Chat Tonight During the A&E Special

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I gasped when I saw the train tracks connectors compared to the marks on her body. It was a perfect match - perfect. But the analyst said that the train track connector spacing didn't match the marks on the face, so the train tracks could not be the weapon. I believe he was incorrect as his other theory, that a stun gun was used, falls by the way side when one notices that the stun gun left rectangular marks on the pig and an electrical burn on the only other photo of stun gun injury that Smit produced and upon which he based his opinion.

Yup. David Mills pulled whoever he could get out of a hat. No one who actually worked the case. Though one of the Brits mentioned that he was in correspondence with a case expert who says the head blow came first. Didn't name the person, naturally.

The chronic injury to the vagina was dismissed as commonly occurring vaginitis. However, in Burke's 1998 interview one of the things he remembered about Christmas Day was JBR falling off of her bike and sitting on it which I believe was his way of explaining away the vaginal injuries that he caused. It struck me like a hammer.

Either way, they were trying to tell us that vaginitis would account for a hymen worn down to nothing? No way.
I gasped when I saw the train tracks connectors compared to the marks on her body. It was a perfect match - perfect. But the analyst said that the train track connector spacing didn't match the marks on the face, so the train tracks could not be the weapon. I believe he was incorrect as his other theory, that a stun gun was used, falls by the way side when one notices that the stun gun left rectangular marks on the pig and an electrical burn on the only other photo of stun gun injury that Smit produced and upon which he based his opinion.
I don't think Kolar tried to connect the marks on her back with those on her cheek like Smit did. But I have to ask, if the train tracks don't match both injuries, why would the stun gun match both?
The whole myth about the stun gun has been disproved and dismissed so long ago... :sigh: Here is a good site dispelling the stun gun from years ago:

...and here's the photo showing why Smit is wrong to compare the Boggs injury to JonBenet's:

I'll also include a link to what our own SuperDave wrote in his book (available at all major book outlets) about the Boggs business: stun gun&f=false

The chronic injury to the vagina was dismissed as commonly occurring vaginitis. However, in Burke's 1998 interview one of the things he remembered about Christmas Day was JBR falling off of her bike and sitting on it which I believe was his way of explaining away the vaginal injuries that he caused. It struck me like a hammer.
Interesting, TeaTime. I didn't think about that.

That he was awake, wondered what had happened to 'them' as he hunkered down in his room too scared to open the door and played with his micro machine while seemingly hoards of people roamed around was odd, particularly since JR said he had to go wake him for FW to take him away. He didn't peek out of his door once.

And of course, the last time he saw JBR alive changed from seeing her walking up the stairs on her own accord.

She was asleep, laying down in the car.

I have always thought the head injury happened at the Stines house.
Lots of info in the video of Burke's interview... I had to back up my recording of it at the point where Burke is explaining what he was afraid of while hiding in his room pretending to be asleep. He says he didn't go see what was going on, "Because I was scared." The written dialog at the bottom then shows that after his father came into his room and told him JonBenet was missing, he says, "I was worried about how JonBenet was..." And then, "I was worried they wouldn't find her." But it sure does sound to me like he says, "I was worried about how JonBenet was... and... uhh... and worried that they would find her."

One more thing for now...
Showing pages of questions to be answered, they show several lines that say:
c. Where is the paint brush tip?
i. How do you prove it wasn't carried away by an intruder?

  • In addition, one end of the paintbrush was never found.
    • Why hide this and leave the garrote?"
      • Unless the intruder inadvertently carried it away
        • Like the duct tape.
        • Like the cord.
        • Like the bludgeon.
Okay, two more things to point out:

  1. The transcript of Patterson's interview with Burke on December 26 says Alyson Schoeny was present. That's Priscilla's sister, the one identified at one time as being his grandmother.
  2. Look on the shelves to the right of the camera when they show the window with the suitcase below it while Smit is talking. There's a beige tape dispenser that looks to be wider than standard tape. Sure looks to me like there is a roll of black tape in it.
When the Spin Portion of last night's A&E program started, I had to turn off the TV to save my sanity. But, yes, the 1998 Burke interview elicited some quite interesting snippets, including the "last time he saw JB" quote, etc. Thanks for doing the chat, Tricia: it was sooo much better than just yelling at the TV by myself!

Same here. I wouldn't have made it without you guys.

