Caylee Memorial 2-10-2009 #2

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Wasn't there considerable discussion about the meaning of "victory" in a religious sense when that phrase was included in the Ramsey ransom note? No, not trying to start up a discussion about the Ramseys or religion, just recalling that there may be some specific religious meaning to that...
Maybe Nancy Grace is reading, dunno?

I mentioned the CMA coded message to Casey but I think most people with good knowledge of this case picked up on it too.
Looooonnnnnngggggg time lurker. First time poster.

LeLe. Thank you. You said exactly what I have been thinking all morning long.

What a beautiful service. I didn't really want to watch, to add to the "ratings" but I thought, you know, today it actually is about Caylee. So I watched. And I was so blessed. I have prayed for this family over and over, and I am not going to stop.
Does anyone know if you can watch NG live online???

I'm not sure, I do not think there is for Nancy. Only clips available afterwards on CNN. I do believe that there are transcripts available.
Well I hope Caylee is the only one reaping "Victory" in all this. Now I believe the Anthony's will turn thier attention 100% in Casey's favor. I really think we are going to see a shift here that will shock us all. No...wait...what am I saying this whole case continues to shock us all.
Beautiful memorial. I loved all the singing and the messages. I pray for this family. They are struggling but I think God is going to work in their lives in a major way through this tragedy. I pray that Casey seeks forgiveness from God & her family.
Discussing KC's statement yesterday.
Maybe Caylee's purpose on life was to teach us to forgive.

I hate what Casey has done. But I can not hate her. I try to look at her as Jesus, OUR SAVIOR would... with pity and compassion. I will pray that Casey will confess.

I just can not seem to judge the Anthony family... lest I be judged.

I think the service was beautiful..

I didn't watch the service but I'm of course reading here.. I like your post, ibyoungr :blowkiss:
I just heard part of what Lee said and it was extremely emotional. I guess he really loves his sister, that's who he was talking to. The whole thing was present tense, "I am so proud of you". That was definitely not said to Caylee, it was to Casey. I am even more confused by the relationship between Lee and Casey. I am raising six children and am one of four and I just can't help but think that the relationship between Lee and Casey is not the average brother sister relationship.
Nancy says that the personel at the jail informed them that KC could have watched, but did not make the request to do so. She chose to spend time with Baez instead.
hmmm. I am wondering if Casey did watch it, did she shed a tear? Bet not. I bet JB brought the lap top and she chose not to watch it, just so she wouldn't have to give a reaction.
Wonder how long before the CD of the memorial is for sale.
The music cue to Cindy was for timing, IMO.
I'm sure both the G's will have lots to say in their next 'media blitz'....'s already been posted the G's were not there.

They were part of the uninvited. I believe Rev. Grund said he would be at the memorial site with others.
I just heard part of what Lee said and it was extremely emotional. I guess he really loves his sister, that's who he was talking to. The whole thing was present tense, "I am so proud of you". That was definitely not said to Caylee, it was to Casey. I am even more confused by the relationship between Lee and Casey. I am raising six children and am one of four and I just can't help but think that the relationship between Lee and Casey is not the average brother sister relationship.

I agree 100% something not right there.
What a beautiful service, from the song selection to the flowers. I didn't see as many people as they had expected, but still a lot of people there. My heart breaks for that family; I just want to hug each of them. My heart breaks for George as it seemed to take a lot for him to not breakdown. Cindy, was a little less emotional than I had expected. I know we all handle grief in many different ways, but I was a bit surprised by Cindy's behavior. Maybe now everyone, including the family, can finally find some closure. The Anthony family still have a long road to haul ahead of them. My thoughts and prayers are with them all.

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