Caylee's "Mama" Doll

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That is soooo macabre-like if she kept the doll because it was hers to begin with...:shakehead:

Aaaaannd, that the doll was found inside the carseat, not Caylee. Makes me wonder if Caylee put it there for the very last time (was this something she did routinely for fun) or did Casey put it in there as a final gotcha? I guess we'll never know.
The doll in the pic with Caylee is in too good of shape to have been Casey's doll. It looks fairly new- not limp or beat up or anything.

I am 49 and my mother saved all of my childhood dolls. I never dirtied them and kept all accessories, etc. I have 6 of my dolls and have the original boxes and accessories for 2 of them. They are in excellent condition.

"Mama" doll could be Casey's.
I have done my research. Believe me, the doll in the carseat photo is about 15-20 years old. Sometimes photos make things look much newer and nicer than they actually are. The outfit the doll is wearing is from the early 1990s.

See my photo below. This doll looks pretty nice, too, right? This doll is about 18-22 years old, it is exactly like the doll in carseat photo. (doll in photo is not Caylee's, it is a doll I own).



Brilliant detective work, IMO! My daughter is 23 years younger than me and I handed down to her several dolls and toys from my childhood that my parents had kept and she played with esp. when she was at their house. Further evidence that KC loved herself more than Caylee.....sad....
Brilliant detective work, IMO! My daughter is 23 years younger than me and I handed down to her several dolls and toys from my childhood that my parents had kept and she played with esp. when she was at their house. Further evidence that KC loved herself more than Caylee.....sad....

Thank you! I'll be curious to find out if I was right about the doll being Casey's or not.
The topic of the doll is interesting in itself.

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Here's a question I had In an attempt to figure out if Caylee died inside the home right after the fight or is George's description of the next morning when the doll left.

Caylee's baby doll was found in Casey's car at the tow yard.
Caylee brought the doll everywhere with her.

Did that doll go to Mt Dora in Cindy's car?

How did the doll get back in Casey's car?

Do you think an alive Caylee and doll must have been in Casey's car after that Mt Dora visit?
Good questions, Curious . . . I sure don't have any answers but may I add a question of my own?

Could Casey have been talking about Momma doll's clothes when she said, "They haven't even found her clothes yet?" I thought she was talking about Caylee's clothes but I guess it could have been the doll's. We've all been wondering what ever happened to them.
The topic of the doll is interesting in itself.

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Here's a question I had In an attempt to figure out if Caylee died inside the home right after the fight or is George's description of the next morning when the doll left.

Caylee's baby doll was found in Casey's car at the tow yard.
Caylee brought the doll everywhere with her.

Did that doll go to Mt Dora in Cindy's car?

How did the doll get back in Casey's car?

Do you think an alive Caylee and doll must have been in Casey's car after that Mt Dora visit?

I think mama doll went to Mt. Dora with Cindy and Caylee. And that the mama doll was brought into the Anthony house with Caylee afterwards. And that the next day KC pretended to go to work. IMO, Mama doll went into KC's car with Caylee again then.

Lee said he knew KC had previously parked close to the Anthony house and watched it, waiting for George or Cindy to leave so she could sneak back into the house. I think KC did it again June 16. Caylee may have even fallen asleep in the car while they waited. KC probably talked on her cell phone or texted. George went to work. KC carried Caylee back into the house, took off Caylee's shoes & sunglasses and put her down for a nap. Mama doll was left in the car. Casey started downloading computer files from one computer to the other.

I think KC killed Caylee shortly after Caylee woke up from her nap.

This has pretty much always been my theory. It explains KC's pings, mama doll in the car, Lee's previous testimony, George's testimony and why Caylee wasn't wearing shoes.
Hi ExpectingUnicorns. Earlier in this thread, someone had a link to pictures LE took of some doll clothes. Cindy could have washed the doll's clothes and left it naked. Casey could have taken the doll's clothes off because of decomp and dumped the clothes elsewhere. Personally, I think if Casey really said that about "they haven't even found the clothes yet", she meant Caylee's. What it mean that she said that points to her, her, her.

Hope someone can fill us in.

Did the doll go to Mt Dora in Cindy's car? How did it end up back in Casey's car? Did an alive Caylee take the doll with her into Casey's car?
Just as the Pooh blanket from home was discovered with Caylee's body, I don't think it's too odd the doll was in the car. Obviously kc took items from the home, probably after her death. It could've been just to keep G & C less suspicious. I do believe kc didn't throw it out because it was her doll.
Just as the Pooh blanket from home was discovered with Caylee's body, I don't think it's too odd the doll was in the car. Obviously kc took items from the home, probably after her death. It could've been just to keep G & C less suspicious. I do believe kc didn't throw it out because it was her doll.

