Chat Tonight During the A&E Special

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm sorry, I too know little about this case overall aside from random tif bits I have encountered on the podcasting networks I sub to but I would like to ask if anyone believes the man whom is the only person to have actually admitted to murdering JBR and if not so then why?? The man had key information and sighted a whole bunch of unknown knows (didn't he?).

Does anyone remember this guy? He was a man living in Tailand I think? The LE basically freaked out and scooped him up as soon as he wrote of the admission and I believe early reports (reports aren't evidence) stated that officials were interested in him because his handwriting was a total match to the original random letter?

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there and I apologize if this was already mentioned, I'm sure it was but figured I'd ask. It seems weird that the officials involved took this guy so seriously.

I believe he was a known or convicted sexual predator and had a history of living in or around the Boulder CO Area??

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You can read through this, it is the arrest warrant that resulted in Karr being returned to the USA. (It contains excerpts from some of the emails to Michael Tracey.)
(Warning, the following is a graphic document.)

He was brought back solely in an effort by Mary Lacy to pin the death of JBR on anyone with a pulse that wasn’t a Ramsey.
It was a completely baseless arrest. Nothing he said with respect to case facts was unique or new, it was all from information that was openly available in the public domain. Interspersed with that were the sick fantasies of a twisted pedophile mind. Despite the fact that Karr mentioned things that were completely untrue with respect to the crime, his “confession” was deemed by Lacy to have merit.
Consider the following example:

“Karr added he placed underwear or "knickers" onto JonBenet that he brought with him. The underwear brought by Karr was several sizes too large for JonBenet.”
This is simply a blatant lie. There is no doubt, whatsoever, that the panties that JBR was found in were panties that were purchased by Patsy Ramsey and not brought into the home by an outside party.

Q. (By Mr. Levin) Well, let's start with what - I will make it very simple for you, Mrs. Ramsey. What information are you in possession of or what do you know about the underwear that your daughter was wearing at the time she was found murdered?
A. I have heard that she had on a pair of Bloomi's that said Wednesday on them.
Q. The underwear that she was wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you know where they come from as far as what store?
A. Bloomingdale’s in New York.
Q. Who purchased those?
A. I did.
Q. Do you recall when you purchased them?
A. It was, I think, November of '96.
Q. (By Mr. Morrissey) And you understand the reason we are asking this, we want to make sure that this intruder did not bring these panties with him, this was something –
A. Right.

Q. - that was in the house.
A. Yes.
Q. And we are clear that, as far as you know, that is something that was in this house?
A. Yes.
Q. -- that belonged to your daughter, these panties?
A. Correct.

Patsy Ramsey interview August 28, 2000

Moreover, it could not be shown that Karr was in Boulder, and ultimately DNA testing eliminated him.

While I don’t believe the DNA in the JonBenet case is relevant, the Karr situation is profoundly different, and DNA evidence can be used to exclude Karr and expose him as a liar.
Not that I usually ever agree with what Lacy has to say, but she makes a valid point here:
Mary Lacy: So when you say “was it the DNA, the lynchpin? It was based on his story. The DNA could be an artifact. It isn’t necessarily the killer’s. In all…there’s a probability that it’s the killer’s, but it could be something else. But the way he (Karr) told the story, it had to be his and it’s not. So once that came back as not a match, he is not the killer.
Mary Lacy Press Conference Regarding John Mark Karr - 8/29/06

This is the way he told the story: (My apologies to everyone for giving this pervert any degree of attention.)
He kissed the child's body and massaged her feet. DAXIS performed oral sex on JonBenet Ramsey.
Arrest affidavit – 8/15/06
Saliva left as a consequence of his alleged sex act would have left his DNA profile behind. What Karr failed to realize by being so fixated on his sick fantasies is that this little detail painted him into a corner. There is simply no way that Karr’s DNA profile would not have been found if he did what he claimed. Not only were the bloodstains from JonBenet’s panties tested, multiple swabs were taken from the pelvic region of JonBenet. Where is Karr’s DNA? It’s not there because he was not there. Being there in imagination only doesn’t count.
Ah. Thanks. So are the REAL experts the ones that will be on the CBS specials?

