Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #77

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Sorry to bring up a different subject, and I hope it doesn't get lost in the discussion of the not-surprising refusal of Casey to see her parents. They need to go on a cruise, and send her postcards.


How many cars does this family have?

#1 - George
#2 - Cindy
#3 - Casey

Would this be correct?

I am confused as to when Casey stole Cindy's car.

Which car had the smell of decomp and was abandoned?

If Casey's car #3 was abandoned, and George or Cindy brought it home, then what was the dialog about "one of Casey's friends" getting Casey's car fixed? IF Casey's car was taken from the lot by LE, how could someone fix it -- assuming it was the gas gauge, and that it is now operable, whereas it wasn't when Casey stole the gas cans.

Wondering on which dates Casey was driving her own car, and on which dates she was driving Cindys.

Are they a two-car family? George one, and Cindy/Casey one?

I believe the car Casey was driving and which was abandoned and impounded is actually registered to George/Cindy since they got the letter that it had been towed. I know they also have a SUV (seen it parked in the garage) and Lee has a Mustang (parked in the driveway in several news reports), but I'm not sure what the other car is. I'm also not sure about the report of someone getting the car fixed either.

“Today's declined visitation counts as one of those three visitation opportunities,” according to Allen Moore, Public Information Officer for the Orange County Corrections Department. “Orange County Corrections does not inquire as to why an inmate decides to decline a visitation. Cynthia and George Anthony were notified by phone that their daughter had declined today's scheduled visit.”
It was asked on the other thread when Casey's parents will stop making excuses for her. My answer is that they'll stop when they're emotionally ready to accept that their beloved granddaughter will never be coming home and that their daughter is, for all practical purposes, lost to them. That will take time, and they may never be able to do it. I can't criticize them for that.

I think a lot of us would stand by our loved ones longer than we might think we would. It is easy to stand back and look at the information and wonder why the Anthony's are supportive of her. But we have to remember that they love her and do not believe she would do this. At some point, assuming Casey is responsible, the Anthony's will hopefully see the light.
The Rochas supported Scott Peterson for over a month before recognizing his lies.
The Anthony's have not recognized her lies yet. They are convinced they are purposeful lies. From out here at our computers that sounds absurd, but not to them ...yet.

This article is kind of a reminder that we are not really sure what each of us may do and how odd this all sounds now that we have hindsight.

Not trying to compare the 2 stories at all so please don't take it that way.This is just food for thought :)

My point is that we just can't be sure when we are caught up in
the middle of something this huge how we might process information.

>>S. ROCHA: Yes. They just are really truly in love with each other. They do everything together. They're partners. They're a team. They love each other. They planned together, they play together. They're always smiling. They're just very happy, well- adjusted couple. Never been any indication, I never heard Laci say she was even angry with Scott for any reason at all.<<

>>KING: So that's not strange to you that he would go fishing?

GRANTSKI: No. Not to me.

KING: And the baby's not due until February 10, right it wasn't that he was going to miss the birth of a child?

GRANTSKI: Just a few hours, I mean, just gone for a few hours. It's -- you have to remember that was a workday for most people. I went to work in the morning, then I was off in the afternoon and he happened to have the day off and so did Sharon. So everybody already prepared for our dinners. We were having dinner at our house that night. So, It was kind of like a lax time before the evening of all of us getting together.


KING: Amy, as far as you knew, is your sister very happily married?

A. ROCHA: Very happily married, yes.

KING: So you join your stepfather and your mother in saying that you don't question at all Scott's involvement?

A. ROCHA: We have no question in our mind about Scott, he's part of our family.<<
>>KING: ... from what the notes tell me here. For example, a tabloid, one tabloid reports that Laci always opened the drapes when she was home during the day, but said the drapes were closed all that day. Do you know anything about what that means?

S. ROCHA: No, like I said I didn't read that tabloid.

KING: Does anyone have any comment on that?

A. ROCHA: You can't see the drapes from the street.

S. ROCHA: There are no drapes.

GRANTSKI: I don't think any -- if they had a set routine. I don't know how someone can keep track of whether they open the drapes normally or not. I mean, if they are watching the house that close, then they should know where Laci is. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) you know, if they watched the drapes that close, why don't they find Laci for us?<<
It was asked on the other thread when Casey's parents will stop making excuses for her. My answer is that they'll stop when they're emotionally ready to accept that their beloved granddaughter will never be coming home and that their daughter is, for all practical purposes, lost to them. That will take time, and they may never be able to do it. I can't criticize them for that.

I don't criticize the parents either, but I think George and Cindy have been dealing with Casey's behavior for many years and they are at a loss as to how to handle this situation.

They - George, Cindy, and Lee - need counseling by a professional in order to learn how to deal with all that's happened. Not just this immediate situation, but the pattern of Casey's lies and out-of-control behavior that they've dealt with for so long.

