Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

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Melinda Duckett didn't trust local law enforcement either!! Hmmmmm ... Theme: Guilty mom's don't trust LE ... perhaps?

I wonder if it's a matter of not trusting LE, or that LE doesn't believe her lies?

Casey only "trusts" those she can manipulate.
I disagree.

Smell is something that comes from the human senses. There is no test to validate what people think they smell.

They are ON RECORD stating that they think it smells like a dead body.

Prove it. Easy to do. Investigators would have this info.

Hair that has banding demonstrates that it came from a corpse.

Soda pop stains don't smell like dead bodies, nor do cadaver dogs alert on them.

Decomp Smell? Very well proven. Smell is one of the five senses, and every person who's had occasion to be near this car has said that it smelled like a dead body. On record.

Sure, there are plenty of Zenaidas. None have Caylee, though. Common sense tells us this.

No, but all the evidence is pointing in that direction.

She couldn't find her because she wasn't looking for her. She KNEW where she was--dead.

Yes, LE can prove what she did with the shovel. That's why they took it into evidence.

But you go right on ahead believing whatever obsfucation Cindy is spouting each day.

According to homicide investigators, her behavior is typical for a mother who kills her child.

How do you know what cards LE is holding? You're trying to formulate a defense against a nonexistent case. LE hasn't released all the details of this case...that's common strategy for LE to continue to bring forward with tips.

From the info that we are privy to, there's very little doubt what happened. Basic common sense, Occam's Razor. It's pretty obvious that this child is dead and that her mother is responsible.

Of course, WebSleuths isn't a court of law, so we don't have to meet the "presumption of innocence" requirement that the jurors on this trial most certainly will have to.

Gosh, I'm sorry. Shannon was making a case based on what we know now and I was rebutting based on what we know now. Why am I held to a different standard than everyone else?

Who said I do or don't believe Cindy?

There is very little doubt about what happened? Then tell us, exactly what did happen?
I can almost guarantee you they do not have slam dunk DNA evidence which would be proof of decomposition of Cayle Marie Anthony's body. If that were the case, they would be obligated to notify the family that they have indisputable physical forensic evidence that the girl is dead. Only under extraordinary circumstances can I see them withholding this information.

Would you not consider the fact that the mother has done nothing to help find the child and everything to obsfucate this case to be "extraordinary circumstances?"

I do.
From WTFV channel 9 News:

"The Anthonys said Monday they've been getting threatening phone calls and emails and, even though they said they believe a possible threat and danger to the family is keeping Casey from telling what she knows about where Caylee is, they said they're just getting rid of the threats and not reporting them to investigators."

I've grown tired of this case and believe the Anthony's ALL OF THEM, belong behind bars, including the father and brother. I see this case nothing more then a manipulation on behalf of the Anthony's who have drug us all into their dsyfuntional world.
Would you not consider the fact that the mother has done nothing to help find the child and everything to obsfucate this case to be "extraordinary circumstances?"

I do.

In my heart and brain -- yes. Under the law -- no.
I live in Florida but on the west coast side. Even if I drove over to Orlando, where would I go and look for Caylee. I thought about this over and over again. Where do you start? Everything Casey said is not true, so there is no beginning, except for the Anthony home.

It's like with Drew Peterson, Stacy's sister reported Stacy missing within hours and she still hasn't been found. Although Stacy's car shows up within the same day, etc., etc., and all the phone calls. Remember Drew was a cop at the time as well as George being a former cop.

True, but there have been a lot of places in question discussed in this forum. I have been watching this forum ever since this all began, There are parks to look at, specific places tied to her tatoo, landfills, woods, many other players homes and the areas that surround them, sawgrass apts, and so on. I'd look at thoese, plus around the Anthony house as well. I'd also attempt to keep my eyes on certain players. However, I do not feel it's a good idea to let Casey out of jail. Some believe if she were followed we would all have our answer, I believe she would do her best to run, even though she may not get far!:)
I can almost guarantee you they do not have slam dunk DNA evidence which would be proof of decomposition of Cayle Marie Anthony's body. If that were the case, they would be obligated to notify the family that they have indisputable physical forensic evidence that the girl is dead. Only under extraordinary circumstances can I see them withholding this information.

