Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

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Perhaps the repeated scheduling of visits and then canceling is ttokeep the 3 visit slots per week occupied so the friends don't come to see her?

Sounds like it...but IIRC Casey herself took all people off of her visitors list with the exception of family long before the denied visits started occuring. :waitasec:
I don't like that at all. Because what if someone called and said they saw Casey near a dumpster or something. I doubt the Anthony's would call that in to LE.

I couldn't agree more! This is getting beyond ridiculous! :mad:

Cindy called LE on July 15th and asked for help, send the police now! Then she and George turned around and have done all they could do to thwart the police investigation.
You are missing the point. Casey did not need to get in the shed to get a shovel because there was one right there in the garage!!

A poster here recently suggested she really wanted to get in to the neighbors home but got caught by that homeowner so came up with, "can I borrow a shovel"... maybe she is now kicking herself for not saying she was really on their property to borrow a cup of sugar.
Perhaps the repeated scheduling of visits and then canceling is ttokeep the 3 visit slots per week occupied so the friends don't come to see her?

Oh, I think this is just more of the standard one-upping they all seem so fond of.
Lanie responses (in red below) to your doubts as to Caylee being alive:


A seasoned detective testified that he smelled decomp.But it was the decomp of a dead animal that Casey hit with the car - and who said it was a seasoned detective??
George smelled Decomp.Could be a phrase-my mom used to say "it smells like something died in here"
Cindy smelled Decomp.
Why did she abandon the car? She didn't want to have to deal with her parents - she knew it would get towed and they would be contacted
Why is there hair,stain, and smell of decomp in trunk
Why did she fabricate Zenaida?Zenaida is really her babysitter
Why did she fabricate her job?she didn't want to admit to her parents that she STILL wasn't working
Why did she not just "pick up" Caylee from this so called person after Cindy forced her to admit she hadn't seen her.It was too hard for her to admit to her mom who she is constantly in power struggles with
Why did she borrow a shovel?To dig up the bamboo, silly!
Why did she tell everyone who asked "she is with the nanny" she is with my parents" conflicting statements.She was trying to find Caylee on her own...didn't want to have to get the police involved because her mom would have another "I told you so" moment
Why would she say she was conducting her own investigation if she willingly let Caylee go with someone?Because Zenaida was going on an extended trip to Puerto Rico to visit family and offered to take Caylee with her
What kind of invisible, untraceable, heartless individual would have not come forward with Caylee by now?
Zenaida has not heard of this case because she is in another country.

There is no reasonable doubt in this case, even in the beginning stages of this investigation is ALL points to Casey and her lies and unfortunately it is all also pointing to a deceased little baby girl.

Sheriff's office mum on details of missing girl case

Associated Press - August 13, 2008 3:24 PM ET

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - Orange County Sheriff's Office authorities say they will remain tightlipped about details of the search for a missing central Florida girl.

At a press conference Wednesday, sheriff's spokesman Mark Strobridge said his office won't discuss specifics related to Caylee Anthony's disappearance unless it will "benefit finding the child."

They know a TON more than we do right now which is totally understandable. They are simply building their case and will play their hand when the time is right to ensure a conviction....
For all of you who are entertaining the thought that Caylee might still be alive...wouldn't (and shouldn't) Casey be afraid of the horrible things these people might be subjecting Caylee? How does she know that they aren't pedophiles? How does she know that they aren't sick freaks who'll torture that poor baby for fun?

Is there any explanation for why she wouldn't be doing everything in her power to get Caylee home as soon as possible? :confused:

First of all ... I definitely appreciate all the thought that you put into your defense argument ... I think that is reasonable that Casey's lawyers might take such a position in trial ... if nothing new is discovered.

This is just one thing that came to mind right away when I read your argument ... Casey could have left with Caylee at anytime ... she could have filed an order of protection with the court, if she believed her parents a detriment her or her child's physical of mental well being.

The fact is ... we can rationalize any side to this story and argue it to fit whatever ends we choose. But no matter how much we want to believe in the basic humanity of Casey Marie Anthony we are all left with doubt ... with questions that demand an answer and Casey's answers ... well they leave us flat. The argument that you make, while satisfies our need to believe in Casey and our need to believe that Caylee is safe leaves us flat, unreconciled. I truly believe that if this case goes to trial, as is, ie. no real physical evidence is uncovered and no exculpatory evidence is presented ... the jury will be forced to make a decision based on which side best answers those questions in a way that, no matter how heart wrenching, leaves the those troublesome questions best reconciled!

