Chat Tonight During the A&E Special

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Thanks for the welcome and the confirmation that I'm not "losing it" otg!!! I apologize that I missed your earlier post -- but like you say, it confirms that 2 of us independently heard the same thing in that interview. I'm so skeptical of the media at this point that I'm wondering if A&E intentionally misrepresented the transcription to make what BR said seem more sympathetic?
Did anyone notice on the A&E show how John says Patsy handed him the ransom note? That's contrary to what they said earlier about Patsy left it lying on the floor and John was down on his knees in his underwear reading the note.
It's hard not to have bad feelings towards her though, isn't it. You can't help how you feel.

I know. But I don't deny or doubt that she loved Jonbenet and would have given anything for this not to happen. Even good people make mistakes.
I have no ill feelings whatsoever for any of the Ramseys. I do not think they are horrible people. JR and PR were exceptional people. Exceptional in every way and in every thing they did. He was a Naval officer and she was a beauty queen. They were extremely successful people.

IF, BR struck the head wound, he was under the age of legal responsibility and to expose him would have done nothing but to add misery to an already horrible situation as he would be labeled a murderer. The only damage control was to remain silent as to BR while taking all the arrows for him. Quite noble actually. What else would you have done? Would you tell police that your 9 year old killed his sister with a flashlight/golf club/whatever and have him labeled a murderer for life or stay silent and take the arrows?

If PR did this alone, I do not think JR would abandon her to die of cancer in prison. Nor would he implicate himself as an accomplice after the fact.

If JR did this alone, PR would never give him up. Ever. He was her rock. Losing him would not bring JBR back, their reputations would be shattered, the business gone.

For better or for worse. They sure had the worst one could imagine and yet, they stayed together until her death.

I completely understand everything they did and did not do. To a point.

I do not understand how JR, with his military background and his billion dollar business in the high-tech industry, had a house full of expensive things where his family lived but the alarm wasn't used. Super tech guy has no alarm? This makes no sense, even after his explanation.

I do not understand why you had to dial "1" to reach an outside line at the house. In my very limited experience I have never seen that set-up in a home.
I followed this case previously, butt then got wrapped up in life and other distractions over the years. I did watch the A&E special, but based on the opinions in the chat I knew there was more to the story.

THANKS to everyone recommending the Kolar book...I stayed up until 3am last night reading and it filled in sooo many blanks for me.
LaborDayRN;[URL="tel:12787061" said:
12787061[/URL]]I have a question that all of you "In the know" on JBR's case might be able to answer. What stake does A&E have in the case that makes them want to discredit the CBS special? I know there is probably an obvious answer that I'm not aware of. TIA!!
I agree with SuperDave, it's not so much about A&E as it is the producer. The show was produced by Michael Tracey's partner David Mills, and if those names don't ring a bell, here's an article about their most controversial doc:
Half the footage from the new doc is recycled material from their previous documentaries and as usual with them it's packed with filler, misinformation, and spin that never addresses any of the evidence against the Ramseys. Frankly, it's pretty weak. I know a lot of laypeople are buying the IDI line now, but wait until that CBS doc comes out and rebutts it point by point. I see it as​
a) Mills wanting to get the Ramseys' side out first. John Ramsey was also involved in this. He gave new interviews, released part of his diary, and gave up family photos. So at least one person involved in the making of the doc has a vested interest in discrediting the CBS doc. And most of the other ones interviewed or producing have made a career out of appearing in the media as IDI experts. Their reputations are on the line too.​
b) a cynical cash grab by A&E because they know it's crap with a short shelf life. Might as well get the publicity while the publicity's good. I don't think they have any particular stake in discrediting the CBS show, they just want their money.​
Did anyone notice on the A&E show how John says Patsy handed him the ransom note? That's contrary to what they said earlier about Patsy left it lying on the floor and John was down on his knees in his underwear reading the note.
Hello, I'm a long time lurker and new poster. I did notice John saying patsy handed him the note. So different from earlier story. Also, I was watching a trailer for new show about this case and in it John says he has only seen patsy cry two times in her life. The first was when she was diagnosed with cancer and the second was when she realized she was about to die from cancer. REALLY? She didn't cry when her child was found murdered? Has anyone else seen that?
Hey, guys! Has Ol' SD got a treat for you! I cannot take credit for this; a poster on another forum has dug up some interesting stuff on Leon Kelly, the El Paso pathologist who made the claim that JonBenet had not been sexually molested prior to the tragedy. Now, we all know that Dr. Kelly didn't actually work this case or have access to it, so that's one thing. But it would seem that he can't even do his OWN work properly!

To sum up: in 2010, Terry Griswold died, and Dr. Kelly performed the autopsy. he determined that Griswold had passed on from an enlarged heart. Well, Griswold's mother got her son's medical records and found out that it was from obstructive uropathy, not his heart. Six months later, Dr. Kelly was forced to amend his report. The case is still active.

And that's the Reader's Digest version of it and the fallout that followed!

All in all, combine this with what we know about "Dr." Eikelenboom, and it's just like I said: no one with any ethics was involved in it.

Sing along with me now:

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone, another one gone, another one bites the dust!
Hello, I'm a long time lurker and new poster. I did notice John saying patsy handed him the note. So different from earlier story. Also, I was watching a trailer for new show about this case and in it John says he has only seen patsy cry two times in her life. The first was when she was diagnosed with cancer and the second was when she realized she was about to die from cancer. REALLY? She didn't cry when her child was found murdered? Has anyone else seen that?