They need professional help to deal with the loss of Caylee and with what the future holds in regards to Casey.
Well, this is getting very suspicious to me. Refusing Lee and her she getting ready to implicate someone other than herself here? :waitasec:
I thought of that, too. But, didn't want to get bashed.
Wanted to add: I was VERY promiscuous from the age of 15 and up ... even into my adult life. To me, it was just another way of getting love and affection, if only for a few minutes. Sad really .. but true.

It wasn't really love of course, but it was the next best thing in my mind and heart.

aprilshowers, I read your story--thank you for being so open in sharing it. Do you mind me asking if your mom was relatively young when you were born? I have a few friends who have much less of an age gap between themselves and their parents than I do and I find that they have fewer boundaries in their relationships. There are some positive aspects to that but I also see negative ones as well (w/ some parallels to what you are describing) although I would not go as far as to categorize any of them as having BPD. Of course the parental dynamic you're describing can occurr regardless of age, but I wonder if it is more common w/ a closer age gap between parent and child than is the average.
Do we know if this attorney was a court appointed attorney? He may well have been. I don't think the parents can afford to pay an attorney. Attorneys are very expensive. My guess is her attorney was court appointed since this is a criminal matter. She has to have representation whether she can afford it or not.

The only thing I came across was that Baez used to work for the public defender's office. He has had a few high profile cases since opening his own firm. Casey found out about him at the time she was being booked in jail and she hired him but nothing about whose paying for it.

Caylee Anthony's grandparents spent her third birthday without the missing child. Her mother remains in jail as her family continues to hold out hope the young girl is alive.

In a new development, a spokesman for Orange County Corrections said that Casey Anthony had cancelled a scheduled visit with her parents that would have taken place Sunday evening. It was rescheduled for Thursday morning.

There was no explanation given for the change.

I feel there won't be any explanations, and while they can schedule to their hearts' content, she will most likely not see them again while she's in jail. In retrospect, it wouldn't surprise me if she's discarded them just like she did the car towed from the Amscot.
IF Caylee is found to be dead and IF Casey is ever charged with murder, she's going to find life behind bars even more painful because the other inmates are going to despite her. Her name will be forever linked with other killer mothers in articles etc..

IF Caylee is never found, and she only spends a certain amount of time behind bars on the neglect charges and others they can charge her with (if convicted on them) life outside jail will never be the same either. Former friends will no longer be friends and other people will shun her as well. Those in the club scene who will be "friendly" to her will do so in order to brag that they "dated" her and lived to survive. She'll be made into a joke. She'll be right where she was at before with mom and dad supporting her because very few will want to hire her.
Even if she isn't charged with murder, she will likely be convicted of child neglect and spend a few yrs. in prison (up to 5 I think?). A lot can happen during that time, including other inmates getting to her, or whatever, but if she loses her family in the meantime she'll have no one when she gets out. True friends won't be found.
As for my posts ... just wanted to add that I'm sharing my story, absolutely not saying that this is Casey's situation or head set.

I understand aprilshowers. Thank you for sharing.
Hi! I agree with you. The person I specifically was referring to in comparison with Casey Anthony refuses her diagnosis and treatment, and hers was found to be a severe case. I know that many with this diagnosis can be very successful. I'm really glad that you are. I mean that.

I didn't list all of the characteristics, mainly for time, which is why I mentioned it would be an interesting read if anyone wanted to search the DSM IV online for the characteristics. My point was that Casey Anthony is very similar in her behaviors to the person I know, who is a severe case.

I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

Oh no ... I understood what you were saying. :)

Thankfully, I'm on medication now and have had therapy ... but still to this day, I'm very emotional and tend to fall back on some problem areas, when things are unstable in my life.

Thank goodness I have God, my faith in him, my medication and my cats :D
I feel there won't be any explanations, and while they can schedule to their hearts' content, she will most likely not see them again while she's in jail. In retrospect, it wouldn't surprise me if she's discarded them just like she did the car towed from the Amscot.

Yep, when people like Casey have no more use for you, off to the garbage you go like a broken toaster.
Oh no ... I understood what you were saying. :)

Thankfully, I'm on medication now and have had therapy ... but still to this day, I'm very emotional and tend to fall back on some problem areas, when things are unstable in my life.

Thank goodness I have God, my faith in him, my medication and my cats :D
I appreciate you sharing your experiences and your last line says it all. God bless you! :)
Nope, Casey cares about Casey. I don't think refusing their visit has anything to do with not being able to face them or their pain. It is about self preservation. Mom and Dad are cooperating with the police, the tapes are used against and only pinpoint more lies. And based on how mad she was about the ONE interview she saw her do, she probably has nothing kind to say anyway. Her lawyer may have advised her to stop talking to them as well.

Quite likely that Baez has cautioned her against talking with them but given Casey's attitude towards authority (parents, LE etc) she may not listen to them. I think it's both, self preservation (not speaking) and punishment (denying visits.)
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