(Bolding above mine) And this is precisely my point as to why the grand parents are acting the way they are...if even some of us who have never met Casey can have doubt, imagine how her parents feel!!

A seasoned detective testified that he smelled decomp.
George smelled Decomp.
Cindy smelled Decomp.
Why did she abandon the car?
Why is there hair,stain, and smell of decomp in trunk
Why did she fabricate Zenaida?
Why did she fabricate her job?
Why did she not just "pick up" Caylee from this so called person after Cindy forced her to admit she hadn't seen her.
Why did she borrow a shovel?
Why did she tell everyone who asked "she is with the nanny" she is with my parents" conflicting statements.
Why would she say she was conducting her own investigation if she willingly let Caylee go with someone?
What kind of invisible, untraceable, heartless individual would have not come forward with Caylee by now?

There is no reasonable doubt in this case, even in the beginning stages of this investigation is ALL points to Casey and her lies and unfortunately it is all also pointing to a deceased little baby girl.


Very flimsy evidence for a murder conviction.

George and Cindy "thought" they smelled decomp in the trunk, but now believe it was something else. The detective "thinks" he smelled decomp, but it's not proven (subject to testing, of course).

Car broke down or was out of gas.

Hair in trunk is evidence of nothing. What is the stain? For all we know it could be soda pop. Decomp smell? Not yet proven.

It can't be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no Zenaida. Casey lied about her job - Casey is a liar. That doesn't mean she's a murderer.

She couldn't pick up Casey because she couldn't find her.

Why did she borrow a shovel? To dig up Bamboo. Can anyone prove otherwise?

Casey's lack of concern and lies about where Caylee was - that's the big one. Do the lies prove murder? That's what the jury will have to decide.

I believe that Caylee is gone and that Casey is responsible, but proving murder in a courtroom isn't about beliefs, it's about evidence. There is plenty of room for reasonable doubt at this point. If the testing from the car comes back positive for Caylee's DNA and decomp fluids, there's no doubt in my mind that Casey will be convicted...but of what?
For all of you who are entertaining the thought that Caylee might still be alive...wouldn't (and shouldn't) Casey be afraid of the horrible things these people might be subjecting Caylee? How does she know that they aren't pedophiles? How does she know that they aren't sick freaks who'll torture that poor baby for fun?

Is there any explanation for why she wouldn't be doing everything in her power to get Caylee home as soon as possible? :confused:

Agree 100%...and I can't think of an explanation for her actions in any of this.
For all of you who are entertaining the thought that Caylee might still be alive...wouldn't (and shouldn't) Casey be afraid of the horrible things these people might be subjecting Caylee? How does she know that they aren't pedophiles? How does she know that they aren't sick freaks who'll torture that poor baby for fun?

Is there any explanation for why she wouldn't be doing everything in her power to get Caylee home as soon as possible? :confused:

I am the first to say it is probably not likely that Caylee is with someone who Casey refuses to name, but would rather stay in jail...I just can't bear to let go of hope that she is still alive and doing well...
Will the person or people who have Caylee have to raise them for the 6 years Casey will get when she is convicted of her current charges?
If you ask me, I don't think there is any "trusted person". But you bring up a good point. I can see her being cleared of homicide charges and possibly convicted on the child neglect charge. Imagine that. She sits in jail for six years with no closure on Caylee.
A poster here recently suggested she really wanted to get in to the neighbors home but got caught by that homeowner so came up with, "can I borrow a shovel"... maybe she is now kicking herself for not saying she was really on their property to borrow a cup of sugar.


could be
If your theory went to court (about Caylee being alive somewhere with an unidentified person), the court could subpeona Caylee and Casey would have to produce her...then woops, no phantom babysitter/adoptive parents
Very flimsy evidence for a murder conviction.

George and Cindy "thought" they smelled decomp in the trunk, but now believe it was something else. The detective "thinks" he smelled decomp, but it's not proven (subject to testing, of course).
Let's talk DNA. I think DNA results will be a split decision. If Caylee's hair is in the trunk, not too big. If it is tested and confirmed as "decomposing hair" that would be damning. A small amount of blood of Caylee's would be bad -- but not terrible. It seem pretty clear that the car saw not splattered or spattered with any large amount of blood. The big payoff would be physical evidence of decomposition. Caylee's saliva and small amount of blood anywhere will be arguable. Decomp anywhere is damning. Decomp physical evidence of Caylee's would be a conviction. Dirt samples can be amazingly key -- but with out the body site -- are useless.
Fingerprints? We're talking about a mother and a daughter.
If your theory went to court (about Caylee being alive somewhere with an unidentified person), the court could subpeona Caylee and Casey would have to produce her...then woops, no phantom babysitter/adoptive parents
Let's say Caylee is subpoenaed and not produced during trial. The trial continues with no Caylee. Casey gets a contempt charge. Now she's looking at 7 years max. And remember -- she has been a model inmate.
Sure wish I could find good ol' George's birthdate!