My brother, who as some of you know has no real interest in this case, gave this appraisal of John Ramsey: "Wow, he looks like s**t now." And, as someone pointed out on the chat, I told him, "That's the point, mate. They're trying to make him seem like a harmless, feeble grandfatherly man." I saw just how "harmless" and "genteel" he was on that Larry King exchange with Steve Thomas.
Question for anyone:

How did the A&E program get clips from the upcoming CBS documentary before it's been broadcast? However they got it, isn't that copyright infringement? Did CBS give them the clips and allow them to include it in this crock so they could try and dispute it before it's even been shown to the public? Does anyone still doubt that they moved up the timing of the crock deliberately to get ahead of the CBS documentary with their best effort to discredit it?

Inquiring minds want to know...

No doubt in my mind as to that last one.
I am looking forward to the undoing of J.R. which I believe will be the result of all of these interviews.

Good thing J.R. is too narcissistic to see it coming.

I am not saying that J.R. is the perpetrator. I truly don't know which of the R's were involved the most in this heinous crime. All I mean is that inadvertently
J.R. will lead us to the truth. His narcissistic behavior will be his downfall.

The truth will come out - it eventually does. Justice for sweet JonBenet.

I'd like that very much. I think Frigga is right: John has finally pushed too far and the universe is ready to push back.
I thought JR came off well in the A&E interview.
He said things that we've wished he would have said, years ago.
He made physical gestures that corresponded with the
emotion he was expressing. He was animate?
Even the yes nodding was sync with his
No nervous tics.

Like I said, he's learned how to work the crowd.

The opening scene with the staff/ walking stick ..... Job.

I picked up on that, too.
Is there any way us UK people can watch this? I live in hope
His character is actually the only hope I have.If he is like I THINK he is (after seeing him perform and reading his books and all the rest), such an arrogant , proud person won't be able to leave this world without letting us all know how perfect his crime was and how smart he was to get away with it?

Yes PR was the drama queen, always too much emotion but if you ask me the attention seeker in da house wasn't her.Look at their interviews, she seems sick and tired of it, she is there because she has to be there.He LOVES it, loves to perform.

Totally in agreement on this. JR loves, loves the attention and the national spotlight. (So did McDonald, btw, who used to read the newspaper editorials and gauge whether he was 'winning.')

Also agree with all of what Tad said, especially about the "Job look." Maybe it's just me, but imo he came across way-y-y too smooth, so much smiling, This presentation was practiced and scripted and delivered with so much high confidence in his story now. As JR himself has said, he has certainly 'moved on'.
PR 1997

We feel that there are at least two people on the face of this earth that know who did this, and that is the killer and someone that that person may have confided in.


they/she felt that based on what??they always said they have no idea whats going on with the investigation
I really think this was a slip .And that she was right .
"Two" seems to be on her mind.
Sometimes I wonder about the "Two gentlemen watching over her" from the RN, combined with her statement to PG and KG from Schiller's book:. "Later that afternoon, Kristine and Pam sat on either side of Patsy, holding her hands. “You know,” Patsy said quietly to Pam, as if she were telling someone for the first time, “they’ve killed my baby.” Pam noticed that Patsy used the word "they." A slip or a Patsy performance reference to the foreign faction? IDK
Question for anyone:

How did the A&E program get clips from the upcoming CBS documentary before it's been broadcast? However they got it, isn't that copyright infringement? Did CBS give them the clips and allow them to include it in this crock so they could try and dispute it before it's even been shown to the public? Does anyone still doubt that they moved up the timing of the crock deliberately to get ahead of the CBS documentary with their best effort to discredit it?

Inquiring minds want to know...

I have a question that all of you "In the know" on JBR's case might be able to answer. What stake does A&E have in the case that makes them want to discredit the CBS special? I know there is probably an obvious answer that I'm not aware of. TIA!!
New to the case details, but I am struck by a couple of things right off. When Patsy ran in to check for JB in Burke's room, why did she not collect Burke and keep him with her or question him? (Where is your sister? Have you seen her? Did you hear or see anything?) It's hard to know how I'd react to a situation, but if I suspected that one of my children had been taken, I would make sure that the remaining child was tethered to me while I searched. Also, they called LE very quickly but was LE asked to come via unmarked cars? In many kidnapping situations, people are warned against calling LE, especially when ransom is demanded. How did they know their house wasn't being watched or have I been watching too much television?

I've always wondered the same thing concerning BR. I can understand a child being afraid to come out of his room, but why would a parent allow a 9 year old to remain alone, unprotected in his room?
How would you explain the pineapple in her stomach?