Some of them, anyway. Henry Lee and Werner Spitz were involved in this case from the beginning, just to name two.
I am finally watching more of the A&E special. Just saw the part about the train tracks. Is that guy for real?! Looks like a perfect match! What the heck?!

Yeah, I could see it right in front of me!
The train tracks make sense to me. It seems to me that if you held the train track at angle and jabbed with one end more than another you would make an asymmetric mark like the upper one.

Yes! And the prong might have moved against her. Human skin tends to flex.

Would that be Priscilla White? It's been a while since I've read up on this. The reason I ask - and I don't know if Tricia is going to have a thread for this - but have the Whites said ANYTHING lately???

Mind if I ask the name of your book?? :read: I'd liked to read it! Oh - never mind - I see you posted a link! Do we get "Websleuths" discounts???? :D

rojamom and tndigger

:welcome6: to the Forum!!


Put it this way: it's cheaper for you guys to buy it from than it is for me to order copies from the publisher!
I'm sorry, I too know little about this case overall aside from random tif bits I have encountered on the podcasting networks I sub to but I would like to ask if anyone believes the man whom is the only person to have actually admitted to murdering JBR and if not so then why?? The man had key information and sighted a whole bunch of unknown knows (didn't he?).

Does anyone remember this guy? He was a man living in Tailand I think? The LE basically freaked out and scooped him up as soon as he wrote of the admission and I believe early reports (reports aren't evidence) stated that officials were interested in him because his handwriting was a total match to the original ransom letter?

Hey, nice to see a fellow VT'er around here! You're referring to John Mark Karr, and almost no one believes he did it. It turned out that he did not have any key information. He changed his story to fit information he was being fed and made up the rest. We remember him. We try not to. He was living in Thailand and no, his handwriting was no where near a match to the ransom letter. A couple of publicity-seeking "experts" claimed that, but nothing came of it. No, the only reason DA Lacy was interested in him was because she thought she could get a quick conviction and become a hero.

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there and I apologize if this was already mentioned, I'm sure it was but figured I'd ask. It seems weird that the officials involved took this guy so seriously.

That's because the officials were weird!

I believe he was a known or convicted sexual predator and had a history of living in or around the Boulder CO Area??

As far as I know, he was never anywhere near Colorado.
I have an older brother,4 years , and I vividly remember his WORST TORTURE was when he was 9 and I 5.I had my stomach pumped, stitches ,near death CHOKINGS, and he had a train room in which I was stuck with the ends of tracks .Luckily I lived through it.
I have an older brother,4 years , and I vividly remember his WORST TORTURE was when he was 9 and I 5.I had my stomach pumped, stitches ,near death CHOKINGS, and he had a train room in which I was stuck with the ends of tracks .Luckily I lived through it.

That's horrible, noel leon. My heart goes out to you. I have to ask: what did the marks look like, or do you remember?
Hugs to you Noel Leon- thanks for sharing something so intimate. I have always believed a 9 year old could be capable of this murder. I hope you have healed from your brothers horrific torture, I am so sorry.
Hugs to you Noel Leon- thanks for sharing something so intimate. I have always believed a 9 year old could be capable of this murder. I hope you have healed from your brothers horrific torture, I am so sorry.

I still wanted to play with him .....I NEVER told on him. The toadstools he fed me , I ate willingly. I was also his tester of all dangerous things he thought up lol.I remember having two welts from the end of the train tracks. I attribute a lot of what happened to me to having a basement , where we were unattended.
Hey, nice to see a fellow VT'er around here! You're referring to John Mark Karr, and almost no one believes he did it. It turned out that he did not have any key information. He changed his story to fit information he was being fed and made up the rest. We remember him. We try not to. He was living in Thailand and no, his handwriting was no where near a match to the ransom letter. A couple of publicity-seeking "experts" claimed that, but nothing came of it. No, the only reason DA Lacy was interested in him was because she thought she could get a quick conviction and become a hero.

