Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #89

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Let's talk DNA. I think DNA results will be a split decision. If Caylee's hair is in the trunk, not too big. If it is tested and confirmed as "decomposing hair" that would be damning. A small amount of blood of Caylee's would be bad -- but not terrible. It seem pretty clear that the car saw not splattered or spattered with any large amount of blood. The big payoff would be physical evidence of decomposition. Caylee's saliva and small amount of blood anywhere will be arguable. Decomp anywhere is damning. Decomp physical evidence of Caylee's would be a conviction. Dirt samples can be amazingly key -- but with out the body site -- are useless.
Fingerprints? We're talking about a mother and a daughter.

I agree. Hair, blood, saliva, etc. from Caylee in reasonable amounts, could all be explained away as transference and none of it proves death. Good point about the dirt, without a burial site it is worthless, there's nothing to compare it to. The prosecuter needs proof of death. I don't think they've found it in the car.
She's in county lockup not prison. Prison will be a lot different.
She might not be such a model prisoner there. With her temper she's liable to act out and get privileges taken away. Living at mom and dad's would be a picnic to that.
Very flimsy evidence for a murder conviction.

What is the stain? For all we know it could be soda pop.

Sorry Chilly. With all due respect soda pop does not show up under luminol. Only bodily fluids and blood do.
I feel Gp's and attorney is putting on this act for media for LE to call for a gag order... so they can visit in private etcc.. its a ploy for something and this is the best I can come up with as of now.. jmo
Does anyone know if the public has joined together in the FL area and begun their own searches? Has anybody heard any info about this? It's no doubt that everybody is sick of all the in's and out's and up's and down's. If I was fortunate enough to live in Florida, I wouldn't be here on this forum, I'd be out looking for the truth myself. It makes no difference if people believe Caylee is alive or dead. They are all capable of looking for her nomatter what their opinion.
I feel Gp's and attorney is putting on this act for media for LE to call for a gag order... so they can visit in private etcc.. its a ploy for something and this is the best I can come up with as of now.. jmo

Honey, I think you just nailed it!
Very flimsy evidence for a murder conviction.

What is the stain? For all we know it could be soda pop.

Sorry Chilly. With all due respect soda pop does not show up under luminol. Only bodily fluids and blood do.
I have not read that a luminol test was done on the stain. Clorine bleach shows up under luminol, as do some metals.
She might not be such a model prisoner there. With her temper she's liable to act out and get privileges taken away. Living at mom and dad's would be a picnic to that.

A jail spokesman says she is a model prisoner. responses (in red below) to your doubts as to Caylee being alive:

Wow....those are some good excuses in Casey's favor.....

Any excuse as to why Casey would allow her little game to continue this long ??, ruin so many lives ?? leave herself open to jail time & or the cost of this phony investigation ???....& the *greatest *loss* of all (to her) TONY !!!

Does Casey think this will all just go away if she finally admits "oh Caylee is fine she's simply been on vacation ????
Ty.. this is just out of the norm I would say for ppl in this situation to act.. have never seen it before .. just so out there..

GP isn't as dumb as we might think he is. I am sure he is acting this out to get exactly that, a GAG ORDER! The judge already denied their request to not release tapes from jail. Notice how he seems to be going more off the deep end recently, believing Casey and just a week ago, weren't we all discussing how he told LE Casey was "up to something or hiding something"? Correct me if I am wrong.
Very flimsy evidence for a murder conviction.

I disagree.

George and Cindy "thought" they smelled decomp in the trunk, but now believe it was something else. The detective "thinks" he smelled decomp, but it's not proven (subject to testing, of course).

Smell is something that comes from the human senses. There is no test to validate what people think they smell.

They are ON RECORD stating that they think it smells like a dead body.

Car broke down or was out of gas.

Prove it. Easy to do. Investigators would have this info.

Hair in trunk is evidence of nothing. What is the stain? For all we know it could be soda pop. Decomp smell? Not yet proven.

Hair that has banding demonstrates that it came from a corpse.

Soda pop stains don't smell like dead bodies, nor do cadaver dogs alert on them.

Decomp Smell? Very well proven. Smell is one of the five senses, and every person who's had occasion to be near this car has said that it smelled like a dead body. On record.

It can't be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no Zenaida.

Sure, there are plenty of Zenaidas. None have Caylee, though. Common sense tells us this.

Casey lied about her job - Casey is a liar. That doesn't mean she's a murderer.

No, but all the evidence is pointing in that direction.

She couldn't pick up Casey because she couldn't find her.

She couldn't find her because she wasn't looking for her. She KNEW where she was--dead.

Why did she borrow a shovel? To dig up Bamboo. Can anyone prove otherwise?

Yes, LE can prove what she did with the shovel. That's why they took it into evidence.

But you go right on ahead believing whatever obsfucation Cindy is spouting each day.

Casey's lack of concern and lies about where Caylee was - that's the big one. Do the lies prove murder? That's what the jury will have to decide.

According to homicide investigators, her behavior is typical for a mother who kills her child.

I believe that Caylee is gone and that Casey is responsible, but proving murder in a courtroom isn't about beliefs, it's about evidence. There is plenty of room for reasonable doubt at this point. If the testing from the car comes back positive for Caylee's DNA and decomp fluids, there's no doubt in my mind that Casey will be convicted...but of what?

How do you know what cards LE is holding? You're trying to formulate a premature defense against a case for which you don't have all the details and evidence. LE hasn't released all the details of this case...that's common strategy for LE to withhold details in hopes that they can continue to bring forward tips.

From the info that we are privy to, there's very little doubt what happened. Basic common sense, Occam's Razor. It's pretty obvious that this child is dead and that her mother is responsible.

Of course, WebSleuths isn't a court of law, so we don't have to meet the "presumption of innocence" requirement that the jurors on this trial most certainly will have to.
Let's say Caylee is subpoenaed and not produced during trial. The trial continues with no Caylee. Casey gets a contempt charge. Now she's looking at 7 years max. And remember -- she has been a model inmate.

Contempt and maybe Obstruction charges also for George, Cindy, quite possibly Lee and all of the "investigators" that supposedly know where Caylee is (or who has her)! They will have to testify in court ... or before a GJ under penalty of perjury! They will likely be called to testify for the prosecution as hostile wittinesses ... and that could prove to be detrimental to her case! George is just asking for a GJ subpoena, in my opinion, ... by going around stating that he knows where Caylee is ... arrrrggggh this family infuriates me! Put the whole #$%^ lot of 'em in jail ... someone will eventually develop a personal relationship with "the truth!"
If I was fortunate enough to live in Florida, I wouldn't be here on this forum, I'd be out looking for the truth myself.

I live in Florida but on the west coast side. Even if I drove over to Orlando, where would I go and look for Caylee. I thought about this over and over again. Where do you start? Everything Casey said is not true, so there is no beginning, except for the Anthony home.

It's like with Drew Peterson, Stacy's sister reported Stacy missing within hours and she still hasn't been found. Although Stacy's car shows up within the same day, etc., etc., and all the phone calls. Remember Drew was a cop at the time as well as George being a former cop.
I agree. Hair, blood, saliva, etc. from Caylee in reasonable amounts, could all be explained away as transference and none of it proves death. Good point about the dirt, without a burial site it is worthless, there's nothing to compare it to. The prosecuter needs proof of death. I don't think they've found it in the car.
I can almost guarantee you they do not have slam dunk DNA evidence which would be proof of decomposition of Cayle Marie Anthony's body. If that were the case, they would be obligated to notify the family that they have indisputable physical forensic evidence that the girl is dead. Only under extraordinary circumstances can I see them withholding this information.
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