Chat Tonight During the A&E Special

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It's been awhile since I've been on the taser debunking site. "Thin blue arc" I missed that detail.

I don't understand how Smit thinks the arc was created. It doesn't make sense (but you don't need to explain it.) I don't see it mentioned in Kolar's book.

If it's bruise, colors blue and purple are caused by a deprivation of oxygen. There's no reason for it not to match red color abrasion.
Oh and what else really made me shake my head was toward the end of John's interview when he wants this solved because he doesn't want his granddaughter to be ashamed of the family name ,again no mention of he wants justice for his beautiful baby girl just like when it first happened he said his only thought was "how can we make this right?" not who did this !!!!!
Oh and what else really made me shake my head was toward the end of John's interview when he wants this solved because he doesn't want his granddaughter to be ashamed of the family name ,again no mention of he wants justice for his beautiful baby girl just like when it first happened he said his only thought was "how can we make this right?" not who did this !!!!!

i would ask him how much money he spent on his defence and how much money on finding out who did this since the cops are not capable of doing it.if i were him and innocent i would have sued the BPD for how the crime scene was handled, from gathering the evidence to letting people contaminate the crime scene.
i would ask him how much money he spent on his defence and how much money on finding out who did this since the cops are not capable of doing it.if i were him and innocent i would have sued the BPD for how the crime scene was handled, from gathering the evidence to letting people contaminate the crime scene.

You know Madeleine, that's a really good point, especially for a family that sues anyone who looks at them sideways. I can't
believe this never dawned on me.

The powerful John Ramsey would have wanted the BPD's proverbial head on a platter. Wow. Brilliant.
The only thing new and interesting part to me was the interview with Burke.Imagine being a little boy and your mother rushes into your room acting by his own words "psycho" if like he said she never acted like this before wouldn't you expect him to try to find out why his mom is acting like that ? But he claims he stayed in his room too scared to come out so the only thing he could have been scared of was his own mother! That combined with the enhanced 911 audio makes me believe he was threatened to stay in his room.Now imagine being the parents of a child that you believe has been kidnapped by a "foreign faction " wouldn't you go crazy worrying about your other child as well ? Instead they isolated him in his room until they shipped him off to a friends house.I also found it interesting that the one thing Burke mentioned that stood out to him about Christmas day was JonBenet sitting on and falling off the bike ? yet in his interview John claims he regrets that JonBenet never got to ride the bike as she wanted to........

Seeing those interviews made me feel so sorry for Burke. IMO, his answers seemed rehearsed. He was afraid to just speak freely, and the bike comment in that context reeked of being coached. I am not BDI, but open to it as a possibility assuming the death was accidental. Regardless, seeing those interviews and thinking about what he went through being a kid in that house before, during, and after JBRs death... When I step back and think about that, it's a lot of emotions to take in.
Ok, so after reading the transcript from last nights chat and seeing some comments here, I guess I have missed something. I remember reading about Lou on here but nothing stood out good or bad either way, and they obviously portrayed him as superman on the show, why is it the opinion of everyone here that he is a quack? And why are we against the stun gun? What else would cause those marks? I am not being difficult, I think I missed it in previous posts. I have only seen part 1, I have the rest recorded but Burke looks creepy as hell. I wonder if the NBC and CBS specials will have the same pro DA/anti BPD/IDI spin.
Seeing those interviews made me feel so sorry for Burke. IMO, his answers seemed rehearsed. He was afraid to just speak freely, and the bike comment in that context reeked of being coached. I am not BDI, but open to it as a possibility assuming the death was accidental. Regardless, seeing those interviews and thinking about what he went through being a kid in that house before, during, and after JBRs death... When I step back and think about that, it's a lot of emotions to take in.


at least then he had an excuse, he was NINE and easy to manipulate.
he has no excuse now that he is almost 30 but we will have to wait and see what he has to say .if it's only IDI spin like the killer is still out there then dunno how sorry I will feel for him.Cause I am still trying to understand why he did the show KNOWING he will become a target.He is an adult now responsable for his actions and comments.
IMO it wasn't to protect dead mommy.
To protect himself?Why, he can't be charged.
For the money?Then he is just as cold blooded as daddy.
To protect daddy?
How could a parent leave Burke alone in his room? My first thought would be to get him out and right beside me. I would be hysterical thinking the intruder could
be under Burke's bed (I guess he had two) or his closet or?

I just can't believe anyone would leave a child like that in an emergency situation by himself - alone in a room. If the parents thought there was an intruder.

