Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #160

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I am guessing that LE or someone also had to "break the news" to Casey? IMOO

Even though IMHO of course she knew, I wonder what she said, or her reaction if any? Cindy can not possibly be in that kind of denial can she? If and When (praying) they find poor Caylees body, which she still be convinced that it's not her? Does she have to convince herself LE is wrong just to keep from going off the deep end? OK-deeper end:confused:
There is no excuse for not reporting the death, or for not calling 911, which makes it look more like murder than an accident.

I don't think it was accident. If it was surely CA would have called for help. We've all seen the GP's fly into a rage, one can only imagine CA doing the same or worse. Maybe it was not intentional, but I don't think an accident adds up.

Thx - I was looking but couldn't find it.

yw, i originally found it when looking for an ordinance against George's tape on the sidewalk. From what I read he needs to have a permit for that and also it needs to be lit from sun down to sun up and should have built a "temporary sidewalk" too many sources to site, but it's all available in the same site just thought it was interesting info.
Since when is it illegal to protest in America?

Protesting has to follow rules--and I think people are saying that it isn't permitted in residential areas. You are free to protest, but there are rules governing the location. Pro-life groups can't protest inside the abortion clinics--that's why protesters are frequently arrested. They aren't arrested for protesting--it's the location.
It's against the law in Orlando to protest, peacefully or otherwise in front of a private residence, the only exemption is if that residence is also used as a place of employement and its a labor strike.

Just read and word searched the Orlando Municipal Code and found nothing prohibiting assemblies in front of a private residence. Do you have a citation or link for that rule? Here's the link to the Municipal Code. Look for Title II, Section 18A.

By the way, the Anthony residence is apparently in the County of Orange for jurisdictional purposes and not within the City of Orlando. (1st 911 call to Police was transferred to Sheriff's Office.)
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

great thought!!!!!1111 and they do it to dogs cause my bull terrier has one so why couldnt they??? i think your onto something there...
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

Hopefully after my life time,that sounds like George Orwell. scarystuff
Doesn't anyone find it odd that when Deputy Nievens (sp) gave the press conference he refused to give out anything regarding the investigation as they "keep this information close to the vest"?
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

You know, I just saw a commercial about a device you can clip to your child's clothing that has GPS, but of course, this won't help murder victims who are disposed of without the device.
Sorry would have linked before but I was having trouble re-finding it.
Sec. 43.42. Picketing; Definitions; Where Prohibited; Exceptions.
(1) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Picket: The word "picket" shall mean to position oneself, or to assemble or gather, as a means of protest, or as a means of presenting or advocating a cause or grievance.
(b) Peaceful Picketing: The term "peaceful picketing" shall mean any tranquil and peaceful means of presenting a cause to the public which is devoid of noise or tumult or quarrelsome demeanor, and which does not violate or disturb the public peace or private property rights.
(c) Residential or Dwelling Unit: The term "residential or dwelling unit" shall mean any single or multifamily residence, to include units within an apartment or condominium complex. The term shall not include those establishments serving or catering to the transient public such as motels, hotels, or motor hotels.
(2) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to picket before or about any residential or dwelling unit of any person.
(3) This section shall not apply to a person peacefully picketing upon property which he owns or of which he is lessee, nor does it prohibit the peaceful picketing of a place of employment involved in a labor dispute, including a residential or dwelling unit used as a place of business, or peaceful picketing within a place commonly used for public assembly.

Hmm, if this is the case, I wonder why the mean old police didn't arrest all the protesters. I mean they arrived, protesters were there, nobody got arrested? Hmm, interesting.
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

Whoa! That opens all kinds of government conspiracies. Remember the rumours back in the 1980s of ss#s being tattooed on wrists? Not trying to be argumentative but people went mad over that one.
Doesn't anyone find it odd that when Deputy Nievens (sp) gave the press conference he refused to give out anything regarding the investigation as they "keep this information close to the vest"?

I did, but chalked it up to one of So Many odd things in this case. :waitasec:
did anyone else catch that when beaz said that earlier in the day he heard the leak about the possible arrest and then when he during the interview they wouldnt even tell her what charges or why she was being arrest.......either he new about the leak or he didnt
Yes I caught that and also caught that he was on the phone with her when LE arrived, I agree with the thinking either he did or didn't but I also wonder why was he on the phone with CA at 8:30 PM??
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

Well, my dog is micro-chipped! Lol

Seriously, I have thought about this. I would love to be able to implant something in my kids that would "track" them, and then once they turn 18, they could have the option to have it removed. I understand all the controversial ramifications of this type of thing, but imagine the reduction in missing children - especially if implantation and just where in the body it is were kept secret!! It would need to be a choice - and not something mandated by the government. I know, I know, Big Brother is Watching!!
I would be surprised if the Anthonys have not been informed of this before today's statement. I think they just won't believe it.
I agree 100%. I was really saddened by the official announcement even tho we all knew...

I think someday (not in my lifetime), they will have some sort of GPS or other instrument that can be inserted in the body at time of birth. That would really make it easy to find missing people. Maybe just a dream!

Don't they do that now with pets??? Why not people??? I see the "infringement of our rights" argument on this one, however, I think it should be a choice offered to parents, perhaps????:waitasec:
I wonder when this information was available to OCSO.

I wonder if Padillo knew about it Friday.

I wonder if JB knew about it Friday when he and Padillo had their talk. And, if so I wonder What the Heck JB's impromptu press conference was all about?

I wonder.....
Did anyone ever find out why Friday night's charges are no longer showing up on the current inmate database? Sorry if this has been addressed, I had to leave for a bit....

I have no clue why the current charges are no longer there. They were there early Saturday morning BUT now gone. Hummmmmmmm!
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