Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

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Respectfully copied from the wikipedia entry on police dogs...
Cadaver dogs - Some dogs are trained in detecting the odor of decomposing bodies. Dogs' noses are so sensitive that they are even capable of detecting bodies that are under running water. Pioneering work was done by Dr. Debra Komar (University of Alberta) in Association with the RCMP Civilian Search Dog Association in this area. The result was the development of training techniques that resulted in near 100% accuracy rates[1]. Her research has been published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology.

Depends on the dog and the handler.
The "handler" could be the sticking point here. "And, the handler".

It's so nice to have a respectful discussion here. :clap:
Which is why it won't hold up in court. There are too many cases where cadaver dogs have proven to be not correct.

What's with the woman, a psychic, who is using a cadaver dog? I can't remember her name at the moment? If she is psychic, why does she use cadaver dogs?

Whether she is psychic or not I cant tell you but I can say that alot of us people who work with these dogs do it because we want to help and feel strongly about what we are doing. I give the lady great praise for working with missing person/cadaver dogs. These dogs are trained for years to do what they do. Even after we are certified we do on going training with the dogs.
Smell machine.... that's funny. But you are correct. They take "air" from the trunk, and in my opinion, it's because the forensics for human decomp turned up nothing. JMO.

They will need all the back up they can get with out a body,It has been 60 days and Caylee only weighted 30-32 lbs,(sorry) but I don't thing that there will be much left if and when she is found. They need to prove that she was dead before she left the car and they know that Casey was driving the car.
I feel Gp's and attorney is putting on this act for media for LE to call for a gag order... so they can visit in private etcc.. its a ploy for something and this is the best I can come up with as of now.. jmo

Ahhh, the old Try To MANIPULATE LE Trick!
I didn't think of it being a family ploy but you very well may be spot on!!

Honey, I think you just nailed it!

I think she may have too!
Steph are you seeing this?
A jail spokesman says she is a model prisoner.

She's in a cage 23 hours a day unless she's with Baez. What can she do? Whine?
One very powerful piece of evidence not being introduced into these proposed trials is "consciousness of guilt". Casey has shown a great amount of this and it is admissable as evidence in court. It will be taken into account by the jury and, IMO, will be very hard to ignore. It is the what most of us who think Caylee is not alive are going on. This, along with evidence we know of, dont know of, and is yet to come will add up to a strong case for the prosecuter. Casey's best bet would be to come clean and accept any type of plea bargain offered to her.
True, but there have been a lot of places in question discussed in this forum. I have been watching this forum ever since this all began, There are parks to look at, specific places tied to her tatoo, landfills, woods, many other players homes and the areas that surround them, sawgrass apts, and so on. I'd look at thoese, plus around the Anthony house as well. I'd also attempt to keep my eyes on certain players. However, I do not feel it's a good idea to let Casey out of jail. Some believe if she were followed we would all have our answer, I believe she would do her best to run, even though she may not get far!:)

The Anthony family has lived in Orlando and that particular neighborhood since 1989. I wonder if LE has interviewed long-term friends of Casey - neighborhood playmates, and asked them where they and Casey used to hang out when they were younger. Did they play hide and seek in the wooded area near the Anthony home? Was there a vacant lot they played in?

All kids have childhood places where they hung out together. For Casey, a familiar place is where she might have put Caylee.
Whether she is psychic or not I cant tell you but I can say that alot of us people who work with these dogs do it because we want to help and feel strongly about what we are doing. I give the lady great praise for working with missing person/cadaver dogs. These dogs are trained for years to do what they do. Even after we are certified we do on going training with the dogs.
And my hat goes off to all of you. It's a respectable profession and I applaud each and everyone of you. Many corpses have been found based on the dogs abilities, and their handlers.

