Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

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The Anthony's and Baez have hired a Public Relations firm to arrange and collect fees for all appearances. We need to tell media outlets in no uncertain terms we do not want to hear or see this anymore!

I would love to know what they were paid by Time/People for that a whole lot more than I make in a year! Or the Greta exclusive.

We can get information without the Anthony's or Baez and it will be more honest and certainly more accurate.

I totally agree this is why he took this case pro bono not not find Caylee but it will be a cash cow for years to come, sad, I mean I know people say defense attrn. are scum but this gives a new meaning to it.
If my child had anything to do with taking the life of another human being, specifically my own flesh and blood I'd send 'em up the river without a paddle.
I would not stop loving my child, but I certainly wouldn't be helping covering things up either.
I would offer my support and my shoulder but that would be about as far as I would go.

I have no idea what I would do in such a case. I hope I would be strong enough to do the right thing, but...
If my child had anything to do with taking the life of another human being, specifically my own flesh and blood I'd send 'em up the river without a paddle.
I would not stop loving my child, but I certainly wouldn't be helping covering things up either.
I would offer my support and my shoulder but that would be about as far as I would go.
I know, and I think that most people would ultimately make the same decision you have described. But then I think that there are other people who make a different decision. My thought on that would be that the grandparents would probably have to believe that it was really and truly an accident to be willing to cover up the crime, but then again...if I were in their position my argument to Casey would be that if it really was an accident it is best to come forward, accept what comes, and hope that the truth (as terrible as it is) results in a lesser sentence. I can't put myself directly in the grandparent's shoes because I think I see things differently than they do.
Didn't Casey go over to his place to take a shower after Caylee went missing?
Maybe he thinks she was trying to get eveidence to plant and blame him somehow..

She's a CSI fan. Maybe she showered, etc. planting evidence of ground, decomp, etc in the washroom and wherever she went in his home. JG didn't notice that she smelled aweful that I can remember though at least those kinds of statements haven't been released yet. Hmmmm
I have no idea what I would do in such a case. I hope I would be strong enough to do the right thing, but...

Maybe we should all decide right now what we do in such a situation and make sure our older children know what we will and won't do if they ever think of doing anything like this. I hope that makes sense.

If we have made that decision ahead of time, we won't have to decide and there will be clear boundaries. That said, I hope none of us EVER have to deal with anything like this with a child of ours.
If Caylee's finger prints are in the trunk then they will know she was alive in the trunk and to me that would be no accident.

I absolutely agree... But without the body they need to know Who put her in that trunk... When and why remember it is up to them to prove beyond a resonable doubt Casey did it. They are not going to take any chances she walks.
I don't actually believe Casey planned to murder her child. She doesn't seem to plan much of anything. I think poor Caylee died from negligence, or possibly in a moment when her mother lost control. Casey's attention span does not seem overlong to me and she has not shown herself to be an especially disciplined individual, as well. jmo

She did PLAN to party a lot; so while she may not have PLANED to kill anyone at all.

IMAGINE IF her plan was just to party and then go back to the car and get Caylee in the morning:
---She knew that putting a baby in the trunk to sleep can not be a safe thing.
---she knew that IF she gave her a sleeping pill - that is not a good thing.
She may have been shocked when she got back in the car.
She may not have done anything intentional.
BUT...Caylee is not coming back. And she deleted all her photos as if to say that baby did not exist, and will not get in my way of partying. hammm she did not need to be much of a planner for that.
I have no idea what I would do in such a case. I hope I would be strong enough to do the right thing, but...

Yes what happened to part of Americian parents where we would lead by example, I mean sure it is Cindy's child, but it was also her granddaughter. I find it strange she would help conseal, the truth and denie her grand daughter a proper burial or resting place. I think the whole Familly is nuts. They know what happened I am sure of they are just useing us and the media to try to create the resonable doubt, to get her precious daughter off
IIRC, didn't Cindy, Casey and Caylee swim after the nursing home visit? Casey was complaining about it being cold, I believe. For some reason this swimming incident, and Casey spending the night at Tony's has bothered me. Where was Caylee? We know Clint said she wasn't with Casey that night, so how could Cindy tuck the both of them in. In my mind something happened during that swim, but I can't piece the puzzle together and it is driving me crazy.

