Chat Tonight During the A&E Special

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Well i dont know about any of you but i didn't really hear anything at all new..the only this i did see was burke being interviewed and at that age i dont care what anyone says the fact that he was so young and allowed to be interviewed alone and he still didnt give up any info that this happend and that happend seems to me he would have said something when a person has him alone and that happend twice .For me that canceled burke out in anyway shape or form...

You are the R's target audience, and have reached the correct conclusion, as Burke has a life to live!

Darn! I missed this! Is it going to re-played?
Alyson Schoeny was the mother of both Priscilla Schoeny White and her sister Heather Schoeny Cox. All were present at the White house during that time.
Slightly OT but I've read numerous psychology articles whereby it is common for a man with Narcissistic Personality Disorder to marry or form long term relationships with females with Borderline Personality Disorder.

Moth to the flame.....

JR getting older..............anyone ever think here will be a death bed confession to what really happened? or write a secret book to be released after his death? JMOO
What did you guys make of the assertion by the stun gun expert that the larger mark on her face was due the clip not catching enough of her skin (too much bone)? I personally don't buy the stun gun theory at all, but have always found the marks on her face strange and not consistent with train track markings (unlike the ones on her back).
JR getting older..............anyone ever think here will be a death bed confession to what really happened? or write a secret book to be released after his death? JMOO

I don't think so, it would ruin Burke's life.
What did you guys make of the assertion by the stun gun expert that the larger mark on her face was due the clip not catching enough of her skin (too much bone)? I personally don't buy the stun gun theory at all, but have always found the marks on her face strange and not consistent with train track markings (unlike the ones on her back).

Yes, those marks are very strange, they (sort of) give the impression of a cigar being put out on her face..
US mag

JonBenet Ramsey's Dad, Brother Speak: 7 Revelations From A&E's 'The Truth Uncovered' Special'
September 6, 2016

"2. Unaired Interview Footage of Burke Ramsey, JonBenét’s Brother
The special featured interview footage never previously made public of a 9-year-old Burke Ramsey, JonBenét’s brother, shortly after the crime was committed. The young boy could hardly sit still in his chair as the investigator asked him simple questions about his younger sister’s murder. When asked why he never left his bedroom while JonBenét was missing, a timid young Burke responded chillingly, “Because I was just so scared.”

Burke — once thought of as a potential suspect by author James Kollar, a former investigator on the case — was exonerated by DNA evidence in 1999. Of the accusations against his son, John Ramsey told the camera, “The accusation that Burke is some violent 90-pound, 9-year-old-child … is laughable. I’m sorry — I can’t think of a better word. It’s absurd.”

When JR said that, it was the one time I did believe his words, it was believable to me. But that's the only time.
Ya the walking stick a is good thing, with a good sharp point.
I have a question that all of you "In the know" on JBR's case might be able to answer. What stake does A&E have in the case that makes them want to discredit the CBS special? I know there is probably an obvious answer that I'm not aware of. TIA!!

I don't know if it's A&E so much as they were just the ones to pick up this story. But David Mills, the producer, is a longtime Ramsey advocate, so his motive is clear.
I know, right?! That was what struck me the most. Especially with all of the strange people (LE) in the house and at first not knowing if the perp was still in the house. I also never saw tears. Maybe they're both very good at compartmentalizing but losing a child is not something I could discuss in an objective way a majority of the time. And they haven't questioned why JB and not Burke. Odd, but that's JMO.
Also why did Patsy still have on the clothes from the previous night as mentioned in the documentary? If they were leaving early that morning, I would think she would have showered and dressed before venturing out of her room to putz around with laundry. Maybe not had her hair fixed or make up on because she probably wanted to get the kids going, but the clothes I wore the previous night would already be in the laundry. I may have even had a robe on, but not the clothes from the night before.
Just a few thoughts. You can tell I'm a novice here LOL.

No, you've made a good point or two. Given what people who knew Patsy have said about her, those are the things you WOULD have expected.
JR getting older..............anyone ever think here will be a death bed confession to what really happened? or write a secret book to be released after his death? JMOO

I don't know about that, passionflower, but I have no doubt that SOMETHING will come out after he dies.
What did you guys make of the assertion by the stun gun expert that the larger mark on her face was due the clip not catching enough of her skin (too much bone)? I personally don't buy the stun gun theory at all, but have always found the marks on her face strange and not consistent with train track markings (unlike the ones on her back).

Still doesn't work, AndHence. These were abrasions, not electrical burns.
SD, are taser marks raised burns?
irregularly shaped?
SD, are taser marks raised burns?
irregularly shaped?

The ones I had sure were!

But, see for yourself:

Look at the pig marks: red and raised, not flat and brownish like JB's. And those pigs were under anesthesia, so they wouldn't move around much. But then look at the Gerald Boggs marks. The blackish ones we saw on the A&E show, but that was after he'd been exhumed. Look at the ones taken when his body was fresh next to it: red with white centers and irregular.
The only thing new and interesting part to me was the interview with Burke.Imagine being a little boy and your mother rushes into your room acting by his own words "psycho" if like he said she never acted like this before wouldn't you expect him to try to find out why his mom is acting like that ? But he claims he stayed in his room too scared to come out so the only thing he could have been scared of was his own mother! That combined with the enhanced 911 audio makes me believe he was threatened to stay in his room.Now imagine being the parents of a child that you believe has been kidnapped by a "foreign faction " wouldn't you go crazy worrying about your other child as well ? Instead they isolated him in his room until they shipped him off to a friends house.I also found it interesting that the one thing Burke mentioned that stood out to him about Christmas day was JonBenet sitting on and falling off the bike ? yet in his interview John claims he regrets that JonBenet never got to ride the bike as she wanted to........
All the new stuff re BR that morning...he was standing in their way.They were running out of time.And the fact that he was scared and confused and they didnt bother to comfort him proves clearly that there was no intruder.They were busy doing something else and it wasnt wondering who did this.

All this kinda points away from BDI IMO
and maybe its like PR said....there is the killer and one person who the killer confided in (and probably this person became also an accomplice in the cover up)
in this case all there is to find out is who was the killer and who was the accomplice.and my opinion is that it was JR with PR being fooled into writing the stupid note, thing she did regret later IMO judging by her tv appearances (exhausted, on medication,tired)
I truly believe there were moments when she hoped she will get caught with the lie, its just an impression I have when I read or watch her police interviews...not the public appearances when she is clearly forced to act...

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