I don't under stand why you would think that the police have an obligation to tell the GP's, Casey is the mother and she is an adult she will probably be the first one notified if and when Caylee is found. I don't see where the Grandparents have any rights,even though they loved her dearly.
Wouldn't you think that if Casey wasn't talking to anyone in her family due to being recorded that she would tell her attorney that was the reason.In return i would think that the Le would make some kind of private deal with her to get her to talk.I mean they could at least lie and tell her she's not being recored and just tell her they owed her that favor.
Gosh, I'm sorry. Shannon was making a case based on what we know now and I was rebutting based on what we know now. Why am I held to a different standard than everyone else?

Who said I do or don't believe Cindy?

There is very little doubt about what happened? Then tell us, exactly what did happen?

I don't think that you were using "what's known" to rebut that previous post.

But I'll go out on a limb here and say:

This child has not been kidnapped.

The mother killed the child.

LE has facts that we are not privy to.

And my previous post responded with what IS known. Facts that point to the mother as responsible for her child's death.
The police said that the evidence testing is not yet completed...that was reported last nite...
I can almost guarantee you they do not have slam dunk DNA evidence which would be proof of decomposition of Cayle Marie Anthony's body. If that were the case, they would be obligated to notify the family that they have indisputable physical forensic evidence that the girl is dead. Only under extraordinary circumstances can I see them withholding this information.

LE enforcement has reported over and over again even as early as today that the Forensics and DNA evidence are not back yet. We also do not know what they have learned from the triangulation of her cell phone pings. All of that evidence along with everything else would stand up at trial. And if you do this day and age many murder cases have been solved without a body. Time will tell.
She might not be such a model prisoner there. With her temper she's liable to act out and get privileges taken away. Living at mom and dad's would be a picnic to that.

Casey's first day in prison

Casey meet Bertha Bertha meet Casey

Bertha: So whatcha in for??
Casey: Well, it's a long story but the stupid police think that I hurt my kid. What about you?
Bertha: I Killed some B*&*$ for hurting my kid.
Casey: :no:

Roll Credits
I don't think that you were using "what's known" to rebut that previous post.

But I'll go out on a limb here and say:

This child has not been kidnapped.

The mother killed the child.

LE has facts that we are not privy to.

And my previous post responded with what IS known. Facts that point to the mother as responsible for her child's death.

For those who hope Caylee is safe with a sitter - I was thinking this over and was wondering, do we really believe that given Casey's personality and the friends she ran with - - would she really know someone with whom Caylee would be "absolutely" safe with? She can't hold a job and seems to be a train wreck when it comes to inter-personal relationships. Who would put up with all her antics besides family? Seems she went through boyfriends, friends and money at about the same rate.

Again, just something rattled in my brain while turning it over in my head.:confused:
Re Casey not complying with the subpeona (sorry I lost the post I'm responding to), that would be the point - if her theory is Caylee is safe and happy, since she is the legal guardian, she could be forced to present the child if only to prove what she is saying. Since she couldn't/wouldn't cooperate, the reasonable conclusion from that is she's lying - there is no happy family somewhere.

No jury would believe that instead of presenting Caylee, or offering some time-stamped picture, a phonecall, to prove she is safe - Casey would rather go to jail for murder. Its just not reasonable
I can almost guarantee you they do not have slam dunk DNA evidence which would be proof of decomposition of Cayle Marie Anthony's body. If that were the case, they would be obligated to notify the family that they have indisputable physical forensic evidence that the girl is dead. Only under extraordinary circumstances can I see them withholding this information.

They, LE, aren't going to share their evidence with George or Cindy. Be the same as sharing it with Casey. The Anthonys will find out what evidence there is when Casey is charged with murdering Caylee.

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