But KC did throw out the teddy bear she took from the Anthony house on July 3. (Which is after the car was towed to Johnson's Tow Yard)

Cindy did send psychic Ginette a teddy bear. But, Lee (who would want to make KC look good) said he didn't pick up anything for Caylee at Tony's apartment.

RM said one of Caylee's teddy bears had a name, Teddy and that along with Mama doll was special to Caylee.
Awwww, how very sad is it that she called her doll Mama. How sad that Caylee's love for her mother wasn't enough for Casey.

I've often wondered why the Mama doll wasn't found with Caylee. If that doll was as special to her as we've heard, why didn't Casey add the doll when she 'packaged' Caylee's body for disposal? Laziness? Forgetfulness? Cruelty?

Cindy and George must have been horrified to look in that car with that smell of decomp only to see that doll lying there. They knew that doll should be with Caylee, and seeing it lying there with that smell making them gag and ask what died must have been a huge red flag that something was really off.

Jolynna said:
This has pretty much always been my theory. It explains KC's pings, mama doll in the car, Lee's previous testimony, George's testimony and why Caylee wasn't wearing shoes.

I agree. My theory is the Mama doll being left behind and not found with Caylee's body is perhaps an indication that the doll was left in the car after Caylee fell asleep in the carseat and was carried back in the house after an outing (whether to wait out GA leaving or whatever.)

I've always had the impression that Casey suffocated Caylee to death in the Anthony home, probably in Casey's bedroom or Caylee's...depends on where Caylee had been tucked in for her nap/the night. No shoes, no doll - she either was killed in her sleep or soon after she woke up. I used to think Casey used a pillow or a blanket to smother her, but now I think she used the tape. After she knew Caylee was dead, she fixed up what all needed to go in those trash bags and the laundry bag...and Mama, out in the car, was the last thing Casey was thinking of. She wasn't even smart enough to toss the doll in the trashbin so it wouldn't be the red flag C&GA must have seen it as. IMO.

Interesting theory about the doll possibly having been Casey's. I kinda doubt Casey had any sentimental attachment to that doll herself, or else I would have thought she'd've done something with it other than leave it lying there like every other inanimate object left in the car. IMO.

Is there no record at all of where Caylee got Mama, other than Lee's comment? It may be an older doll, but there are so many different places a child can get an older doll from - a yard sale, a thrift store, a relative, a neighbor, anywhere. One time I had a friend and her child over and she expressed interest in a stuffed cat of mine from years ago - she left with it tucked under her arm.

And I can't help but wonder, if the doll clothes stank, wouldn't the doll also have stank? A lot of little kids don't care if their dolls are dressed or not. My daughter had a favorite doll around age 3 that was rarely dressed - I used to suggest she wrap a doll blanket around her baby so she would be nice and warm. Modesty for the doll is just not a priority at age 3, and doll clothes can be difficult for cute, fat, dimpled little toddler hands to manipulate, so I'm not sure absence of the doll's clothes isn't Caylee's own preference. IMO.
Awwww, how very sad is it that she called her doll Mama.

I thought the reason it was called Mama was because the doll was originally KC's doll. So when Cindy or whoever gave the doll to Caylee, they told her that this was her Mama's doll. So Caylee probably called it Mama('s) doll.
Thanks to you all for providing lots of info!

Casey lied to LE in the first story dropping Caylee off on the stairs of Sawgrass. We know that's a lie. One of the little pieces of the puzzle happens to be the doll. Why would Caylee not take her doll to spend the day at Zanny's? So, we know that first story she told is a blaring lie.

I was nodding my head yes reading your posts.

Jolynna, I pretty much agree with you that the doll went to Mt Dora, then back into house, then out to car - but I am unsure if I think Caylee was killed the afternoon of June 16th, thinking maybe more rage after the fight on the night of June 15th.

Imagine though, if Casey did just have a regular morning texting, then just proceeds to kill Caylee during afternoon nap, with no rage but just a cold-blooded decision?

At least, we can almost bet the doll probably did go to Mt Dora then ended up in Casey's car...the doll may come into play (forgive pun) in case Cindy is thrown under the bus.
A ruse?

"Did you have fun with mama today, Caylee?"
"We played all day!"

Sick, but... so's the defendant.
The topic of the doll is interesting in itself.

