Cell Phone Activity Discussion Thread #2

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So IF the phones never left the house, theories what happened to them? Did they sneak them out later?
Did they get rid of them together inside the house?
Did they pass them off to someone close?
Did DB alone get rid of them in the 15 minute time frame before JI came home?
Did DB pass them off to someone who was with her during the 15 minutes before JI came home?

IF they were stolen considering the characters that have come to light in this case for as much as we know they very well could of been in a house a few doors down such as the couple that were away.

Considering that one individual stole a vehicle, drove it up to a house, then took off once chased away by the people in the home, I would put nothing past individuals that will go to these extremes.

That would mean these cells could of been anywhere within a 1/3 mile radius and further if the batteries had of been taken out at some point.

I also recall that the defense team met with the FBI for 3 hours. I seriously doubt that they discussed cell phone pings for 3 hours.
Was reading some cell phone posts in 'theories'....this is my understanding from a post that Deb's DAD put on fb a while ago.

Part of what you said is correct. I have a mutual friend on my fb acct so I was able to see his posts. What really stood out to me was this comment:

"Debbie transferred the service from her old phone to the one that my Dad (her Grandpa) gave her."

I've not found a cell provider yet that would transfer service from one phone to another when a phone was restricted.

I'm starting to wonder if we will ever know more details about these phones.

A couple of years ago I had two verizon phones, and they didnt have sim cards. I'm wondering how many models of these phone do take sim cards in the event we assume the transfer of service was "taking a sim card out and putting it into the other phone given to her?"
JI's call from his work cell did not get go to the call center as it was not his personal cell thus the work bill was probably paid.

respectfully snipped

This is not the case, if you believe Picerno. He stated that JI's call went to the call center. I will find the quote if you need me to.
And if that's the case, JI would have tried to call DB's number when he tried to reach her to say he would be late. Why did his call reach the Verizon call center if DB's phone could take incoming calls, as Picerno stated?

I'm confused about the call going to the call center myself. Has it been ever determined what makes a call get routed to a call center (I've never had that happen but then again I've never had phones restricted)?
I'm confused about the call going to the call center myself. Has it been ever determined what makes a call get routed to a call center (I've never had that happen but then again I've never had phones restricted)?

I have had that happen when i had Tmobile. I could receive incoming calls when restricted, however if i went to make an outgoing call (as i forgot they were restricted) it would call the call center, it didn't matter what phone number i dialed it would only call the call center, then of course they want to know about the payment to restore your service.

If JI went to call DB and the call went to the call center, then i am going to assume he had a restricted phone, one that he was trying to call DB on.

I wonder if JI had one of the phones on him and the service was working when he left, but it got cut off that night, before JI realized he was going to be working much later than he originally thought?
I have had that happen when i had Tmobile. I could receive incoming calls when restricted, however if i went to make an outgoing call (as i forgot they were restricted) it would call the call center, it didn't matter what phone number i dialed it would only call the call center, then of course they want to know about the payment to restore your service.

If JI went to call DB and the call went to the call center, then i am going to assume he had a restricted phone, one that he was trying to call DB on.

I wonder if JI had one of the phones on him and the service was working when he left, but it got cut off that night, before JI realized he was going to be working much later than he originally thought?

That would be a pretty big deal though, because according to DB, all the phones are missing. Obviously if he had one of them, that gets negated. What you describe about the call center makes sense but it's the opposite of what happened. DB didn't make an outgoing call to the call center, JI made an incoming call that went to the call center. Not only that, but if we are to believe the lawyer, the 11:57 call was an outgoing call that didn't go the call center but to MW's phone.
I'm confused about the call going to the call center myself. Has it been ever determined what makes a call get routed to a call center (I've never had that happen but then again I've never had phones restricted)?

MOO is that Lawyer just misspoke - combined two events into one. DB had stated that she knew the phones were restricted "because we both tried it" indicating she and JI. Lawyer meant that JI said he tried to call DB later that evening and couldn't get through (it didn't go to call center, that's not what happens when a good phone calls a restricted phone, it's nobody's business that you can't pay your phone bill!).

DB had tried them also at some point after they got cut off. Question is... when was that? Was it the midnight call? Or a call earlier that we haven't heard about? :waitasec: Actually... hasn't it been Lawyer who postulates that there was an outgoing call that went to MW's phone? So really none of it is accurate.

:fence: Speculation, JMO always.
I'm confused about the call going to the call center myself. Has it been ever determined what makes a call get routed to a call center (I've never had that happen but then again I've never had phones restricted)?