Makes no sense.

at least then he had an excuse, he was NINE and easy to manipulate.
he has no excuse now that he is almost 30 but we will have to wait and see what he has to say .if it's only IDI spin like the killer is still out there then dunno how sorry I will feel for him.Cause I am still trying to understand why he did the show KNOWING he will become a target.He is an adult now responsable for his actions and comments.
IMO it wasn't to protect dead mommy.
To protect himself?Why, he can't be charged.
For the money?Then he is just as cold blooded as daddy.
To protect daddy?

Or brainwashed over the years to believe that it was best for JonBenet's memory to leave things alone and not speak out. Who knows what
these parents are capable of. J.R. appears to be a master at spinning but just how long will those plates stay up in the air?
I've got the A&E special recorded, but while it was on I actually tuned in to the last ten minutes. What I saw was a Ramsey produced package of lies, and it just made me sick and angry. For anybody that sat through the whole thing, is there anything of value in there? Quite frankly, I just feel like punching John Ramsey right it the face every time I see him speak these days.
As others have posted on this thread, the brief snippets of the interviews with BR were very interesting to see. After watching the whole A&E documentary, I actually went back and re-watched the BR interview excerpts again today. I found what I think is a MAJOR discrepancy between what I hear BR say and what the A&E documentary transcribes him as saying. At 22 minutes into the documentary, it shows BR with the interviewer.

Voice-Over: "He was later asked how he discovered what was happening."
BR: "My dad coming in and seeing I was awake...I was playing with my micro machine...and telling me that JonBenet was missing."
Interviewer: "What were some of your worries and concerns?"
[This is what the A&E documentary transcription at the bottom shows BR as saying in response]
BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and I was worried they wouldn't find her."

**BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I HEAR.** Here's what I hear him saying in response to that question (I watched it repeatedly):
BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and...uh...I worried IF THEY WOULD FIND HER." (emphasis added is mine)

That is a BIG difference in my opinion! Because if you're worried "if they would find her" that could suggest guilty knowledge, depending on how you interpret it! (e.g., he's worried if they would find her because he knows the condition she was left in when he last saw her).

Does anyone else hear it this way or are my ears playing tricks on me??
After watching the A&E documentary, I found the interviews with BR to be extremely interesting, as others have commented as well.

But there was one thing that really stood out for me -- I hear something very different from the A&E transcribes it and I'm wondering if others do as well?

At 22 minutes into the documentary, they are discussing how Burke first found out that JonBenet was missing on the morning of Dec. 26.


Voice-over: "He was later asked how he discovered what was happening"

BR: "My dad coming in and seeing I was awake...I was playing with my micro machine...and telling me that JonBenet was missing."

Interviewer: "What were some of your worries and concerns?"

[This is how A&E transcription at the bottom quotes BR's response to this question]:

BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and I was worried they wouldn't find her."

**BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I HEAR** This is what I hear:

BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and uh...I worried IF THEY WOULD FIND HER." [Emphasis added is mine]

That's a big difference and a MAJOR discrepancy IMO! Depending on how you interpret it, this could suggest guilty knowledge (e.g., he worried "IF they would find her because he knew what condition she was in the last time he saw her.)

I watched this repeatedly -- are my ears playing tricks on me? Does anyone else hear it this way?
oops - sorry -- I just realized I posted this twice -- I thought the first time it didn't post so I retyped my message. I'm a newbie here so please forgive me!
oops - sorry -- I just realized I posted this twice -- I thought the first time it didn't post so I retyped my message. I'm a newbie here so please forgive me!
Awesome post. Welcome 😁

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I've got the A&E special recorded, but while it was on I actually tuned in to the last ten minutes. What I saw was a Ramsey produced package of lies, and it just made me sick and angry. For anybody that sat through the whole thing, is there anything of value in there? Quite frankly, I just feel like punching John Ramsey right it the face every time I see him speak these days.

Could not have said it better. I just want to punch him. And PR too. Ugh she is just repulsive to me. Sorry if I crossed a line but my reaction to seeing those old interviews (and the newer ones) was just visceral.


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I also heard Burke say his mother was yelling "all night" but that is not what is in transcript .. Anybody else?
O/T..........advertising BR for Dr Phil show.............he is 30?
something looks Odd to me about him, can't pin point it..
Sorry for bothering y'all, but is Friday's NBC (Dateline?) the next show on the schedule?

I know some wonderful WSer made an awesome calendar of all the upcoming shows, but I can't find it now.

I do know the A&E show is being replayed Saturday night for anyone who missed it. For those who are RDI, I recommend antacids and possibly alcohol if you do imbibe.

TIA. [emoji846]

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Where are you guys re-watching the A&E special? Did you record it yourselves?

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