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Here's a question I had In an attempt to figure out if Caylee died inside the home right after the fight or is George's description of the next morning when the doll left.

Caylee's baby doll was found in Casey's car at the tow yard.
Caylee brought the doll everywhere with her.

Did that doll go to Mt Dora in Cindy's car?

How did the doll get back in Casey's car?

Do you think an alive Caylee and doll must have been in Casey's car after that Mt Dora visit?

Do we know FOR SURE that CA drove her own vehicle and not the Pontiac to Mt. Dora?
This has always bothered me. If Caylee called her doll Mama, do we know, what did she call KC?
My daughter is 1 week older than Caylee. She just turned 4. When playing with her dolls I asked her what their names were. She said "Shelly, Andy (her friends parent's names) and the other is Conan... (Conan is the husband of my daycare provider)

That was sure funny.

Kids say and do the darndest things!
Awwww, how very sad is it that she called her doll Mama. How sad that Caylee's love for her mother wasn't enough for Casey.

I've often wondered why the Mama doll wasn't found with Caylee. If that doll was as special to her as we've heard, why didn't Casey add the doll when she 'packaged' Caylee's body for disposal? Laziness? Forgetfulness? Cruelty?

Cindy and George must have been horrified to look in that car with that smell of decomp only to see that doll lying there. They knew that doll should be with Caylee, and seeing it lying there with that smell making them gag and ask what died must have been a huge red flag that something was really off.

I agree. My theory is the Mama doll being left behind and not found with Caylee's body is perhaps an indication that the doll was left in the car after Caylee fell asleep in the carseat and was carried back in the house after an outing (whether to wait out GA leaving or whatever.)

I've always had the impression that Casey suffocated Caylee to death in the Anthony home, probably in Casey's bedroom or Caylee's...depends on where Caylee had been tucked in for her nap/the night. No shoes, no doll - she either was killed in her sleep or soon after she woke up. I used to think Casey used a pillow or a blanket to smother her, but now I think she used the tape. After she knew Caylee was dead, she fixed up what all needed to go in those trash bags and the laundry bag...and Mama, out in the car, was the last thing Casey was thinking of. She wasn't even smart enough to toss the doll in the trashbin so it wouldn't be the red flag C&GA must have seen it as. IMO.

Interesting theory about the doll possibly having been Casey's. I kinda doubt Casey had any sentimental attachment to that doll herself, or else I would have thought she'd've done something with it other than leave it lying there like every other inanimate object left in the car. IMO.

Is there no record at all of where Caylee got Mama, other than Lee's comment? It may be an older doll, but there are so many different places a child can get an older doll from - a yard sale, a thrift store, a relative, a neighbor, anywhere. One time I had a friend and her child over and she expressed interest in a stuffed cat of mine from years ago - she left with it tucked under her arm.

And I can't help but wonder, if the doll clothes stank, wouldn't the doll also have stank? A lot of little kids don't care if their dolls are dressed or not. My daughter had a favorite doll around age 3 that was rarely dressed - I used to suggest she wrap a doll blanket around her baby so she would be nice and warm. Modesty for the doll is just not a priority at age 3, and doll clothes can be difficult for cute, fat, dimpled little toddler hands to manipulate, so I'm not sure absence of the doll's clothes isn't Caylee's own preference. IMO.

I agree with all of your post. I think lots of little girls take their "baby's" clothes off.

According to the investigators at the Anthony house on July 15/16, everything from the car smelled (like the car).
From a psychological point of view we have never seen a video of Caylee saying, "Mama, mom" (maybe there is one somewhere?), we also have never heard in interviews with Kc's group of friends how Caylee referred to KC. I wonder if LE asked anyone? CA and GA were very vocal in telling the public what Caylee called them and we have seen the A's make big boo boos in accidently referring to Caylee as a daughter. Can someone help me link if I provide the statements? I have wondered if Caylee did call CA mom? Don't jump on me please but we only have CA's words about how Cayleey referred to her GA and great grandparents and we know how CA likes to make things as they are not. I find this baby doll very interesting if only that a toddler would choose that name. I wonder if this baby doll mama referenced by CA was used in case any outsider heard Caylee call CA this. Stranger than psychiatric science are families surrounding some of these women who committ fillicide.
Sorry if this was already brought up (Only read the last few posts) but in GAs interview with LE, did anyone hear the worry in his voice when John Allen talked of the doll in the car... and GA said.."the doll?" He sounded very worried and confused in his voice.

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