That's because the officials were weird!

As far as I know, he was never anywhere near Colorado.

Thanks for the info, I had no idea and just wondered. I had heard this announced on the news but then never heard anything else about the incident. Thanks again for the extra follow up on my question!

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Thanks for the follow up!!

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Thanks for the info, I had no idea and just wondered. I had heard this announced on the news but then never heard anything else about the incident. Thanks again for the extra follow up on my question!

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No prob, Bob.
I still wanted to play with him .....I NEVER told on him. The toadstools he fed me , I ate willingly. I was also his tester of all dangerous things he thought up lol.I remember having two welts from the end of the train tracks. I attribute a lot of what happened to me to having a basement , where we were unattended.

"noel leon" I am so deeply sorry that you suffered such terrible abuse. It was probably far worse than can be described in a few words. You are very brave to speak about it. Hugs to you, from a fellow survivor and that is what we ARE - survivors! Little JonBenet did not survive, our compassion brings us here.

Trying to Make JonBenet Ramsey Must-See TV, Again
The New YorkTimes
SEPT. 11, 2016

Monday brings Investigation Discovery’s “JonBenet: An American Murder Mystery,” a three-night re-examination of the case that may turn out to be the most dignified of the lot. True crime is what Investigation Discovery does. Sure, its “JonBenet” is tabloidish — among the talking heads who take us through the case is Dylan Howard, editor in chief of The National Enquirer — but it’s straightforward and generally keeps the luridness in check (except for an ill-advised interview with the creepy John Mark Karr, who confessed to the crime in 2006 only to be ruled out as a mere attention-seeker).
found the courage to watch the thing....

well, no matter how much I dislike JR, I have to admit he is showing a lot of emotion this time and it seems pretty real to me.(end of doc.last two comments IIRC)
Damage control, just as we suspected. BTW, did anyone see the photo of the marks and the train tracks? If that wasn't a match, I'll eat this computer!

The marks on her back and the connectors on the train track appeared to be the same size, however, she was claimed to have been poked with the train track. I would think that such an act would leave pressure marks rather than abrasions.
They didn't give the real reason why, though: namely the BPD was afraid the DA would leak it.

As Jim Kolar said, no one's ever been forthcoming about the number of markers in it.

I wrote my own book JUST because of reasons like this! And that was the intent, CorallaroC: to cast doubt on Kolar and RDI in general

It seems to me that as everyday goes by RDI's are taking a lot of L's based on every single one of these shows. I mean can we really blame Hunter for not taking this case to court anymore. I can't get over the ransom note for sure but some of the nonsense posted as truths on the website goes beyond just being wrong.
After watching the A&E documentary, I found the interviews with BR to be extremely interesting, as others have commented as well.

But there was one thing that really stood out for me -- I hear something very different from the A&E transcribes it and I'm wondering if others do as well?

At 22 minutes into the documentary, they are discussing how Burke first found out that JonBenet was missing on the morning of Dec. 26.


Voice-over: "He was later asked how he discovered what was happening"

BR: "My dad coming in and seeing I was awake...I was playing with my micro machine...and telling me that JonBenet was missing."

Interviewer: "What were some of your worries and concerns?"

[This is how A&E transcription at the bottom quotes BR's response to this question]:

BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and I was worried they wouldn't find her."

**BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I HEAR** This is what I hear:

BR: "I worried about how JonBenet was...and uh...I worried IF THEY WOULD FIND HER." [Emphasis added is mine]

That's a big difference and a MAJOR discrepancy IMO! Depending on how you interpret it, this could suggest guilty knowledge (e.g., he worried "IF they would find her because he knew what condition she was in the last time he saw her.)

I watched this repeatedly -- are my ears playing tricks on me? Does anyone else hear it this way?

"I worried if they would find her" doesn't make any sense.
The marks on her back and the connectors on the train track appeared to be the same size, however, she was claimed to have been poked with the train track. I would think that such an act would leave pressure marks rather than abrasions.

But they probably rubbed against her skin as it was happening. That would scratch.

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