Charles Ramsey - An Unexpected Hero

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They are heroes, and could have just thought "oh, some crazy woman fighting with her husband". She could have given up after a minute or so of trying to get out, from fear and years of imprisonment and been dead today. Charles and Angel went over not really knowing what was going on or whether they might get injured by some nut.
He's a hero, no doubt about it. In the interviews I heard, he always said, 'WE', busted the door down, or whatever, never 'I did this by myself'. And yes, he speaks english, so of course he's the 1 one who gets interviewed. Not something to hold against him. As far as any criminal record goes, this is 1 area where I cut some slack. So many people that I know, including teachers, my best friend, even my own daughter, have records and mug shots-not something to brag about, but not something that wipes out a good deed either. As for Charles Ramsey, he was a part of something bigger than himself. He did, what's beginning to look like, so many before him failed to do.
Yes, that is already happening. CNN is raising questions, saying neighbors say a man named Angel was involved as well and Charles is getting all the credit. This is true, and as I watched the first interviews with Charles live on television they also had Angel on for an interview. Our local affiliate had a Spanish speaking reporter who interviewed Angel whose account was IIRC compatible with what Charles said. In those first interviews Charles also acknowledged Angel going over there as well, and even said that Angel started walking over first. I think the media ran with Charles as "the" hero because he was the more colorful character and because he spoke English. There is no question that Charles was involved, as he is the one on the 911 call, and the one who spoke English so he is the only one who could have communicated with Amanda. However, he was not the ONLY one involved. Totally support Charles, but kudos go out to Angel as well!

My understanding is that Angel took Amanda across the street and used the cell phone there. Angel did not do the 911 phone call since his English was not that good, and better to have the victim do it since she had more info. This is why there are two 911 calls, Amanda is calling at the same time as Charles.
My understanding is that Angel took Amanda across the street and used the cell phone there. Angel did not do the 911 phone call since his English was not that good, and better to have the victim do it since she had more info. This is why there are two 911 calls, Amanda is calling at the same time as Charles.

Charles already said that. I think some people questioning have not listened to all his videos because it was early on in a video when he explained they told amanda to use the phone across the street while he used the one there
So the press (cnn) are complaining that he wasn't the only hero? Duh, They are the ones doing the reporting! As everyone else has said, he never said he was the only one there.....

The memes make me laugh. It's okay to laugh right? Just so happy for the girls.
I'm sure everyone is going to hate me for raining on their Charles parade. I do believe he helped Amanda. I also believe he was not the only one, but he is a master at spinning the story for entertainment. I happen to think he is an add-on hero, but that is just my observation of the stories I have read and the continuing news that surfaces. I will not be surprised to find out that Charles has embellished his part in the rescue and has neglected to mention the part that anyone else might have had.

That being my opinion, I respect everyone elses.

I think the potential reward $ helped turn this story around!
Charles never said he was the only one involved. Charles was interviewed because he understood and could speak the English language. Both men are heroes.
Charles Ramsey
I Became a Better Person
After Dom. Violence Arrests

Charles Ramsey -- the hero who helped free Amanda Berry and 2 other women in Ohio -- tells TMZ ... he's not ashamed that media outlets have uncovered the domestic violence arrests in his past, claiming he used the incidents to grow into a better person.

Read more:

Good for him! :)
People have hard lives, I dont hold it against him at all. He must be a different person now or no way would he have attempted to help Amanda like that. He would have gone back inside his house. He didn't. I will bow out because the details that are coming out in this case are too horrific, I hope these girls can rebuild their lives. They are going to need so much help.
They are heroes, and could have just thought "oh, some crazy woman fighting with her husband". She could have given up after a minute or so of trying to get out, from fear and years of imprisonment and been dead today. Charles and Angel went over not really knowing what was going on or whether they might get injured by some nut.

Exactly, especially since the people on the street knew AC as a normal guy.
"gave kids rides on motorcycles, ate ribs with" and so on. There are many people, usually men (don't hate on me) that are apprehensive to get involved in what they might think is domestic violence. We've all heard the stories of men trying to help a woman who was asking for help, and when he does , she attacks the one who is helping.
In watching Mr. Ramsey's follow up interviews it seems like he's having grief at what the girls went through and much anger towards the criminal. The media criticizing his past or who helped first isn't helping him to get over the traumatic event. Anything in his past was years ago and I read that his ex publicly said that she's okay with him now, so it's all over and done with. I hope he and Angel do get the reward or at least part of it, or something positive can happen for them, especially Mr. Ramsey.
Kudos to both Charles and Angel for getting involved and showing the world what America is all about: We help each other in this country and most of us actually give a darn.
In a situation like this, I think there's plenty of room for more than one hero. Amanda, Angel and Charles all did their parts, and luckily did them well. MOO
I hope that these men will inspire others to follow their instincts and take action when things look troublesome rather than look the other way.

It's nice to read news that makes one smile. :)
In a situation like this, I think there's plenty of room for more than one hero. Amanda, Angel and Charles all did their parts, and luckily did them well. MOO

I think when the girls look back on all this, it will be comforting to know more that one person was a good person and helped them out.

WOW! Charles is really being chitty about Angel here and has totally changed his original story where he said Angel 'helped' to, "Keep in mind, the Dominican, as I'm saying this, runs back over there behind me. I look across the street and say, 'She needs to get out of here.' He says, 'I'm not getting involved in that.'"


"I took the phone and called 911, and I said [to Berry], 'Now listen, now you go across the street and you see that *advertiser censored** that didn't help you, go get his cellphone. You call 911 from his phone. That way, while I'm trying to get through and you trying to get through, we both bound to make this happen,'" he said.
WOW! Charles is really being chitty about Angel here and has totally changed his original story where he said Angel 'helped' to, "Keep in mind, the Dominican, as I'm saying this, runs back over there behind me. I look across the street and say, 'She needs to get out of here.' He says, 'I'm not getting involved in that.'"


"I took the phone and called 911, and I said [to Berry], 'Now listen, now you go across the street and you see that *advertiser censored** that didn't help you, go get his cellphone. You call 911 from his phone. That way, while I'm trying to get through and you trying to get through, we both bound to make this happen,'" he said.

bbm, So, did dispatch get 2 calls or 1?
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