But, in a court of law, it's hit and miss.
First time poster long time lurker. I would like to know how far the impound yard is from the Anthony residence. I am assuming George is the one who picked the car up from the impound yard or maybe it was Cindy. Bottom line someone drove either George or Cindy to the impound yard to get the car. Whichever one of them drove the car home from the impound yard must have been overwhelmed by the stench in that car. I wonder if that stain in the trunk is not the result of George or Cindy trying to clean the trunk? I heard George claim the smell was a result of pizza and detergant? Was the detergant used to clean the trunk and if so, did that compromise the DNA? Another question that hasnt been answered is, how long did the Anthony's have possesion of the car before they called 911? 1 hour, 2 hours, 6 hours? There is a lot of this story that we are not getting from the gp's. On another note, I hate the way the GP's are sugarcoating their relationship with Casey which makes them even more suspicious. Doesnt Cindy know that a lot of people (including LE) read her little rant/blog on Myspace which pretty much sums up the state of her relationship with Casey. When asked about their relationship they always make it seem like it was perfect and that to me sends up a big red flag. I just wish they would be silent or honest. Finally, the pool ladder. Cindy claims those pesky neighborhood kids (probably the same ones that stole the gas cans :) broke into her yard and used the pool. Does anyone know if CSI dusted the ladder for prints? I doubt you will find any of the neighborhood kids prints on that ladder.
Smell machine.... that's funny. But you are correct. They take "air" from the trunk, and in my opinion, it's because the forensics for human decomp turned up nothing. JMO.

Putriscene and Cadavarine are gases, this air test is how they will determine whether there was a body there. There are additional gases as well. Putriscene and Cadavarine occur naturally in many places, and are released by all rotting flesh. While that is what we smell and what most people say the dogs are hitting on there are other chemicals at work that tell the dog there are human remains (VOCs or Volatile organic compounds).
The Anthony family has lived in Orlando and that particular neighborhood since 1989. I wonder if LE has interviewed long-term friends of Casey - neighborhood playmates, and asked them where they and Casey used to hang out when they were younger. Did they play hide and seek in the wooded area near the Anthony home? Was there a vacant lot they played in?

All kids have childhood places where they hung out together. For Casey, a familiar place is where she might have put Caylee.
Like left her with a friend?
Well i would totally agree that some dogs could be more accurate than others but my point is that some people form a opinion solely because the dogs hit on the car and yard.

I admit freely that I find the dogs convincing-- Two dogs, two independent handlers, two independent organization. Same results.

That tells me that something went down in the trunk and the back yard.

But that's by no means all that I base my opinion on...there's plenty of other evidence that points to Caylee being dead and her mother being responsible.

The's the accumulation of evidence and circumstance that has brought me to what I believe about this case. YMMV.
They will need all the back up they can get with out a body,It has been 60 days and Caylee only weighted 30-32 lbs,(sorry) but I don't thing that there will be much left if and when she is found. They need to prove that she was dead before she left the car and they know that Casey was driving the car.

