Caylee's Funeral

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Her parents chose December 25, 1996......

I guess there isn't much family around Atlanta anymore. I have seen the sight - not on purpose, but was there for other issues.
Exactly. And, as next of kin, she'll be the one to release them for burial. Whatever plans the A's make, she'll have to approve.

LOL Chilly... I just posted the same thing!

I would bet that Casey enjoys the fact that she actually gets
the last say in this.
Probably doing it to hurt her parents even more.....IMO

Remember.... she's a "Spitefull B*&^%"
I believe that you can - if you have the remains cremated. O/T I remember in the Marshall case that his wife's cremains were left at the funeral home until after the trial - 3 years later.

I dunno...maybe things have changed.

I believe you're right, PomMom, but it seems to vary depending on the state you live in. Some states have laws regarding the picking up of cremains, and some do not.

O/T I remember the Marshall case well, you're right again, it was 3 years.
Exactly. And, as next of kin, she'll be the one to release them for burial. Whatever plans the A's make, she'll have to approve.
So what you are saying is that Casey could make it impossible to EVER bury Caylee if she so desired?
So what you are saying is that Casey could make it impossible to EVER bury Caylee if she so desired?

Yep,she can. We went through that with my brother. He had just gotten divorced and he died and his oldest daughter from first marriage was legally next of kin, because his other 2 kids from 2nd marriage were minors, and she could do whatever with his body. Didn't even matter to the ME or investigators that she had had nothing to do with him for the last 18 yrs. He wanted his newly ex wife to take care of his burial and arrangements and the only reason my niece signed power of atty over to her is because she would also have to pay for his funeral and she didn't want that . she also left us hanging in the wind for many days before she signed the papers. :rolleyes: It was a messed up deal all the way around and still is..
This is maddening! (shudders at the thought of Casey having complete control of Caylee's remains)
This is maddening! (shudders at the thought of Casey having complete control of Caylee's remains)

I am shuddering as well. Delaying this funeral is just wrong...Caylee needs to be laid to rest. ANYONE suspected of her murder should have no right to her remains. Maybe we need a law to insure proper, dignified, and timely burial services for murder victims.

Since Casey signed papers releasing Caylee to the funeral home, does she still have a legal right to delay the funeral? Anyone know for sure?

Since Casey signed papers releasing Caylee to the funeral home, does she still have a legal right to delay the funeral? Anyone know for sure?


I don't know the legalities but here in Calif. we had a death in the family.
He had been separated from his wife for 4 years and she lived in Mpls. Mn.
It wasn't a legal separation so we, the rest of the family, had to wait patiently (all the while biting our tongues to keep from getting her angry at us) until his wife decided what she wanted to do with him/his body/what type of service she wanted.

She toyed around with us/our emotions for over a year!
Always excuses as to why she couldn't make the trip out to Calif. to finalize arrangements or be present for the funeral.

He remained at the Mortuary the whole time but I don't know if wife was charged anything for holding the body that long.
I just know it was held for 14 months.

As far as Caylee's funeral, I wouldn't be surprised if the A's don't have her cremated in a very, very private ceremoney and then bring the remains home to their house.
In a month or more they can announce they are having a memorial and then tell the public that a private service was already held.

Wouldn't surprise me at all if that hasn't already been done during the holiday season...what, 8, 9 days to have Caylee cremated or even buried with no fanfare, no media since most are running skeleton crews during this time.
There is nothing to examine that the videos, photos, reports, etc. can't show them. There is nothing that says the A fam has to wait on the defense team to view the remains, imo. They do not need their approval to go ahead with a burial unless there is a stay by a Judge in place.

I agree with you as there is nothing to examine and the defense team can go by what the ME reported but there was mention of a second autopsy by the defense team. The A's can do as they please but with this case everyone seems to be having a piece of what is best for them rather then doing what is morally right. (Happy New Year!)

Also according to Conway, he believes the defense may finish with the toddlers remains by the end of the week. Then he said the family can focus on laying the little girl to rest.

Once the burial is over, Conway believes investigators wil question the Anthony’s again.
i shouldn't be surprised about the A"s wanting Casey to go to the funeral, but my god that is sick! why would you want the killer there? and more telling is that Casey hasn't even requested to go. Gee you would think that would be telling to CA and GA. On the other hand they are too ignorant to see it.
LE has said they won't approach the Anthonys again until after Caylee's funeral. Do you think this is an incentive for GA and CA to postpone it indefinitely?

I've been worried about this. I've heard the second autops' hasn't been done. Until that has been done there won't be services.

First I thought it was because of Christmas. But, now I think they are buying time; for what I don't know.

