Caylee's "Mama" Doll

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I have always believed the teddy was in the car too, but CA washed it. I don't know why she left the baby doll if she did, but obviously someone took the clothes off of it to either wash them or throw them away.

It was said by several people that Caylee would always undress her baby dolls. That she didn't like clothes on them. I'm sorry I don't have a link. I remember Cindy and Casey both said it and I think also either Jesse or Amy confirmed?
<<she FREAKED OUT, and ran and left everything-her purse,>>

or she left her purse and keys so that someone would likely steal the car

:bang: I have always thought that the purse might be left, because of the murder of the jogger was in the news, and, her purse was also found in her car.

Hence, it would be helpful to kc for that to appear as if some one had kidnapped both Cayley and casey.

has anyone heard anything about caylee's doll. was it in the car? or at cindy's house. it was said that she was never without it so i am wondering if it disappeared also.i can't imagine casey would want that reminder around.
This is my favorite picture of Caylee.
I'm all upset about the doll. I hope it
was found with her. I just don't know though.
I love this sweet picture.

This is my favorite picture of Caylee.
I'm all upset about the doll. I hope it
was found with her. I just don't know though.
I love this sweet picture.

There was a fairly detailed post about the doll and where it was found here:

Sadly I fear that any Mother that could allow irrational jealousy of her own daughter to drive her to murder would be too vindictive to even consider leaving comfort items with her poor little body. :(

You can see it clearly in Casey's face during the recently released jail video. Her jaw visibly tightens every time her parents dare to mention Caylee's name. It is truly sickening to watch. I think she carried her "meaner than an angry rattlesnake" attitude as far as her twisted little mind could wander in respect to Caylee's murder and her frigidly callous placement of Caylee's corpse in a bag of trash. She was making a statement both to herself and any that would find her. She was unlucky enough to be the light of Cindy's life and Casey made sure to desecrate Caylee thoroughly in order to punish them both for loving each other so much more than she herself felt loved.


There was a fairly detailed post about the doll and where it was found here:

Sadly I fear that any Mother that could allow irrational jealousy of her own daughter to drive her to murder would be too vindictive to even consider leaving comfort items with her poor little body. :(

You can see it clearly in Casey's face during the recently released jail video. Her jaw visibly tightens every time her parents dare to mention Caylee's name. It is truly sickening to watch. I think she carried her "meaner than an angry rattlesnake" attitude as far as her twisted little mind could wander in respect to Caylee's murder and her frigidly callous placement of Caylee's corpse in a bag of trash. She was making a statement both to herself and any that would find her. She was unlucky enough to be the light of Cindy's life and Casey made sure to desecrate Caylee thoroughly in order to punish them both for loving each other so much more than she herself felt loved.



Oh man! Sometimes ya just almost feel ashamed to be a human being. Such a sweet child. Little girls love their dolls so. So sad. Doll apparently left behind.. maybe - most likely. Just awful.
rip--jessica marie lunsford :( *hugs* jbean.

Was there any explanation from anyone why there was a flippin kitchen knife in back seat of car?

maybe to cut the pizza? Casey will say doesn't everyone have silverware in their car? I hate to admit, i do have fork, knife spoon in my car at times.
I have always believed the teddy was in the car too, but CA washed it. I don't know why she left the baby doll if she did, but obviously someone took the clothes off of it to either wash them or throw them away.

I thought I read a teddy bear was given to a " medium" to get clairvoyant messages. maybe it was this teddy bear?
There was a fairly detailed post about the doll and where it was found here:
Thanks for pulling that link up! That was my post when I "discovered" that the doll in the car seat photo was most likely Casey's when she was a child, due to the doll's age, thus "Mama's doll." Well, that's my belief, anyway.


Casey with a doll at Christmas - could it be the same doll? :

I meant to follow up on that post with photos of a doll exactly like the one in the car seat photo. This is not Caylee's doll. This doll is one of mine. Same exact doll, same outfit, only in green instead of pink.


Here are other photos of the doll in my album:

maybe to cut the pizza? Casey will say doesn't everyone have silverware in their car? I hate to admit, i do have fork, knife spoon in my car at times.

It's funny how different people are. I have 2 kids and have never had silverware in the car-plastic or otherwise. If my kiddos want to bring a snack with them, it's to be finger food, and I've never told them not to bring utensils, it's just not something we do. In fact, growing up, we never even brought food on our Sunday drives that we used to do.
has anyone heard anything about caylee's doll. was it in the car? or at cindy's house. it was said that she was never without it so i am wondering if it disappeared also.i can't imagine casey would want that reminder around.

Well some people have speculated that maybe the doll first belong to KC. So I would assume that if KC threw out everything else that belong to Caylee, "mama doll" was kept because it was from HER (KC) childhood. It was HERS first, so to speak.
Well some people have speculated that maybe the doll first belong to KC. So I would assume that if KC threw out everything else that belong to Caylee, "mama doll" was kept because it was from HER (KC) childhood. It was HERS first, so to speak.

Well, the some people was me, ;). That was my theory as posted in early Dec and I still believe it. Sorry for quoting myself, but this is the best thread for this info.

see below:
suzet wrote on 12/02/08:

Caylee's doll, or was it?
My light bulb moment concerns the baby doll that was left in the carseat when the Pontiac was towed ~ the doll Caylee called "Mama."

I am not sure if it was ever established whether or not the "mama" doll found in the carseat inside the Pontiac was the same doll in the Caylee carseat photo... this would be the photo below that shows Caylee in her carseat with the doll wearing the pink jammies. But let's suppose it is.


