I just HAVE to say this - I had written an apology over on the Padilla thread the other evening right after Leonard had stated that had he read or known the contents of the 400+ pages of documents, he would not have bailed Casey out. I thought that he handled that well and felt guilty about blasting him for getting Casey out in the first place.
Then when LP announced yesterday and last night that Casey's bond was going to be revoked due to safety issues and that he no longer felt little Caylee was alive, I applauded him for that. I knew TES was in town and I know what a top notch organization that is.
This morning on TV, I watched LP affirm that Casey WAS going back to jail on Saturday.
NOW LP is NOT going to revoke Casey's bond. OK, now I am mad. Sorry to those who are still fans, but this has done it for me. Casey needs to be back in jail, IMO. LE will get the evidence they need and be able to indite her for a homicide soon. And I do not want Casey to get any sort of immunity, either.
I am a Caylee advocate, and have tremendous faith in Tim Miller and TES! Casey lies so much I do not see how LE can believe anything she says anyway!
Sorry. I just had to rant!