Maybe all the highly not-paid defense team is out of the Country on Holiday!
I wonder if the defense expert's exam of the remains will be met with fanfare or if it will be done quietly. And may in fact have already been done.

Since there are only skeletal, that exam likely could have been done in the funeral home.
I am shuddering as well. Delaying this funeral is just wrong...Caylee needs to be laid to rest. ANYONE suspected of her murder should have no right to her remains. Maybe we need a law to insure proper, dignified, and timely burial services for murder victims.

Since Casey signed papers releasing Caylee to the funeral home, does she still have a legal right to delay the funeral? Anyone know for sure?


I believe that Casey can delay Caylee's funeral ceremony, but I'm not sure how long she can delay Caylee's burial or cremation. I've been trying to find out what the Florida laws are in regard to "the legal rights to a deceased's burial" and I'm coming up empty handed. The only thing I did find was the following article dated March 1988, from the National Funeral Directors Association.
It's a long article, but the last paragraph is interesting.

From the following article below, it does appear that California has a law in place regarding funeral arrangements for murder victims whose next of kin have been charged with their murder. (see (7) (b) (1) (2) (3)
Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but to me, it does not explain what happens if the "next in line" next of kin decide to delay the disposition of the remains.

I agree with you 100%. IMO, there should be a nation-wide law insuring proper, dignified, and timely burial services for everyone, especially murder victims.
We are seeing, unfortunately, more of the same coming from the A fam and the defense teams as we have all along...which is a total disregard for this beautiful little girl. Instead of putting her first, it is all about everyone else.

While the defense team is spending their holidays with their friends and family eating fine foods, drinking champagne, and living it up...Caylee waits.

While the A fam is busy building a defense while begging for immunity and saving their own @sses...Caylee waits.

They are using her in death as they did while she was laying in that field in that garbage bag rotting except begging for donations has stopped. At least now she has some dignity by being in an enclosed area and out of the elements. I take comfort in this small step towards her having the music, flowers, and the kind words she richly deserves for a proper end.

They will wait as long as they possibly can to bury her because they know dragging it out buys them more time with LE. I don't expect any funeral services for another couple of weeks or longer (unless they read here and realize that people are onto them which makes them continue to look badly in the public view). Their attorney, BC, will probably insist they go forward sooner than they would like with services. He may be about appearances, but at least he is pretending to do the right things on the surface.

I completely disagree. I do not believe for a moment that this family is using Caylee to "buy them more time". This is a murder investigation and until all is forensically complete, for both sides, a funeral has to be put on hold. No one is a winner here nor do I believe trying to take advantage for themselves.

:clap::clap::clap::clap: When asked about why the delay in court, I am sure they will say they were just soooooooooooo grief stricken they couldnt bear to bury her. BULL . They are NOT anymore grief stricken than a mother who gives birth to a still born infant, parents who loose their teen ager to a horrific car wreck, a dad who has a son who dies of cancer. Grief stricken parents, grand parents, brothers, sisters, husbands & wives bury their loved ones every day. I would hope a grief counseler would tell the Anthony's it wont be any easier to bury Caylee a month from now than it is today. If they do want to do it, I will.

Okay. Umm, just "wow". Not often I'm left without words.....
There was that hearing recently where the defense asked for the xrays etc from the ME's autopsy. It was granted and the prosecution was given 14 days to provide the items.

I'm wondering if the delay in the 2nd autopsy is to wait for those items to be received by the defense. You would think, though, that if that were the case, that Baez would have been all over the news whining about not having received them yet (he does sooooo love to whine!)

What do you all think?
There was that hearing recently where the defense asked for the xrays etc from the ME's autopsy. It was granted and the prosecution was given 14 days to provide the items.

I'm wondering if the delay in the 2nd autopsy is to wait for those items to be received by the defense. You would think, though, that if that were the case, that Baez would have been all over the news whining about not having received them yet (he does sooooo love to whine!)

What do you all think?
I think he does sooooooo love to whine. :crazy:

I heard on Prime News(MSNBC) that Baez had requested the ME's lab to do his autopsy and was refused, correctly, by Dr.G. It was speculated by the guests that day that he wanted to save the money that he would have to spend renting a lab. Maybe he's waiting for someone to pony up some more money now that donations have dried up. Just a guess........
I don't think the delay stems from the Prosecution. Of course, Baez would be kvetching if that were the case. Anytime it appears to make him look like he is doing something and they are dragging it out, he will take advantage of it. He has control of Casey and she has control of the body, evidently.

It IS wrong for the person charged with the murder of another to have any say in what happens. This is one law that should be changed in every jurisdiction, imo. I guess I had always assumed that it was already in place that a murderer couldn't hold the victim hostage after death.
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