I don't know, and I personally think that the defense team got caught in a little web of lies when that statement was made, that's why we have the contradiction. I know you and some others feel differently.
That would be a pretty big deal though, because according to DB, all the phones are missing. Obviously if he had one of them, that gets negated. What you describe about the call center makes sense but it's the opposite of what happened. DB didn't make an outgoing call to the call center, JI made an incoming call that went to the call center. Not only that, but if we are to believe the lawyer, the 11:57 call was an outgoing call that didn't go the call center but to MW's phone.

The restrictions could have been worst than originally expected. If this was not the first time that their payments were late, the entire service could have been disabled, whereas, in the past it was only restricted to not being able to dial out.

When Jeremy attempted to call Debs phone he got the provider message that this phone is not currently in service ~ I would think!

Just MOO of course, but I don't think there is any big conspiracy about the phones BEFORE they went missing, although some people are creating one ~ not aimed at anyone here, I"m talking everywhere :)
And if that's the case, JI would have tried to call DB's number when he tried to reach her to say he would be late. Why did his call reach the Verizon call center if DB's phone could take incoming calls, as Picerno stated?

Picerno didn't say that the call went to the Verizon call center or the message center. He said that "It went direct to the Verizon message stating that the phone is not operable."

Jumping off of Sparklin's post here- I would be interested to know if they had already spoken to the cell provider(s) previously- to notify or make arrangements for a late payment.
respectfully snipped

This is not the case, if you believe Picerno. He stated that JI's call went to the call center. I will find the quote if you need me to.

I found the link for you - directly above. That is the actual video, not just a transcript, and it is at about 2:00 mark. As you can see (hear!) Picerno did not say the call went to the message center. He said that it went to the out-of-service message.

I thought that was what he said too, since everyone keeps repeating it as fact, but it seemed weird, so I checked it again. :)
Yes.... what are you trying to say? The call should have rang on DB's end, according to Picerno's statement that the restricted phones could take incoming calls.

Could it had just been one of those messages you get from time to time when calling a phone.

'The number you are trying to reach is not available at this time' or something to that effect?
Yes.... what are you trying to say? The call should have rang on DB's end, according to Picerno's statement that the restricted phones could take incoming calls.

He said that the phones "could only receive incoming phone calls and incoming texts from early afternoon". Jeremy's call would have been at night. Presumably Verizon had stopped the ability for the phones to receive calls between early afternoon and whenever he called, since he got the out-of-service message.
That would be a pretty big deal though, because according to DB, all the phones are missing. Obviously if he had one of them, that gets negated. What you describe about the call center makes sense but it's the opposite of what happened. DB didn't make an outgoing call to the call center, JI made an incoming call that went to the call center. Not only that, but if we are to believe the lawyer, the 11:57 call was an outgoing call that didn't go the call center but to MW's phone.

BBM :) Then someone somewhere is lying. If JI called DB's phone and the phone is restricted the call wouldn't be routed to the call center, as the phone JI is calling from is on a different account, even if it was the same carrier, it would be a different account number. However, IF JI called from one of the restricted phones THEN it would be routed to the call center. JMO

Now i am wondering if the phones were all on the same account? For instance, My hubby and i both have boost mobile, but seperate accounts, if he doesn't pay his bill, his service would be shut off, but my phone would still work. JMO

What a Huge Mess!!!!!!!!
I found the link for you - directly above. That is the actual video, not just a transcript, and it is at about 2:00 mark. As you can see (hear!) Picerno did not say the call went to the message center. He said that it went to the out-of-service message.

I thought that was what he said too, since everyone keeps repeating it as fact, but it seemed weird, so I checked it again. :)

Thank You for that Karmaa! That makes MUCH more sense than what i was thinking...LOL
BBM :) Then someone somewhere is lying. If JI called DB's phone and the phone is restricted the call wouldn't be routed to the call center, as the phone JI is calling from is on a different account, even if it was the same carrier, it would be a different account number. However, IF JI called from one of the restricted phones THEN it would be routed to the call center. JMO

Now i am wondering if the phones were all on the same account? For instance, My hubby and i both have boost mobile, but seperate accounts, if he doesn't pay his bill, his service would be shut off, but my phone would still work. JMO

What a Huge Mess!!!!!!!!

Picerno did not say that the call from JI to DB went to the call center. He said that it went to the out-of-service message.

So no one is lying. We have all been using a "fact" that is not actually a fact. JI's call did not go to the message center.

ETA: Well, someone MAY be lying, lol. You never know. But this situation doesn't indicate it. ;)
He said that the phones "could only receive incoming phone calls and incoming texts from early afternoon". Jeremy's call would have been at night. Presumably Verizon had stopped the ability for the phones to receive calls between early afternoon and whenever he called, since he got the out-of-service message.

wow, this family's timing on so many things isjust utterly amazing. thanks for clearing that up.
I have never heard of a phone company restricting the phone to incoming calls for a few hours and then restricting all calls. What would be the point? Either it was totally restricted or it was restricted to only accept incoming calls.
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