Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #85

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Very thoughtful and well written post. Of course there is the parallel to Scott Peterson's behavior after Laci went missing - the partying, the lies, the apparent lack of concern. Yet so many people described Scott and Laci as a very loving couple. I think, just like Scott went through the motions of being a loving husband, Casey went through the motions of being a loving mother. Neither of them have the capacity deep inside to feel love, except for themselves.

I think Casey doesn't show grief because she doesn't feel grief. She believed that eventually everyone would simply forget Caylee ever existed and they'd stop asking questions, just like Scott Peterson believed people would forget about Laci and he could romance Amber publicly after a month had passed.

It's said that sociopaths learn to emulate the emotional reactions of others because they have no real emotions of their own. If Casey has never observed a mother's grief, she has no idea how to fake it.

Thanks, Chilly. :blowkiss:

That's exactly the alternative to the accident/psychologically blocking it scenario that I hate to think about. But if she didn't have some sort of break with reality, what you describe has to be the case -- there's no way anyone with any kind of feeling (especially a mother's love for a child!) could be so HAPPY after losing the child...UNLESS they are just incapable of feeling guilt, grief, loss.

So I agree, in the absence of a break with reality, this just about has to be the case -- she didn't appear emotional or sad because she actually wasn't. She might have even been relieved. Lordy, I hate to even type that, but what other alternatives are there to those two scenarios to explain her happy demeanor all that time?

Either way, it's so sad for little Caylee. I hope and pray that the minuscule chance she's alive somewhere -- that Casey gave her away or sold her or something -- might turn out to be the case. The likelihood is so small, but wouldn't it be the most wonderful news ever for it to be true!
An event planner? Please, you guys - don't give her that much credit. It doesn't take much at all for promoters, club owners/managers, to give a cute girl and her friends the red carpet treatment.

She probably knew the bartenders, free drinks. An event coordinator? BBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWAHHHHHHH!!!!!:snooty:

I don't think anyone believes that she is one, we think that is what she told people she was and it enabled her to have variable hours (that I think probably enable Cindy to watch her kid).
Don't know if has been mentioned, the smell near the Anthony home has been comfirmed to be a dead animal. Not a dead Caylee.
Also,since they are sending more tests, like the air test, says that the DNA is back and there was nothing in the DNA tests. That's my opinion anyway.
My understanding about the air test is it could help define when a decomposing body was there.
I keep thinking about Casey's demeanor. She's not sad and she doesn't appear to be afraid for Caylee's life.

2 things come from her attitude

1) She killed Caylee - absence of sadness just doesn't go along with an accident and that's what's breaking my heart. I have tried to go with the accident theory but nothing in her actions screams accident unless she was drugged up. (Drunk, no, her parents know she drinks. They have even supplied her with alcohol before). Unless the only likely excuse is that she drugged Caylee.

2) She knows Caylee's safe - but again, if that's the case, she has a get-out-of-jail-free card and I believe she would rather be anywhere than in jail and away from Tony, yet she's still not talking.

Not to mention that there's a $225,000 reward out there IF Caylee is alive and is returned safely.
OMG.............the scrolling message on Nancy Grace says that police are investigating a new "foul odor" at the Anthony home.

Also, that the investigators have much more evidence that the hair and stain in the car trunk.

Must have gotten a new batch of stuffed animals donated.
They got a tip about a foul odor in the woods near the Anthony home. They investigated it and it turned out to be a dead animal.

I understood it to be LE doing this, but it's also showing the Body Hunter gals are also checking into something near the home.
I don't think anyone believes that she is one, we think that is what she told people she was and it enabled her to have variable hours (that I think probably enable Cindy to watch her kid).

She was a tag-a-long with Tony, supposedly had no friends at Fusian, she hung with Tony's friends. Isn't that what was said by the DJ?
Oh Geez! According to NG, Cindy is now taking on the phone company, that it's likely they are wrong or have deleted some calls.