exactly ... if they cannot produce an actual body they will need more supportive forensic evidence!
So Casey is a model inmate. Naturally, of course she is. Casey is a spoiled, manipulative, over indulged, twenty-two year old child. (IN MY OPINION!!!!)
What happens when people who have unmanagable children take those children to another relative's house or to a new babysitter? This person who isn't "around" them all the time says "why, they were perfect angels all day long."
Casey is in a new environment. She doesn't have her parents around to push. She knows them and knows that she can control them..she's STILL doing it. But these people in the jail, her surroundings, it's all new. She will be a good little girl until she see's just how far she can push THEM and THEN she will start acting out...slowly at first.
None of this is real to Casey. She WON'T go to jail, not C A S E Y! She believes that even now because my guess is that she doesn't know what it's like to have consequences and to take responsibility for anything that she does. I think she is refusing visits to punish and 'guilt' her parents into coming up with whatever portion of that $500k they have to come up with to bond her out of jail. She is p*ssed because they haven't come up with it yet.
She gives criptic clues as to the whereabouts of a child that George and Cindy are desperate to find..THEIR baby, the baby THEY raised. Casey is saying "I'm not telling you UNLESS YOU GET ME OUT!!!" She is using the false hope that she gives them to control them...not us.
Casey doesn't care what her parents, the media, or anyone else thinks of her. She is emotionally crippled. My guess is that she was "bought" as a child instead of taught to show love in the proper ways. She is using her parents emotions to get herself out of jail. And my guess is that the reason Casey had this child was to ensure herself a continued free ride at the expense of her parents.
I don't believe that Casey killed this child "intentionally." I know someone like Casey..JUST like Casey. My guess is that Casey shoved the child too hard or perhaps Caylee fell off of the counter. Remember, in the first bond hearing, Cindy said that Casey would sit Caylee on the counter when disciplining her? Hmmm..someone with a bad temper whom we've since learned likes to scream at people. So now we have someone angry, with a quick temper, who sits a 35 pound toddler on the counter three feet off of what is probably a ceramic tile floor? Not good. Maybe she told her to sit there until she learned how to behave? And Caylee tried to get down when Casey turned her back? The flurry of calls? Casey did make an attempt to call for help. Then, when she perceived that everyone was ignoring her she got angry.
George and Cindy are covering her @ss, I get that. What they are doing is wrong but they are at the mercy of the monster that THEY created and now they have no idea what to do. I don't think either one of them are capable of comprehending what Casey really did with that child. I honestly don't believe that they had anything to do with this and I believe they knew nothing of Caylee's whereabouts for a month because Casey was punishing them for something. They are 'just' grandparents, and unless they have proof, like the thing with the car, that something is wrong...then LE isn't going to go and track down a grown woman and HER child just because THEY haven't been permitted to speak to their granddaughter. I think the truth will likely kill them both.
Could Casey have put this child in a dumpster...absolutely. She shows every imaginable sign of being completely detached from the situation. She simply is not capable of caring. I know that's bad but that's what she was taught.
Cayleee is "close"...where is the landfill? ( God forgive me for thinking it)
She "doesn't want to tell them anything while she's in jail because it will jeapordize Caylee's safety"...translation...she doesn't want Caylee found.
Maybe I'm reading WAY too much into this. I just have someone in my life who is just like Casey and did d@mn near exactly the same thing...with a six month old.

Well said Shutterfly! I too know someone very well who is cold and detached just as you described and I can totally see her doing this!I feel that whatever happened to that precious baby it was caused by Casey doing something that would be considerered illegal and she knew that she would be arrested. At that point Caylee dint was all about Casey and what was in HER best interest.
Putriscene and Cadavarine are gases, this air test is how they will determine whether there was a body there. There are additional gases as well. Putriscene and Cadavarine occur naturally in many places, and are released by all rotting flesh. While that is what we smell and what most people say the dogs are hitting on there are other chemicals at work that tell the dog there are human remains (VOCs or Volatile organic compounds).
Are you Dr. Kobalinski? He also said that it doesn't take long for the gases to be eliminated. Meaning they are no more. I would like to hear more from him. He's a pretty smart dude, but said, after a while, the gases won't be detectable anymore.

Whether she is psychic or not I cant tell you but I can say that alot of us people who work with these dogs do it because we want to help and feel strongly about what we are doing. I give the lady great praise for working with missing person/cadaver dogs. These dogs are trained for years to do what they do. Even after we are certified we do on going training with the dogs.

Can I just say :clap:

I trust your dog's nose more than I trust most else that's come out of this case.
Some people, not here, can't get past the fact that the cadaver dogs (2 of them that hit in different places, I think) think it's the be all and tell all to this case.

And it isn't. We have no forensics back from LE that there actually is decomp in the trunk. It should not be taking this long.

Well, I admit to being one of those people. The cadaver dogs to me are one huge fact in this case that pretty much convinces me that the child is dead.

Place that in the context of everything else we know, and I think it's something that is hard to get past.
Why does her T-shirt say "bodyfinders" or something like that? Like she's assuming Caylee is dead.

I assume because she uses a cadaver dog in her "searches" that she presumes to be looking for a body, not a live victim.
For those who hope Caylee is safe with a sitter - I was thinking this over and was wondering, do we really believe that given Casey's personality and the friends she ran with - - would she really know someone with whom Caylee would be "absolutely" safe with? She can't hold a job and seems to be a train wreck when it comes to inter-personal relationships. Who would put up with all her antics besides family? Seems she went through boyfriends, friends and money at about the same rate.

Again, just something rattled in my brain while turning it over in my head.
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