Didn't see it yet but if you are correct it smells like a little attempt to throw her under the bus.
Felt the same when I saw that they picked for the other IDI show the clip with BR saying mom went psycho and he was scared.

I know very little about this case so bear with me. I am currently watching the A&E special. I keep seeing comments about how this is not a good special. Can someone tell this newbie why? Thanks. Sorry if that is a dumb question.

Also, what/who is BDI? RDI?

There is just no way I could ever get up to speed on basically 20 years worth of info. So overwhelming. I am hoping some of these new t.v. shows with help me. When I read threads here they are so confusing. Like jumping into a movie that started an hour ago.

As a virtual "outsider" thing has struck me to far in the special (I haven't finished it yet.) Burke was asked something about what he remembers from the morning before. The fun stuff or something (can't recall the exact question.) And the first thing he thinks to mention is JonBenet falling on her bike? What a strange thing to say. I remember being that age. I am pretty sure I would have talked about presents or something I had received.
I know very little about this case so bear with me. I am currently watching the A&E special. I keep seeing comments about how this is not a good special. Can someone tell this newbie why? Thanks. Sorry if that is a dumb question.

Also, what/who is BDI? RDI?


I will answer your first question, from my perspective, but it's going to take me awhile to compile all of my thoughts. I'm sure (hope) others will chime in too. To get you started though...

BDI = Burke did it
RDI = Ramseys did it
and I'm sure you'll see IDI around, and that = intruder did it.

These are basically shorthand for peoples' theories about who murdered JonBenet. HTH :)
Did anyone notice on the A&E show how John says Patsy handed him the ransom note? That's contrary to what they said earlier about Patsy left it lying on the floor and John was down on his knees in his underwear reading the note.

Sorry to quote myself but I should have been clearer. Patsy originally said when she realized what the note was, she left it where it was on the floor and ran yelling and screaming upstairs calling for John and checking JonBenet's room and John then went downstairs and read the note on the floor in his underwear.

However, John now says Patsy ran upstairs and handed him the note. That is a big discrepancy.
I know very little about this case so bear with me. I am currently watching the A&E special. I keep seeing comments about how this is not a good special. Can someone tell this newbie why? Thanks. Sorry if that is a dumb question.

I'll try, AmyPond. I guess the big thing is that they dug up average to sub-average "experts" to push their agenda and challenge the findings of the police and the REAL experts who actually worked this case.
I'll try, AmyPond. I guess the big thing is that they dug up average to sub-average "experts" to push their agenda and challenge the findings of the police and the REAL experts who actually worked this case.

Ah. Thanks. So are the REAL experts the ones that will be on the CBS specials?
Sorry if this is a repeat but, Johns comment on people bothering them and coming to his door from "CBS Entertainment" ...unlike A&E which is an educational channel like PBS?!
I am finally watching more of the A&E special. Just saw the part about the train tracks. Is that guy for real?! Looks like a perfect match! What the heck?!
I am finally watching more of the A&E special. Just saw the part about the train tracks. Is that guy for real?! Looks like a perfect match! What the heck?!

The train tracks make sense to me. It seems to me that if you held the train track at angle and jabbed with one end more than another you would make an asymmetric mark like the upper one.

otg said:
That afternoon at about 4:30, the Ramseys, with JonBenét and Burke, arrived at the Whites’ house. They would join the Whites, the Coxes, and Allison Shoeny, Priscilla’s sister, and her boyfriend, Cliff Gaston, for Christmas dinner.

Would that be Priscilla White? It's been a while since I've read up on this. The reason I ask - and I don't know if Tricia is going to have a thread for this - but have the Whites said ANYTHING lately???

SuperDave said:
snipped by me...
I wrote my own book JUST because of reasons like this! And that was the intent, CorallaroC: to cast doubt on Kolar and RDI in general

Mind if I ask the name of your book?? :read: I'd liked to read it! Oh - never mind - I see you posted a link! Do we get "Websleuths" discounts???? :D

rojamom and tndigger

:welcome6: to the Forum!!


I will answer your first question, from my perspective, but it's going to take me awhile to compile all of my thoughts. I'm sure (hope) others will chime in too. To get you started though...

BDI = Burke did it
RDI = Ramseys did it
and I'm sure you'll see IDI around, and that = intruder did it.

These are basically shorthand for peoples' theories about who murdered JonBenet. HTH :)

I'm sorry, I too know little about this case overall aside from random tif bits I have encountered on the podcasting networks I sub to but I would like to ask if anyone believes the man whom is the only person to have actually admitted to murdering JBR and if not so then why?? The man had key information and sighted a whole bunch of unknown knows (didn't he?).

Does anyone remember this guy? He was a man living in Tailand I think? The LE basically freaked out and scooped him up as soon as he wrote of the admission and I believe early reports (reports aren't evidence) stated that officials were interested in him because his handwriting was a total match to the original random letter?

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there and I apologize if this was already mentioned, I'm sure it was but figured I'd ask. It seems weird that the officials involved took this guy so seriously.

I believe he was a known or convicted sexual predator and had a history of living in or around the Boulder CO Area??

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