If they deleted some calls how is the bill $724 would it have actually been higher?
The only accident that makes even a little sense to me is that Caylee ingested illegal drugs that came from Casey's purse or bag and there was no way Casey could call the police. She would be completely responsible for that, negligent homicide I would think. The way she has tried to cover it up gives her a shot at not getting convicted, calling for help would have sealed the deal if that is what happened. I too share the feeling that her reaction is really odd for an accident and more what we have all seen in calculated murderers.

my theory is casey left caylee in the car while she went into the bar to party, she got drunk as we seen in the photo's and she rode home with her b/f left her or someone drove the car home and the carbon fumes killed her and or the heat when casey woke up the next after possibly dealing with a hang over and realized she left caylee in the trunk of the car. she went out to the car or had someone take her back to the bar to pick up her car the next day and she found caylee dead. so she then went to her parents backed the car into the garage carried caylee out to the back yard and put her in the playhouse, until figured out what to do with her or she realized i cant leave her in there so she put her back in the trunk and borrowed the shovel. my only question i have is did the neighbor notice if she left after she borrowed the shovel and when was the shovel returned if it was even returned.
My understanding about the air test is it could help define when a decomposing body was there.

That is my understanding as well, both verify that there was a body (the dogs can be challenged in court as they have an acceptable error rating and you can challenge the handler being unqualified etc....) and when the body was there. My understanding is that the stain can only yield DNA, not confirm whether it came from a living person or a dead body.
They got a tip about a foul odor in the woods near the Anthony home. They investigated it and it turned out to be a dead animal.

I understood it to be LE doing this, but it's also showing the Body Hunter gals are also checking into something near the home.

I know everyone is making fun of the Body Hunters BUT at least SOMEONE is out there looking for this poor child.
my theory is casey left caylee in the car while she went into the bar to party, she got drunk as we seen in the photo's and she rode home with her b/f left her or someone drove the car home and the carbon fumes killed her and or the heat when casey woke up the next after possibly dealing with a hang over and realized she left caylee in the trunk of the car. she went out to the car or had someone take her back to the bar to pick up her car the next day and she found caylee dead. so she then went to her parents backed the car into the garage carried caylee out to the back yard and put her in the playhouse, until figured out what to do with her or she realized i cant leave her in there so she put her back in the trunk and borrowed the shovel. my only question i have is did the neighbor notice if she left after she borrowed the shovel and when was the shovel returned if it was even returned.

I think the neighbor said she returned it within an hour.
That is my understanding as well, both verify that there was a body (the dogs can be challenged in court as they have an acceptable error rating and you can challenge the handler being unqualified etc....) and when the body was there. My understanding is that the stain can only yield DNA, not confirm whether it came from a living person or a dead body.

thanks for the info.....interesting.....
My understanding about the air test is it could help define when a decomposing body was there.

Seems like quite a stretch being that the sample wasn't taken immediately. Whatever fluids or materials are causing the smell have continued to decompose in the meantime. I don't see how they can possibly determine when a body was there when they don't know the condition of the body at the time it was placed there.
Cindy claims she tuck Caylee in bed that night. And then the other day on Greta, Cindy said "she knew where Caylee was sleeping." Both statements are very open ended. Cindy could have said "Caylee slept in this house that night.

Although Cindy also said she heard Caylee and Casey in the bedroom that morning. I assume it's the 16th.

Hi Patty...

I doubt if Cindy tucked Caylee in bed on the 15th or that George saw Casey and Caylee's
happy faces the next day at 1:50 Pm while watching the food channel.

After listening to these two day after day, I just can't believe anything they say until it's documented.
my theory is casey left caylee in the car while she went into the bar to party, she got drunk as we seen in the photo's and she rode home with her b/f left her or someone drove the car home and the carbon fumes killed her and or the heat when casey woke up the next after possibly dealing with a hang over and realized she left caylee in the trunk of the car. she went out to the car or had someone take her back to the bar to pick up her car the next day and she found caylee dead. so she then went to her parents backed the car into the garage carried caylee out to the back yard and put her in the playhouse, until figured out what to do with her or she realized i cant leave her in there so she put her back in the trunk and borrowed the shovel. my only question i have is did the neighbor notice if she left after she borrowed the shovel and when was the shovel returned if it was even returned.

I am not a Mom so please understand this stupid question. If Casey left Caylee in the car, was she old enough to get herself out of the car seat if she was left alone for a long time. I know kids are so smart they can figure things out.
They got a tip about a foul odor in the woods near the Anthony home. They investigated it and it turned out to be a dead animal.

I understood it to be LE doing this, but it's also showing the Body Hunter gals are also checking into something near the home.

Thank you for these NG pings.
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