The problem that I have with this scenario is that if Casey could save herself by pointing the finger at anyone else, including a family member, then I believe she would jump at it. IMO she is only protecting one person and that is Casey.
I have no idea what I would do in such a case. I hope I would be strong enough to do the right thing, but...
It's horrible to try to imagine being in that position, especially if as a parent you believed that what happened was an accident. And I suppose if the grandparents felt that it would be difficult to prove it was an accident and that Casey was facing some very serious jail time at such a young age they might be inclined to try to prevent the worst from happening. Yeah, who can really say what they would do in that situation. Like you I hope I would do the right thing, but George was in law enforcement, right? He knows that sometimes the truth doesn't result in a favorable outcome. Assuming that they know what happened and believe it was an accident...
From Jesse's father's interview, I took it that the Grund family has caught wind that the Anthonys are trying to pin this on Jesse.
She's a CSI fan. Maybe she showered, etc. planting evidence of ground, decomp, etc in the washroom and wherever she went in his home. JG didn't notice that she smelled aweful that I can remember though at least those kinds of statements haven't been released yet. Hmmmm

I don't believe she planned anything from day to day. I think she is like the duck who wakes up in a new world each day. (There's that bloody duck again! Has anyone investigated him?)
Actually, I think CAsey could easily have planned Caylee's murder. She's smart, cold-blooded, and shows not remorse at all, all the traits of a first degree murderer.
She's a CSI fan. Maybe she showered, etc. planting evidence of ground, decomp, etc in the washroom and wherever she went in his home. JG didn't notice that she smelled aweful that I can remember though at least those kinds of statements haven't been released yet. Hmmmm

It is my belief she actually showered at Ricardo's. I am sure that is in the 400 pages. Maybe in the Amy statement.
The problem that I have with this scenario is that if Casey could save herself by pointing the finger at anyone else, including a family member, then I believe she would jump at it. IMO she is only protecting one person and that is Casey.
I agree with this. I feel the same way. Casey would sell her family down the river in a heartbeat if it meant the spotlight would come off of her. No doubt about it in my mind.
Actually, I think CAsey could easily have planned Caylee's murder. She's smart, cold-blooded, and shows not remorse at all, all the traits of a first degree murderer.
And she indicated on myspace that she was watching "American Psycho" when she posted that ominous poem about how everyone lies and everyone dies. Things like that really make a person wonder.
QUESTION: At one point does a dead/decomposing body STOP smelling??? I mean with the searchers out there, would the body still be in such a state that it would give off a foul order or not?
I agree. How do you accidentally put your child into the trunk of your car- dead or alive?

My mother said that she believes that Casey was out partying at the bar and left Caylee in the trunk sleeping. Casey then went home with a guy for a one night stand (or event just over to a friends house) got high and forgot about Caylee. When she finally returned after a big night of partying, Caylee had died from the heat of the car. This is an interesting theory and I would like to know where she was every night and where her car was.
Actually, I think CAsey could easily have planned Caylee's murder. She's smart, cold-blooded, and shows not remorse at all, all the traits of a first degree murderer.

You are right and the facr her and her parents where fighting, she probally had made plans but couldn't party now because she ahd Caylee and what beter way to get even or cause her parents pain than to do something with there precious baby, and they fact her mother has stated that she was jealous of the baby too.
what i find most heartbreaking is this: usually during the penalty phase of any trial, the family of the victim have a profound impact on the judges decision...the mother is always the most outspoken about demanding justice, then siblings, then friends and little caylees case, there is noone to stand for her...not one single family member is wiling to demand other words, no harm no foul...
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