even remotely acted like her or this whole family for that matter. When this first broke Cindy couldn't find a camera that she didn't like! NOW they are all parasites and maggots???
Originally Posted by Katelynnk


ORLANDO, Fla. -- Officials at the Orange County State Attorney's Office said they're planning a 10:30 a.m. news conference about the Caylee Anthony investigation.

Authorities said they'll explain why Casey Anthony, Caylee's mother, should seriously consider taking a limited immunity deal being offered by prosecutors.

The deal will expire next week

Thank you for your posting. I usually do my own look ups, since I'm keyboard smart, I was away not being lazy honest. : )
I noticed you twice already and wanted to shout a special thank you.

Here is your link for PC.. :)
Apologies if this is way off base..just have a few minutes here at work and I am wondering about something.

I noticed last night the video they keep showing of Caylee, and she seems to "pull" at her hair and it looked thin on the sides. Then I thought about all the pictures I've seen so far, and she either has her head tilted back or a hat on. Could she possibly have had "trichtillomania" It is usually due to anxiety in toddlers. That could be why they keep talking about the hair in the trunk (it made me wonder the way they talk, it must have been a lot of hair, not just "A Hair".

Could she have possibly been alive when Casey put her in the trunk and maybe (sorry to be graphic) have been scared and started pulling her hair out??

I know it's a weird thought. What I'm hoping is that she didn't suffer. I hope Casey didn't put her in their alive.

I wondered about her hair as well or could it have been drugs in her system. The last part to sad to invision.
Originally Posted by DazzlinDebSD
"I want him to do a search around here to satisfy all of you leaches, parasites and all of you maggots," said Cindy Anthony.Cindy's rant came the day after sources informed Eyewitness News that new DNA evidence shows hair, and a stain found inside of Casey Anthony's car belongs to her daughter Caylee. The results showed signs of decomposition which proves Caylee is dead, but Cindy Anthony remains optimistic.

This lady leaves me with no words.

Oh goodness just when I posted on the other thread about her new theory and about how I felt sorry for her, then she goes and says something like this. I guess she has to be angry at someone for everything that is going on and it is much easier to take it out on anyone but the person resposible for all of this....her daughter. :(
I wondered about her hair as well or could it have been drugs in her system. The last part to sad to invision.

I truly believe that Caylee was deceased when she was out in the trunk, as the evidence now seems to indicate as well, if that's any concellation.
Originally Posted by Lauren'sDad
Hello all,
I'm a new poster but have been lurking for quite some time. My first post actually was on the prayers for Caylee thread. This case has had my gut in knots since the beginning. I guess it hit home for me because I have a 3 yr old daughter (who bears a very strong resemblance to Caylee), and I can't imagine ever doing harm to any child, especially my daughter. Anyway, you guys are amazing! I never tire of reading, however I certainly have not got much done at work this week!

Welcome from what I have read your not alone in the work load..
<--------is tired of talking about cindy

<------doesnt want to see fight over it, cause there are 2 sides to it

<------wont be happy if it doesnt stop

and you dont want to see my not happy :laugh::laugh:
Are you kidding?

The womans grandaughter is dead!!! Reporters are camped outside her home 24/7. I am surprised she hasn't come out screaming worse before now. I know I would've.
I agree and I am surprised she hasn't totally lost it yet. I suppose tomorrow when they take Casey she will truly lose it.
I truly believe that Caylee was deceased when she was out in the trunk, as the evidence now seems to indicate as well, if that's any concellation.

I also support that theory!
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