Either eaten right before the visit to the White's house or eaten at the White's house and digestion stopped with the head blow. It was in her intestines - correct?
John was born in 1943, he is 73 years old. Of course he is going to look a bit different than he did 20 years ago and he is no where near as strong or virile as he once was. That is nature folks. If you live long enough, it will happen to you too. The walking stick while hiking is of no importance, his new wife had one too at the end.

c. Where is the paint brush tip?
i. How do you prove it wasn't carried away by an intruder?

By demonstrating that there was no intruder.

John was born in 1943, he is 73 years old. Of course he is going to look a bit different than he did 20 years ago and he is no where near as strong or virile as he once was. That is nature folks. If you live long enough, it will happen to you too. The walking stick while hiking is of no importance, his new wife had one too at the end.

I agree that the walking stick is of no importance. Walking sticks are usually used when hiking. I know I've used them to tap the ground as I walk because snakes can feel the vibrations and usually slither away. They're also helpful to lean on, to push brush out of the way, for better traction and speed, to gauge wet ground, defense, etc. I found a link to help explain. When I first started hiking, I learned pretty quickly that they were helpful. At first I also thought they were only for novice or the feeble.
I've always wondered the same thing concerning BR. I can understand a child being afraid to come out of his room, but why would a parent allow a 9 year old to remain alone, unprotected in his room?
I know, right?! That was what struck me the most. Especially with all of the strange people (LE) in the house and at first not knowing if the perp was still in the house. I also never saw tears. Maybe they're both very good at compartmentalizing but losing a child is not something I could discuss in an objective way a majority of the time. And they haven't questioned why JB and not Burke. Odd, but that's JMO.
Also why did Patsy still have on the clothes from the previous night as mentioned in the documentary? If they were leaving early that morning, I would think she would have showered and dressed before venturing out of her room to putz around with laundry. Maybe not had her hair fixed or make up on because she probably wanted to get the kids going, but the clothes I wore the previous night would already be in the laundry. I may have even had a robe on, but not the clothes from the night before.
Just a few thoughts. You can tell I'm a novice here LOL.
I agree that the walking stick is of no importance. Walking sticks are usually used when hiking. I know I've used them to tap the ground as I walk because snakes can feel the vibrations and usually slither away. They're also helpful to lean on, to push brush out of the way, for better traction and speed, to gauge wet ground, defense, etc. I found a link to help explain. When I first started hiking, I learned pretty quickly that they were helpful. At first I also thought they were only for novice or the feeble.

They are also helpful even when walking in your own neighborhood in case a dog or group of roaming dogs surrounds you. There has been quite a few times where I have been walking in my own neighborhood and I had either one dog or a couple dogs come running up to me and not in a friendly manner. Luckily I never got attacked or anything but both times it happened I told myself I need to carry a walking stick (i.e., club) in case I ever get attacked by dogs.

In my local news it seems every year I hear of someone being attacked by a local dog or dogs nearby their own house.
Well i dont know about any of you but i didn't really hear anything at all new..the only this i did see was burke being interviewed and at that age i dont care what anyone says the fact that he was so young and allowed to be interviewed alone and he still didnt give up any info that this happend and that happend seems to me he would have said something when a person has him alone and that happend twice .For me that canceled burke out in anyway shape or form...
'When was the last time you saw JonBenet alive?' Never-before-seen footage of murdered six-year-old beauty queen's brother talking to police is aired in new documentary
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Daily Mail
6 September 2016

'When is the last time you saw JonBenet alive?' the police investigator asks Burke in one clip.
Kneeling on his chair, Burke bites his bottom lip before responding.
' the car...tired and laying down,' Burke responds, as he sinks into the chair.
"'I just remember her falling on the bike and sitting on it,' Burke responds.
'Your family, do they take a lot of pictures, as you're opening presents and stuff?' the investigator continues.
'Yeah, we take it in turns, opening presents. Towards the end,we just kind of go for it,' Burke says.

Burke was at one point a dark horse suspect in his sister's murder, but police have since ruled out both him and his parents as suspects in the case thanks to DNA evidence.

BBM: So there are plenty Christmas day photographs available, likely stashed in away some evidence cage?

Burke was at one point a dark horse suspect in his sister's murder, but police have since ruled out both him and his parents as suspects in the case thanks to DNA evidence.
How does that work? You have an anonymous killer, so you do not know who owns what dna, so how can anyone be ruled out?

I guess JR has told Burke, I won't be around for ever son, so you will have to keep the Pony and Trap show on the road otherwise all these conspiracy types will win, also it means big appearance fees, and you can get to do a few books too.


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