Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

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Why do I keep hoping this child is alive?

You guys are wonderful at explaining stuff without attacking me. Thanks so much, to all of you.

Why do you keep hoping this child is alive? Because the thought that a mother could hurt her own precious child is unbearable and horrible and heinous. Unfortunately, it happens more than our minds & hearts would like to acknowledge.

Believe me, everyone on this forum would be thrilled beyond belief if Caylee turned up, unharmed.
I agree that every lie has a nugget of truth! In my opinion, it wouldn't hurt to send that info into the tip line. Maybe a body wasn't found in the remnants of the fire, but possible evidence could have been there.

I am going to call it in. My mother is pretty sharp and she wouldnt make this up. I always discounted it until I just found out the park is 84 acres! My mom takes Alafaya to 50 to avoid the toll so she would have seen the helicopter activity on that side of town without a problem.
The cadaver dogs hitting on the trunk of the car confirms what the child's own grandmother told the dispatcher:

"There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."


Those dogs have known to been wrong. Not those specifically, but the dog evidence can be blown out of court easily. JMO. It will help, if this comes to a murder trial, but it will be the totality of the evidence, not just the dog hits, that will make or break this case. JMO.

So, any ideas where Caylee is?
Why Casey won't tell where her baby is?
Any idea why all the lies?
Where were she and Caylee for those 31 days?
There are people on this board that have tons of questions, and many that think Caylee is alive. These are her grandparents! They have had the same time to process this as everyone reading this board. They have to be getting this "positive info" either from Casey via the attorney or through whomever is investigating for them. I don't think them being in denial at this point is odd. There are people who have buried their kids and are still in denial way past this timeline. I can't imagine the nightmare their life has become. Not saying anyone should like them or believe them.
I feel very sorry for everyone involved in this. But most important, Caylee.
I remember the recent Manson searches out at his "farm". The dogs didn't hit on anything human. A link would be helpful though.

They didn't find anything during that search, but then did also bring out the new machine from the Body Farm. The validity of the results from brand new technology will also give the defense something to argue about.
I think Casey doesn't 'trust' LE because she's afraid of them, and rightly so. It's LE that has the power to put her in jail and throw away the key, and they may be able to do it without her ever opening her mouth.

Casey's fear of LE is self serving . She's not cooperating with LE because she caused the disappearance of her child. She can't very well tell LE where Caylee's body is because she would then have to explain how she came to know where the body is in the first place. Not to mention that Caylee's body might contain enough forensic evidence to implicate Casey, notwithstanding whatever she might claim in her defense.
here is a pic of a working Malinois. These are awesome dogs! And, as a previous owner of some wonderful German Shepherds, the Malinois is twice as smart, twice as fast, more agile, and much harder working...

Why do you keep hoping this child is alive? Because the thought that a mother could hurt her own precious child is unbearable and horrible and heinous. Unfortunately, it happens more than our minds & hearts would like to acknowledge.

Believe me, everyone on this forum would be thrilled beyond belief if Caylee turned up, unharmed.
I guess hope springs eternal with me, as well as you guys too. I just can't put my arms around a mother murdering her child. But we know it happens. I'm sure the grand parents are in the same denial thing I'm in. More so, I'm sure.

I just need more facts! I wish they would quit showing pictures of Casey partying, because to me it's kind of irrelevant. But then again, I will admit I'm in Egypt. LOL.
...not to barge in here...but I saw smeone on the last hread mentioned being a recovering ecstasy addict...and I'm wondering if they ever experienced seizures...either while taking or trying to quit...???