Any sleuthers in the Youngstown-Warren Ohio area who could do some researching to see if they can find one for me?

Also would like Lee's, and I think that would be easiest to find up there too. have a PM. :)
Let's say Caylee is subpoenaed and not produced during trial. The trial continues with no Caylee. Casey gets a contempt charge. Now she's looking at 7 years max. And remember -- she has been a model inmate.

She's in county lockup not prison. Prison will be a lot different. responses (in red below) to your doubts as to Caylee being alive:

Respectfully my responses to your responses below in purple

Originally Posted by shannon718 View Post

A seasoned detective testified that he smelled decomp.But it was the decomp of a dead animal that Casey hit with the car - and who said it was a seasoned detective??
He testified under oath that what he smelled was the smell of HUMAN DECOMP and yes he was a homicide detective before working the missing persons unit.

George smelled Decomp.Could be a phrase-my mom used to say "it smells like something died in here"

Again George is X Law Enforcement who guess what???? WORKED IN HOMICIDE. According to every LE agent who has spoken of the smell of human decomp states that there is NO mistaking it for any other smell dead animal or otherwise. George knew what he was smelling and said it himself.

Cindy smelled Decomp.
Do you not agree in Cindy's words "it smells like a damn dead body in the car?"

Why did she abandon the car? She didn't want to have to deal with her parents - she knew it would get towed and they would be contacted

She abandoned the car because she could not drive it around with that smell in the trunk...which has been identified by enough qualified people at this time as well as her parents. And yes, I agree with you she did not want to deal with her parents because she could not produce Caylee...

Why is there hair,stain, and smell of decomp in trunk
Why did she fabricate Zenaida?Zenaida is really her babysitter
Why did she fabricate her job?she didn't want to admit to her parents that she STILL wasn't working

Her parents are one thing.....but she BOLDLY walked law enforcement through Universal as if she worked there and then turned around when ONLY when she knew she could not get out of it and admitted she didn't work there. Law Enforcement are not Cindy and George. They are Law Enforcement trying to help her find her "missing" daughter that she didn't report missing for 31 days and even then had to be forced to.

Why did she not just "pick up" Caylee from this so called person after Cindy forced her to admit she hadn't seen her.It was too hard for her to admit to her mom who she is constantly in power struggles with

She didn't pick up Caylee because every single action or inaction she has taken since her mother called the police point to the fact that she does not want Caylee to be found

Why did she borrow a shovel?To dig up the bamboo, silly!

Bamboo? For what? Caylee isn't with her anymore according to this new theory so why would she need to protect her feet from the Bamboo?

Why did she tell everyone who asked "she is with the nanny" she is with my parents" conflicting statements.She was trying to find Caylee on her own...didn't want to have to get the police involved because her mom would have another "I told you so" moment

She was trying to find Caylee on her own? Where at Fusion amongst the shot girls or at Universal talking to Juliet who doesn't exist?
Why would she say she was conducting her own investigation if she willingly let Caylee go with someone?Because Zenaida was going on an extended trip to Puerto Rico to visit family and offered to take Caylee with her

Can I have a link to this previously unheard of information please?

What kind of invisible, untraceable, heartless individual would have not come forward with Caylee by now?
Zenaida has not heard of this case because she is in another country.

Zenaida does not exist on this planet. Cindy had never met her, George had never met her, not one of Casey's friends have ever met her. Zenaida from Sawgrass has been cleared and investigated. And by the did miss Casey know that Zenaida Gonzales looked at an apartment on june 17th? Because she somehow gleaned that information and used it to back up her story....

There is no reasonable doubt in this case, even in the beginning stages of this investigation is ALL points to Casey and her lies and unfortunately it is all also pointing to a deceased little baby girl.

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Thank you all for listening.
If your theory went to court (about Caylee being alive somewhere with an unidentified person), the court could subpeona Caylee and Casey would have to produce her...then woops, no phantom babysitter/adoptive parents

In a perfect world that may work, but its doubtful that Casey would seem cooperative to a subpeona. Why would she be? She has cooperated yet.
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