For months, that doll had been bothering me.... there was just something about her and the clothes that I couldn't quite put my finger on... and then it hit me. Having a daughter that is two years younger than Casey, that doll's face looks like an older doll from the early 1990s. After a bit of research, that is just about how old that doll is.

So then I got to thinking... I bet the doll in Caylee's carseat photo was actually Casey's childhood doll, not a new doll for Caylee. Still having childhood dolls around the house is particularly common when the mother is very young, like Casey was. The doll could have also come from a garage sale, thus making the doll not easily replaced, but then I found this eery photo of Casey as a child:

The photo is very blurry, but Casey is holding a doll that looks to be the same size (11-12") as the one in Caylee's photo, AND, like Caylee's doll, Casey's doll also has molded hair, not rooted hair. Casey looks to be about six or seven years old and this would be the perfect age for Casey to have this doll that was made in the early to mid 1990s.

After realizing how old that doll is, I started thinking about Casey leaving the doll behind in the car. From what I have read about Casey, my impression is that she is cheap, she is stingy, and she is spiteful. I suppose, either she left the doll behind because she could care less about it and that Caylee loved it... But could it have been more of a 'this is my doll and I'm keeping it' on Casey's part?

I also wondered if the reason Caylee called the doll "mama" is because Casey referred to the doll as Mama's doll.

The doll in the carseat photo has a vinyl head, arms, and legs, with a cloth body. While I am not certain if the doll in the carseat photo is the same doll found in the car that wreaked with death, LE called that doll, a cloth doll (or did they say cloth body doll?) and this one would definitely be categorized as a cloth body doll. I believe the doll was found unclothed, which would be more obvious to LE that she was a cloth body doll. If the doll had been found in the Pontiac wearing the pink clothing, as seen in the Caylee carseat photo, LE might assume it was an all vinyl doll (not cloth bodied), unless they picked it up and felt the soft body.

I remember in Lee's testimony, he says something like, "That doll was Caylee's since the day she was born."

I wonder if Casey removed the doll's clothing because it stunk, but she couldn't part with her childhood doll (her child? yeah. the doll? no).

Realizing this could be Casey's doll, makes it seem more plausible that she would keep it, rather than dispose of it with her daughter. Yep, that's what I think.

I do wonder if CA gave CAYLEE kc favorite doll that she had saved, another reason to be very sisters instead of mother/daughter/grandma???? MOO
"I wonder if Casey removed the doll's clothing because it stunk, but she couldn't part with her childhood doll"

This is another enigma in this case that I've thought about. I don't suppose we will ever know the true story behind this little doll, but if it was originally KC's and she wanted to keep it, why leave it in the abandoned Pontiac? It makes sense to me that it was to give further proof of a kidnapping/hijacking tale, but given all the other circumstances around "the smell", it would seem that it was probably undressed to remove evidence of a stain or another source of the smell.
The doll in the pic with Caylee is in too good of shape to have been Casey's doll. It looks fairly new- not limp or beat up or anything.
The doll in the pic with Caylee is in too good of shape to have been Casey's doll. It looks fairly new- not limp or beat up or anything.

I have done my research. Believe me, the doll in the carseat photo is about 15-20 years old. Sometimes photos make things look much newer and nicer than they actually are. The outfit the doll is wearing is from the early 1990s.

See my photo below. This doll looks pretty nice, too, right? This doll is about 18-22 years old, it is exactly like the doll in carseat photo. (doll in photo is not Caylee's, it is a doll I own).


"I wonder if Casey removed the doll's clothing because it stunk, but she couldn't part with her childhood doll"

This is another enigma in this case that I've thought about. I don't suppose we will ever know the true story behind this little doll, but if it was originally KC's and she wanted to keep it, why leave it in the abandoned Pontiac? It makes sense to me that it was to give further proof of a kidnapping/hijacking tale, but given all the other circumstances around "the smell", it would seem that it was probably undressed to remove evidence of a stain or another source of the smell.

I, too, wondered about leaving the doll behind on Casey's part. Maybe she just plain didn't care about it or anything else having to do with Caylee or anything of sentimental value.

If the doll's clothes were removed because they stunk, like I originally stated, I was thinking Casey was taking a chance leaving the doll behind since it has a cloth body. I think maybe Caylee may have carried around the doll unclothed, but before Cindy took the carseat photo, perhaps she insisted the doll be dressed to make the photo look better, who knows.

If LE has the doll in their possession, if the doll in the carseat photo is indeed the doll found in the Pontiac, LE might want to check the crevice around the doll's neck and limbs, to see if there is any trace evidence. Just a thought and I'm sure they already have. :)
I do wonder if CA gave CAYLEE kc favorite doll that she had saved, another reason to be very sisters instead of mother/daughter/grandma???? MOO

Maybe you're right.

I do see other toys that Caylee played with, shown in photos, that were possibly Casey's when she was little.

Another example is the children's book from the infamous video at the senior's home, possibly one of Casey's childhood books due to the publishing date. LE mentioned a child's book was found near the crime scene, which was thoroughly discussed on another thread.
<<she FREAKED OUT, and ran and left everything-her purse,>>

or she left her purse and keys so that someone would likely steal the car

I would chose the second option. She had another purse and that could explain the so called "Key" she was talking about to Lee. She left her purse and keys in the car in hopes someone would steal it and that person would be to blame for Caylee's death. When Lee picked up her things from Tony L. house she had left her purse and other personal items. Cindy took the money out of her wallet, close to $200.00 cash with out LE seeing her do it, but by the time LE came back in they took an "ID" card out of Casey's wallet to me this states not only did she take someone's identity, could this be the nanny? She had a plan in play already for Caylee's murder. :behindbar:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
That is soooo macabre-like if she kept the doll because it was hers to begin with...:shakehead:

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