Sorry, didn't notice the post earlier. I did experience seizures. 2 that were quite minor, while I was using and 1 while I was quitting and it was getting out of my system. Surprisingly, the worst one was about three weeks after I had quit, because of damage to my Brain Stem and the pinholes that the drug had put in my brain. (My brain has healed, YAY)
They say every lie has a nugget of truth and Casey has mentioned Jay Blanchard Park. That park is 84 acres! I am going to say something that may sound looney but it is true. My mother works for ATT Wireless which is on the East Side of town. She works from 5:30am to 2:30pm. She lives in South Orlando. She claims one day on the way home from work (and she swears it was in June) she saw helicopters flying over Jay Blanchard Park and she thought it was the police looking for something that had to do with the Nicole Ganguza murder. When she went into work the next day her co-worker told her the helicopter was out because there was a fire in Jay Blanchard Park. Now, I would assume that if that fire was related to Casey the fire fighters would have noticed the body then again maybe not. I told her to call crime line, but I am sure the authorities have a record of the fire. Again, my mom is not sure of the exact date but she swears it was sometime in June.

Welcome to the forum! I applaud you for bringing this information forward, as it could very well be relevant. :clap: While I've heard (but have no knowledge to confirm) that bodies can't completely be burned, I have suspected for a while that the stolen gas cans may have been involved in burning evidence. I would definitely report it to the tip line - good catch!
I keep wondering about the $500,000 bail. There must be something to that. You don't hold someone on that for child neglect.

And that's a lot of bank for kidnappers!!! Why have "they" not come forward? I am sure that Casey doesn't pay THAT well.
First time poster long time lurker. I would like to know how far the impound yard is from the Anthony residence. I am assuming George is the one who picked the car up from the impound yard or maybe it was Cindy. Bottom line someone drove either George or Cindy to the impound yard to get the car. Whichever one of them drove the car home from the impound yard must have been overwhelmed by the stench in that car. I wonder if that stain in the trunk is not the result of George or Cindy trying to clean the trunk? I heard George claim the smell was a result of pizza and detergant? Was the detergant used to clean the trunk and if so, did that compromise the DNA?

Welcome. Your post made me think of something. The scent analyzer is supposed to determine how long the decomp smell was present in the trunk?

What if it's also being used to determine how long the detergent smell was present? Unless it was some kind of scentless formula, there would also be the smell of detergent present. Oh yeah, and pizza.
You do when the child is missing and the parent is uncooperative.
I keep thinking she was involved in something nefarious and "those" people have Caylee, which is why she's keeping quiet. As she says for fear they will do something to harm Caylee.

Welcome to the forum! I applaud you for bringing this information forward, as it could very well be relevant. :clap: While I've heard (but have no knowledge to confirm) that bodies can't completely be burned, I have suspected for a while that the stolen gas cans may have been involved in burning evidence. I would definitely report it to the tip line - good catch!

Even in creamtion ovens which burn VERY hot, there are still pieces of the leg bones and jaw that do not burn.
I am the happy owner of two beautiful Belgian Malinois, a breed known for perseverance and talent in this kind of police work.


But, if either of those dogs happened to be a Belgian Malinois, I would be very convinced of the reliability of the scenting. These dogs are the smartest ever!

I second that....I have a Belgian Groenendahl (long black and white hair variety). He is the very smarted dog I have ever had, and I've had plenty.
There are people on this board that have tons of questions, and many that think Caylee is alive. These are her grandparents! They have had the same time to process this as everyone reading this board. They have to be getting this "positive info" either from Casey via the attorney or through whomever is investigating for them. I don't think them being in denial at this point is odd. There are people who have buried their kids and are still in denial way past this timeline. I can't imagine the nightmare their life has become. Not saying anyone should like them or believe them.

Great post! I even think some of the "sugar coating" of the relationship between Cindy & George and Casey is denial. Even though my kids aren't always perfect (cough) and we don't always get along like the Brady bunch...I would STILL describe our relationship(s) as "close" and "good".

*A little off topic, but after watching "Castaway" with Tom Hanks, Mr. Richman he told me that if he ever disappeared, to not believe he was dead unless I saw his body. I guarantee, if he ever DOES go missing (God forbid), I will be enthusiastically thinking of any and all other scenarios...anything BUT that he has died.* :blushing:
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