Caylee's Shorts

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I don't know if this is off topic for this thread, but all the items that George insisted Caylee was wearing when she left, were all listed on the search warrant.
OMG I feel positively sick, a pair of white shorts is definitely NOT a jean skirt!

How could george lie like that, I have been such a holdout on the idea that he lied. I just couldn't believe he would do such a thing, how awful.

Casey could have changed her cloths anytime after GA saw her
OMG I feel positively sick, a pair of white shorts is definitely NOT a jean skirt!

How could george lie like that, I have been such a holdout on the idea that he lied. I just couldn't believe he would do such a thing, how awful.
I've had a big problem with George and his recollection skills. He can't remember whether it was June 9 of 16, but dag gum, he knows what both were wearing. Why is he trying so hard to convince LE that she was wearing something she obviously was not. This tells me he never saw them leave on the 9th or the 16th.
I've had a big problem with George and his recollection skills. He can't remember whether it was June 9 of 16, but dag gum, he knows what both were wearing. Why is he trying so hard to convince LE that she was wearing something she obviously was not. This tells me he never saw them leave on the 9th or the 16th.

I know, most people here were on this a long time ago. I personally just couldn't go there because I just didn't want to believe that he would lie like this. It just makes me so sad that these grandparent's were acting to preserve themselves and casey and not acting to find Caylee.
Since clothes were found in the bag what do you think KC meant when she said "They haven't even found the clothes yet." I think she planted some clothes somewhere in a more obvious place to throw them off. Otherwise her statement would make no sense. (not that her statements usually make sense) :behindbar:boohoo::mad:

Great thought there, maybe the cloths GA last saw her in were placed somewhere else I can just see her saying "what she was last seen wearing with me is not what she was found in"
That's what I'm wondering. If Caylee was found with the clothes she wore at the nursing home, that would mean GA did not see them the next day...IMO of course.

I always suspected GA wasn't telling the truth about seeing KC and Caylee on June 16th. :furious:
I don't know if this is off topic for this thread, but all the items that George insisted Caylee was wearing when she left, were all collected by LE at the Anthony house.

Really? :eek: I'm off to check the documents.
I don't know if this is off topic for this thread, but all the items that George insisted Caylee was wearing when she left, were all collected by LE at the Anthony house.

Maybe I read it wrong, but I thought the search warrant was for those clothing items if LE could find them during the search. Meaning we don't know if those clothing items were indeed found and collected during the search.
If it comes to light that Caylee was buried with the clothing she wore at the nursing home I will not be surprised in the least. I always assumed she was killed that evening.

Hence, the statement, "They haven't even found her clothes yet". Casey clearly thought she was out of the woods (no pun intended) until Dec. 11th.
I am 95% sure that I read that the top was white. Didn't you guys see that too? Same place where it said the shorts were white with stripes......going back to look
I thought I read it was light green or light blue...:waitasec:
I think she could have planted clothes somewhere else...even Universal.

I guess you are right about it not bleaching out evenly. I also agree with they could have changed her shirt after eating chili at Shirley's house, too.

Still...they are not the clothes George said she was wearing on the 16th.
Maybe it was a jeans skirt she placed at Universal???
I thought I read it was light green or light blue...:waitasec:

I didn't see that anywhere but if that's the case, the color would be consistent with the top Caylee was wearing in the video on the 15th... Do u remember which document u thought u read that??
Ok, to play devil's advocate here but, wonder if Caylee wasn't wearing these exact clothes at the time of death. Maybe these were just extra clothes that were in the trunk that smelled like death so Casey dumped them. Maybe the clothes that she was killed in are hidden somewhere else..remember they didn't say anything about finding any shoes for Caylee, maybe they are with the other clothes. Maybe that is what the PI's were rooting around for at the abandoned house in November.
It's reasonable that her shirt was changed after eating chili. Another thing that was weird to me is that CA and Caylee ate lunch at SP's house. Cindy mentioned swimming with Caylee and putting her to bed but never eating dinner with Caylee that day. CA never said if they stopped at McDonalds or ate something at home and if they ate at home was Casey with them? This isn't mentioned in any of the statements she made to LE. GA also never mentions breakfast or anything with Caylee in the morning of the 16th but we all noticed that earlier on.

Just odd. This is the first time I've realized the above. :waitasec:
I've always found these "gaps" of information odd as well and couldn't believe that LE never questioned CA or GA about these details when the docs first came out!
I didn't see that anywhere but if that's the case, the color would be consistent with the top Caylee was wearing in the video on the 15th... Do u remember which document u thought u read that??
Wasn't a document, might have been in one of the news links in the daily thread...
It could have been 12:00 a.m. or after the 16th (Sunday night).
I agree with you - she could have left with Caylee right after CA and Caylee got home and driven around the neighborhood or parked in the neighborhood. Body language - GA closes his eyes when he tells this story - I have never believed GA saw KC and Caylee the 16th of June. Especially after seeing the recently released jail visitation and KC gets mad because, in her opinion, they won't let her talk, I do not think she stayed at the house if there was a full blown fight with CA.
I don't think Cindy is the brightest bulb in the shed, but I don't think she or GA would have been that stupid not to call the police or 911. Out of all the players I think on KC is dumb enough to do this.

**bolded by me**

Ya know I always thought that too - well kinda. CA certainly showed "emotion" on that last 911 call and the world has looked at her as the grieving grandmother.


With the docs today - ALL of CA's coworkers KNEW ABOUT THE SMELL and the car the day CA picked it up AND PROMPTLY WENT BACK TO WORK? They all told her to leave - go home and call the police - and what was her reply?

No, I have work I have to get done (not exact words but close).

After I read that - nope - now I'm back on the fence sitting about who knew what and who did what.
I know, most people here were on this a long time ago. I personally just couldn't go there because I just didn't want to believe that he would lie like this. It just makes me so sad that these grandparent's were acting to preserve themselves and casey and not acting to find Caylee.

This whole thing is so messed up :(
It's entirely possible that he didn't intentionally lie. he may have a very vivid memory of them leaving the house like that, but connected it to the wrong date.

This might be one of the "conflicting statements." In the mess of sorting things out and being interviewed, he might have thought he remembered something, and now, having had another 6 months, is now thinking, "maybe that was NOT the day I saw that."

I've done this before (though not in a police interview!). If you asked me what my daughter was wearing last week when we volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house, i would immediately say she was wearing her youth group t-shirt, because that is normally what all the kids wear when they are volunteering. However, once I thought more about it, I have remembered that she was NOT wearing that because it was in the wash.

If you asked me next month, I would answer the same...youth group t-shirt, but it would take me much longer to remember otherwise...and it would probably hit me out of the at 3AM if I was awake, worried sick, because my child was missing.

I agree with this. Call me an optimist, or naive, but I have long thought that he may have remembered her leaving at one point wearing said outfit, but it might not have been that day. He could easily have mixed that up. Unless something significant happened during their exit, it would seem almost odd if he did remember it clear as day. I think it would be difficult to even remember the date of something that happened over a month before being questioned about it. Not to mention, the amount of stress that they were under.

And, FWIW, those white shorts look solid white to me. I don't see any stripes. Even with the not so great angle and video quality, I would still think you would see those blurry lines that stripes sometimes look like on tv, but they just look solid to me.

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